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� ��15�1151 <br /> 2 3. Re�on��yan��= Upo�.payment of a1�.suxns seeured by�his Security I�s�rument, Lender shall request <br /> �'rustee to�eco�.vey�he Prop exty�nd sha1l surrencier tbis S ecurity I�.sfrument and aI��.otes ev�dencing debt <br /> secured by this Se�ur�.�I-�st�ume�t t�Trustee. T�rustee shal.�.�-ecanvey the P�ope�r vtr��.a.ou�vUarranty t�th� <br /> person or per�o�s Iegally ent�t�ed to it. Such.�erson or�a�rsons sha�.l.�ay any rec�rd�.t�or�costs. Lender may <br /> chaxge such person or p�rso�.s a fee for reconvey�ng�he Praper�:y, but onl�r�f the fee�s pa�d to a th�rd par�y <br /> � as the�`rust��}for services rendered anc��he c�iarging of�he fee zs�ermit�ed under Applicabl.e Law. <br /> �4. Substitut� `�`rustee. Lender, at its�ptzax�, may frorn time to�.me remove Trus�ee and a,ppo�nt a success�� <br /> trustee to axi�Trustee appoz.r�ted hereunder�y a.n in.struxnen�recorded in the county in which#�is 5ecurzty <br /> Instrum�nt i.s recorded. ��thou�conveyance of the Proper�y, the su�cessor�rus�ee s�al.l.succeed ta a1I the <br /> tit�e, p�vrer and duties conferred upon 7�rus�e��d by App�zcable Law. <br /> 2 5. Requ�st f�r N o�aces. �3orr�wer requests copies of�h�not�c�of defau��a��be se�t��Bti�r�wer's <br /> address whi�h i��he P�-opex-ty Addr�ss. <br /> �40fl793$ <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie M aelFreddEe M ac LlNiFQRM INSTRUNi ENT Form�Q28'[I�1 <br /> VNlP Q VMP6{NE}{'[302} <br /> W olters Kluw er Financia[5ervices Page'[5 af�7 <br />