� ��15�1151
<br /> Ariy applicat�on of pay�e�:ts, i�i5urariee�Jrfl��e�.5, or Misce�.ianeous Pro�eeds to prar�cipa�c�ue under the Note
<br /> sha1l not e��erxd�r�ostpQ�e t�e due date, �r��ia�ge�e a�.fluxit, of the P�r�od.�c Payments.
<br /> 3. Fund.s f���scr�w It��s. I3fl�rawer sha1�pay to Le�.der on the day Per�odi.c Pa�me�ts a�-�due u��.er�he
<br /> Nate, until the Note�s pazd in full, a sum�the"�l1�dSr��to provide for payment�f am�u�ts due for: �a��axes
<br /> an.d assessmex�ts and other�tems which caxl attain.priorzty aver this Security Ins�rument as a�.zex�or
<br /> encumbrance on the Property; �b�Ieaseho�d payments or�round rents on�he Property, �f an.y; (c�premiu:ms
<br /> for any ax�d aII irisuranc�required by Lender under Sect�an S; and�d�Mor�gage I�surance premiums, if a�a.y,
<br /> or any sums payable by Bar�awer t�Lender in lieu flf the payment of Mort�age Ins�ran.ce pr�miums i:n
<br /> accardance�r�.th�.he prov�.szons of Sectio� 1�. Th�se�tera�s are called"Escrov�Items." At origina�io�Qr at
<br /> a�.y�i�e�uri�.g�he term of�he Loan, Lender may rec�ui�e t�at C�mn�unity Assoc�at���:Dues, F ees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be escrowed by]B�rrower, a�d sueh dues, fees�c�assessme�.t�shall:be an�scrov�r
<br /> Item. �3arrav►rer sha1��ramptl.y furni�h to Lende�-a�l not�ces of a���ts���e pa�c�under t�us Sectxo�.
<br /> I�arrower s�x��p�.y L,e�d,er th�Funds f�r Escr��r I�e�s�.nless Lender wa��r�s F�rrower�s o��iga��or��o p�:y
<br /> the Furids for any or a�.�.Lscraw Ite�ns. L�nder ma.y�vaive]Borrower's�b�.igat���a$a�ay��Lender�unds fo�
<br /> any or a��Escr�ur Items at any�ime. Any such wai�rer may o�1y�e�n writi�.g. I��he event�f such tiva�ver,
<br /> Borrower sha1�pa:y direct�y, v�rhen and�xrhere payab�e, the anzouxa.ts due for any Escrovr Items for yvh�ch
<br /> paymen�of Funds has been yvax.ved by Lender axa�d., if Lender requ�res, sha11 fu.rnish to Lender receipts
<br /> evi.dencing such payment wi�such�rie peri�d as Lender�nay r�qu�re. Borr�wer's obligation to ma�e
<br /> such pay�nents and�o provide r�c�ipts sha.11 for a�.I purposes�e de�med�o be a covenan�and agreement
<br /> contai-�ed�.n t�is Secur�.ty I�strum�r�t, as the p�rase"��venarit a.n.�.agreementt' �s used va.Sect�o�.�. If
<br /> Bo�rawer is�b�.�gatec��o�ay Escraw Items d�.rect�y, pursuaz�.t to a waiver, and.Borr�wer fails to pay��e
<br /> amou�.t du�f�r ax�.Es�rfl-�xr Itein�, Len.�.er ma�exerc�se�ts r�ghts und.ex Sec�.o�9 �n�.�pay such a�.oun�and.
<br /> �3�rrowe�s�a1��e�be���iga�e�under Secti�n 9 to repay��L,erxd.er a�y su�ch axnour�t. ]Lender xr�ay revoke ,
<br /> t�ie u�a:��rer as�o any�r aI.1.Es�ro-�v Items�t any�im.�b��.�.o�ice given�acco�-�.�.xa:ce v�th Section 15 �.d,
<br /> �.por�su��revocat�.on, Borrotiver sha1��ay ta Lenc��r a1�.F�ds, a.�ac�i�..suc�amaurits, �hat axe�hen requ.i�ed
<br /> under tbis Sec��on 3.
<br /> Ler�der may, at any time, co��ect and hol.c�Funds i�an amaunt�a� suff�cz�nt ta perrrut Lender to ap�ly the
<br /> ]�unds at the time�peczf e�under RESPA, and�b}not to exceed the maximtun axno�nt a�ender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Le�de�sha1�.est�mate the amou�t of Funds due on the basis of�urrent data and reasonable
<br /> estiamates�f expendi:tur�s of future Escrow Iter�s ar ot�erwise�accorc�.�.ce�rz.�.Appl�cab�e La�v.
<br /> T'he Fiu�d�shal�be h��.d�n a�inst�tutio�.whose deposits are insured.by a federal agency, �.ns�um.entali�y, o�-
<br /> entzty(inGluc�.�g Lende�, �Ler�d.�r is a�.i-nst�tut�or�v�h�se�.epa�its are s��nsurec�}o�i�.any��d.eral IIox�ae
<br /> L�ari Bax�k. Le�der shall app�y�he Funds tv pay the Escr�w Item.s no�at�r than�he�me s�pec�fied unc�e�
<br /> RESPA. Len�.er sha11.�.ot charge Borrower for hol.c�.ing an.d app�ying�e Funds, ar�nua�l.y arialy�i:ng the
<br /> es�raur account, flr verify�:ng the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower i�terest on�he F'unds a:nd
<br /> Applicab�.e Lav�r pennits Lender to mak�such a charge. Uxaless an agreement is made�ri wri��ng or
<br /> A�p��cab�e Law requir�s interes�ta be paid on f.he Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrourer axxy
<br /> �nterest or earn��g;s o��.he Fur�.ds. B�rrower and Lender ca�a�-ee�n�ri�ing, hovrever, �hat interes�shall be
<br /> pa�d on the Funds. Lender shall g�ve to Borrower, without cha�ge, an annua�accountz�g af the Funds a,�
<br /> requ�red by RESPA.
<br /> If there�s�:surplus nf Fun�.s h�Id.�escr��r, as def ned�t�d.er�ESPAg Lender sha1�accoun�t�B�rrow�r for
<br /> �e ex�ess fi�nds i�ac�o�d.�ce��h R�Sl'.A�.. I��h:ex�is a s�.�rtag��f F�ds helc��.x�escr�w, as c�e�ied�der
<br /> RESPA�, I�ender sha1�.�otify�oz-�a�er as require��b�RE�PA, ar�c�]Bor�o�re�r�h�l���.�r t��ender t�:e�o�t
<br /> necessary to ma�e��the shartage�n acco��ance�th RES7PA, �bu��r��a more�har�. 12 r�onth�y paynnents. If
<br /> there�s a de�ciency of Funds he�d in escrow, as defined�.nder I�ESPA, Lexid�r sha1l.not�fy�3�rrow�r as
<br /> �4�47�38
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ing[e Fami[y-Fannie NfaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM INSTRLIMFNT �arm 3�28�1��
<br /> VM P(� VM P6{NE}��3�2}
<br /> VLlolters Kluw er Finar�cia[Ser�ices Page 5 af�7
<br />