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��15�115� <br /> se�vices and su.b�equen�c�a��es each tirne r��nappi�gs�r sim��ar changes occ���i����asonah��n3ig'ht <br /> affect such det�rmination or�er��ficat�on. Borro�er shall aiso be responsible for the paymen�of an�f�es <br /> i�nposed b��the F�deral���rg�n�c�r Manage�nent Agency i�cannec�i�n�vith th�r�vie�v of an�fload z�n� <br /> d�termination resulting from a�a���orrow�r. <br /> If�orro�vver fails ta maintain any of the co�rerages�escrib�d abc�ve,Lender may obtain�nsu.rance coverage, <br /> at��nder's op��on and�onower's expense. Lender is under no obligat��n to purc�.ase any�a.rticular type or <br /> amount af�o�rerage.Therefare,such coverage shall cover Lend�r,but might or might not pratect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equity in the Pr�perty,or the contents of the Property,agai.nst any r�sk,ha�ard vr liabi�ity and <br /> might provide greataer or��sser co�erage than was previo�s�y�n effect. Borro�ver acknowledges that the cost <br /> of�the in.�urance coverag��o o�tauied migh�signifiGantl�exceed the cast o#'insu�anc�t�at�orr�wer cvuld <br /> have obtained.A.ny amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section S shall become addit�onal debt of <br /> B�rrQw�r secured by this�ec�rity In.strument.Th.ese an�ot��ts sha11 bear�nterest at t�.e l�Tote rat�f���th� <br /> date af disbursement and shall be payab�e,�r�th such interest,upon n�tice from Lender to Borrower <br /> requ�sti�g payme�t. <br /> All insuranc�policies re�uir�d by Lender and r�nevva��of such pol�cie�shall b�subject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove suGh po�icies,sha11 inclu�e a standard m�rtgage clause,and shal�nam�L�nder as mor��agee <br /> and�or as an add�tional�oss pa�ee. Lend�r shall ha�e th�r�ght to hold the po�i�ies and r�newal cert�ficates. <br /> If Lender requires,Borr�vv�r�hati prompt�y give ta Lender a11 receipts of paid premiums and renewa� <br /> notices. If Borrower�btains an�form of�nsurance co�erage,nat other�vis�required by Lender, for <br /> to,or destru.ctivn of,the Praperty, such palicy shal�include a stan�ard mortgage clause and sha��name <br /> �.ender as m�r�g�gee andlor as an add�tioaal�ass payee. <br /> In�he ev�nt of 1oss,Borrower sha��give promp�n�tice to the insurance carrier and Lender,Le�.der may <br /> mak�proof of�oss if not rnade promptly by BorrQwer.iJnless Lender and Borrower�therwis�agree�n <br /> writing,any insurance pro�eeds,wh�ther or n�t the underlying insurance tivas requ�red�y Lender,shall be <br /> applie�.to restoration or repau of the Property, if the res�orat�an or repair is�conomical�y feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not lessened. I3uring such repair and restoratron per�od��ender shall have the right to <br /> ha�d such insurance pr�eeeds until Lender has had an opportunity to�nspect su�h Proper�y to ensure the <br /> worl�has been comp�eted to Lender's satisfaction,proW�d�d that such inspect�on shall b�undertak�n <br /> prampt�y. Lender may disburse proceed�for the repairs aad r�storation in a single payment or in a seri�s of <br /> pragress payments a.s th�work is campleted. tJnless a�agr�ement is made in�ting ar App��cab��Law <br /> requires�nt�rest to be pa�d on s�uch insurance proceeds,Lender sha11 not be requir�d ta pay Borrovver any <br /> interest ar earnings on such pro�eeds. Fees for public adjusters,or other third parties,retained by Borro�ver <br /> shall nat be paid out of the�nsurance proceeds and sha��be the sote obligativn of Borrv�ver. If the restoratifln <br /> or repair is nat economica�I�y feasib�e or Lender's securrty wou�d be lessened,the insurance�roce�ds shall be <br /> app�ied t�the sums secured by this S�curity Instrurnent,whether ar nat then due,wi�h the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrovver. Such insurance proc�eds sha��be a�sp�ied in the arder provided for�n�ect�on 2, <br /> If Borrower abandons the Proper�,Lender may fi�e,negotiate and settl�any a�ai�able insurance claim and <br /> relate�matt�rs.If�orrower da�s not r�spond v�ithin 30 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance <br /> �arr�.�r has offered to settle a claim,then Lender may negotiate and�ettle the claim.The 30-day period�r��� <br /> begin vv�hen the notice is given.In either e��nt,ar if Lender acquires the Prvpeity under Section 2�or <br /> �thervvi��,Barrower hereby assigns ta Lender�a)�orrower's ri.ghts to any insuran�e praceeds in an amount <br /> not to ex�eed the amounts unpaid under the Not�or this Se�urity Instrument,and�b}aay other of <br /> Borro�t�ver's rights(other than the right tv any refund 4f unearned prem�ums paid by�orrawer)under all <br /> in.sura�.ce polic�es cavering th�Proper�ty, insofar as such rights are applicabl�to the coverage of the <br /> Fr�perty.Lender may u�e the insuranc�proceed$�i�her to repair or restore the Property or to pa�amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the N�te or this�ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> NEBRAS�A-Single Family�annie AAa�IFt�tidie Ma�UNIFaRM INSTRUMENT W1TH l�AERS Farm 3028 11�1 <br /> v�nP� v�w�r�El(��2�.0� <br /> Woiters Kluw�er Financiai 5ervices Page 7 af 1? <br /> qU3335972556 OZ33 319 4717 <br />