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��15�1151 <br /> �B} The �nde� <br /> Beginning w��h �he firs� �hange �]a��, rny �nteres� ra�e vv i�l be bas�d on �n [nde�. The <br /> "�ndex" is fhe w eekly a�rer�g� yi�1d on United S�a�es Tre�sury securities ad�us�ed to a <br /> cons'�an� matu���y af one year, as made a�aiIable by �he Federal Reserve Board. The m�st <br /> recen� �ndex f�gure avaiIable as of �he da�e 45 days �efore each Ch�nge Da�e is caIIed the <br /> "�urren� lndex." <br /> If �rhe lndex is no long�r ava�Ia��e, �he No�e H��der w il� choose a new index w hich �s <br /> based up�n c�mparable �nforma��fln. �fhe N�te HaIder w il! giv� m� no�ice �f this choice. <br /> �C} �a��u�at�o� of Changes <br /> B�f�re �ach �hang� Da�e, �he lV��� HoIder �iII �a�cuia�e my nev�r �n�eres� r��� by addina� <br /> T1�D A�D 7��I1��0 � p�r��r��ag� p�ints <br /> � �.75Q °/o} to �he �ur�ent 1�de�. `fhe �Vate H�Ider w��� �h�n r�und th� resui� <br /> of �nis �ddi�ivn �o the neares� a�e-e�gh�h of one �ercen�age poir�t ��.'I2�%}. Sub�ec� to the <br /> 1imi�s stated �n Sec���n 4�D} �e�ow, this raunded amount will �e my n��r interes� ra�e un�il �he <br /> ne�� �hange Date. <br /> The No�� Ho�der �iil �hen determine �he amaun� flf fihe mon�hIy paymen� �hat v�r ould be <br /> suffic�enfi �o repay �he unpaid princ�paI �ha� [ am expec�ed fio ov�e a� �he �hange Da�e in ful� <br /> on �he nna�u�i�y da�e a� �my new �n�eres� rafie �n subsfantia�ly �qua� paymen�s. The resu�� of <br /> �nis ca�cu���io�i w ill b�th� new amaunt nf my �n���hly paymen�. <br /> �D� Lim��s on �a�te��s� Rate �hanges <br /> `fhe �n��resfi ra�� � am required �� p�y �� �he fi�s� �ha�g� �3a�� �rili r�a� be greater ���n <br /> �.�O� �/o �r �ess tha� 4.5�fl °/o. Thereafter, my �n�eres� <br /> ra�e w i�l ne��r b� �ncreased �r d�creased on any ��ngie �hange C7a�e by m�r� �han �v�o <br /> p�rc�n�age poin�s ��.D°l�} from �he rate of int�r�s� � harre been paying for �he preceding 'i Z <br /> months. My���er�s�rate wi�� ne�er b�grea��r�han 9.5 D� °lo ar Iess than 4.5�� °/o. <br /> �E� �ffect��r� Dat� of �hanges <br /> ll�y nevv in�eres� ra�e �rv iil beGome effec�ive on �ach Change Da�e. 1 w iiI pay �he amoun� <br /> of my ne�rv mon�h[y paymen� be�inning an �he f�rst month�y paymen� date af��r �he Change <br /> Da�� un�iI fihe amaunt of my mon�hIy payr�en� changes aga�n. <br /> �F� Notice of Cha�g�s <br /> The No�e Ho�der�nr ill de����r or r�adI �a �� � n�tice �f any �hange� �n r�� �r���r�s� r��e ��d <br /> fih� amou�� of my nnor��hiy pay�en� �efor� �he �ff�c�i�� da�e of ar�y �h�ngee Th� �o�i�e �v��� <br /> �ncIude i�farr�a�i�r� requ�red by law �a be gi�er� �� r�te and a�so the ��f�� and �elephone �umber <br /> of a person �r ho o�v ill ��s�er any ques�ion [ rr�ay haWe regard�ng the n��r��e. <br /> 24�0��38 <br /> M ULTISTATE ADJ USTABLE RATE F�IDER-AF�M 5-2 �ann�e �Ill ae 4-�1�-2��-� ARM <br /> Sing�e FamiIy - Fann�e M aelFr�ddie M ac UNIF�RM [NS�fRUM ENT Farm 3'�'�� 1 I�'� <br /> VMP � V111�P8�2R��844} <br /> 111I�1�ers KIuv�r er F�nancial Se���Ges ini�ials�� ' Page Z �f 4 <br /> . <br />