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��15�115� <br /> LATE �HARGE: A� L�nd�r's option, Sarra�er vv��1 �ay a "la�e char�e" not exc�eding f�ur �er <br /> �entum ��°lo} of �he averdue �aymen� v�nen paid more than ffteen �1�} days af�er the due <br /> ��te there�f �o c��rer the extra expe�se �nvo�ved �� �ar����ng �e���quent ��yr�e�ts, �u�t such <br /> "�ate charge" sha�� nat b� �ayable out c�f the pracee�s of �ny sa�e m��e tfl satisfy the <br /> indebtedness s�cured her�by, uniess such proceeds are suffic�ent t� discharge the entire <br /> indebte���ss and a�� �ro�e�ca��s and�expenses s�cure� h�reby. <br /> �UARANTY: Shouf� the Depar�ment �f Veterans Affairs fai! �r refuse to issue �ts guaranty in <br /> fu#f amQunt within �� days fram the date th�t this loa� �ou�d normally become elig��le for <br /> su�h guaran�y cornmi�te� upon by the Depar�ment of Veterans �4ffairs under �he provisi�ns of <br /> Title �8 Qf the �J.�, Code '"Ve�erans B�nefts," the Mo�gage� may d�c�are the sn��ebte�ness <br /> hereby secured at once due and payable an� rn�� farecl�se immediately or may exerc�se any <br /> vther rEghts hereunder�r take any�ther pr�per action as by law pravided. <br /> TRAlVS�ER�F�HE P�R�PER�'Y:�'h��s 1a�n may �e dec�ared irrir�edi�tefy d�ue �nd� p�yab�e u�on <br /> transfer af the pr��er�y securir�g such loan to ar�y transferee, unle�s the acceptabil�ty nf the <br /> assum�tion af the IQan is establishe� pursuant #o Secti�n 3714 �f �hap#er 3�, Tit�e 38, <br /> Unite� �#at�s C�de. <br /> An authorize� transfer �"a�sum�t�on"} c�f the �rr�perty sha�� a�sa �e ���ject to ������o�a� <br /> covenants an� agreements as set forth bel�w: <br /> �a}ASSUMPT��N�,UiVD1,N�„FE� A fee equa� �o <br /> � �.��°lo}�f t�e balan�e flf this�oar� as of the d�te of transfer vf tne prc��erty <br /> sha�l be �ayable at the t�me of transfer tv th� loan h��der �r its auth�ri�ed agent, as trustee <br /> for �he Qe�artmenf of Vete�ans Affairs. If the �ssumer faiis to ��y this fee at the fim� �f <br /> transfer, the fee sha�l enns#�tute an ad�itiona� debfi tr� tha� aiready secured by this instrurn�nt, <br /> shall b�ar interesf at the rate herein prov�ded, and, at the o�tian of the payee �f t#�e <br /> indebtedrtess hereby �ecured or any �ransferee rtherevf, shal� be �rnme�iate�y due and payabl�. <br /> This fee is au#Qma#icaiiy wa�ved �f �he assumer is exempt under the p�ovision� of 3S U.S.�. <br /> 3T�9 �c}. <br /> �b} AS��J�PTI�_PR�C��1N� CHAR�� U�on ap�li��ti�n f�r appr�val ts� aflow <br /> assurnp#ifln of this �oan, a pr��essing f�e may be charge� b� the loan ho�der or its au�h�ri�ed <br /> agen� fvr det��rr�inin� �h� creditw�rthiness af fhe assumer an� subs�quen��y revising the <br /> ht��der's ovvnershi� records when an appr�ve� tra�nsfer is corn��eted. The ar�ou�t �f this <br /> charge sha�! n�� exc�ed the rnaxirnum est�bl�she� by �he De�artmen� of Veterans Affa'rrs f�r a <br /> �flan to wh�ch 5ection 3714 of�ha��er 37, Title 38, Unite� States C�ie a�pl�es. <br /> ��� AS �IIPTt �I IhiD�ll����`Y L�A��LITY: �f this �b��gat�ari �s a�s�med, ther� the assurr�er <br /> hereby agrees �o assume all �f �he �bligat�ons of fhe veteran under the terms �f the <br /> ins�rurnents cre�tin� and secur�ng th� foan. The as�um�r further agrees #o indernn�fy �he <br /> Be�art��nt �f Vete�ans �4►ffa�rs tfl the e�ctent of any �clairn paymen� ari�ing trom the guaran�y <br /> or�nsurance of the inde�te�ness created by this instrum�nt. <br /> q4333597255� 41�5 324 Q��3 <br /> . . .�'���� <br /> lnr�ials. <br /> VMP�-S38R �Q4�5}.n� Page �of 3 <br />