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��15�115� <br /> If the Loan is sub�e�t to a�a�v w�ich sets�aximu�Ioan�ha.r�es�and th�t 1aw is fi�all�int��pr��ed s�t�.a� <br /> the�nterest or other�oan�harg�s co��ected or�o be c��lected in connection with the Loan exceed the <br /> �e�rmitted limits,the�:�a}ar►y s��h loan charge s'ha��be reduc�d�b�the amount nec�ss�,ry to reduc�the <br /> ch�rge to the perm�tted limit;and�b)any sums alrea�y collected from Borro�v�r which ex�eeded p�rm��ted <br /> �inr�its wil�be refund�t�to Borrv�ver,i.ender may choose t�make this refund b�r�ducing the princ�pal owed <br /> und�r the I�ote o�by making a direct p�ymen.t to Borro�er. If a refund redu�es princ�pal,the reduc�ion�vi�t <br /> be treated as a pa�tial prepayment�rithaut any prepayrnent charge(vvh+ether�r not a prepayment charge is <br /> provided for un�ler the Note). Borrov�er's acceptance vf any such refund made by direct payment ta <br /> Bo�rr��ver�vi11 constitute a waiver of any right af ac��vn Borro��r rni�ht have arising out of such overcharge. <br /> 'I 5. Not�ces.AI�n�tices given b�Borro�er or�ender in��nnection with this�ecur�ty In.�trume�.t mu�t�be in. <br /> writ�ng.Any notice to B�rrower�n c�nnection vvith this Security In.strument shall be deemed ta have been <br /> given to Borrawer�vhen rr�ailed by Fust c1a�s mail or when actually de�i��red to Borrower's not�ce address <br /> if s�nt by ather means.Not�ce to any�ne�orrovver shali canst�tute not�ce to all�arro�vers unless <br /> Applicable Law expressly requi.r�s otherwise.'The notice addr�ss sha11 b�the Pr�perty Address un�ess <br /> Borro�ver has designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borro�wer shall pr�mptly not�fy <br /> Lend�r af Barrov�er's change of address. If Lender speGifies a procedur�for repor�ing Bonower's change <br /> o#'address,then Barro�ver shall onty report a chang�af address throug�.that specified procedure. <br /> There may be on�y ane c�esignated notice address under this S�curity I�strument at any on�tim�,Any notic� <br /> to Lender s�ha�I be given by de�i�ering it or by mailiag it b�fust class ma�l to Lender's address sta��d herein <br /> un�ess Lender has designated a�other address by notice to Borrower.Any notice�a con.nection with this <br /> Seeurity Instrument sha��nat�e deemed ta ha�e been given t�L�nder untii actually rece��ed by L�nder. If <br /> any notiGe requ�red by this Securit�Instrument is also required under App�icable La�,the Applicable Law <br /> requir�ment�►uv��1 sa�isfy the c�rresponding requ�remeat under this�ecurity Ir�strumeat. <br /> 1�. ��►vernin��avv; Se��raail�ty;Ru��es of�onstruct�c�n.This Sec�ur�ty Instrument s�hall�e governed by <br /> f�derallaw and the�aw of the jurisdicti�n in�vhich the Property�s��eate�.A1�righ�s and�blig�.tions <br /> conta�ned in t��s�ecurity Instrum�nt are su�aj ect ta any requirements and l�mi�atians of Appli�ab�e La�v. <br /> App�icable Law might exp�icitl�or imp�ici��y al�v�v the par��es ta agree by cantract ar it might be si�ent,but <br /> �uch sil�nce shall not be construed as a prohibitian against agreement by c�n�ract. In the event that any <br /> provisi�n or c�aus�of thi�S�curity Instru.ment or the I�ote conflicts�ith App�icable Law, such conflict shal� <br /> not affect other provisions af this SeGurity Instrume�t or the Not�which can be g��ven effect�t�r��hout the <br /> conflicting pravision. <br /> As used in this Security Instrument: (a)words of the masculine gen�er sha�l�nean.and include corr�sp�nd�ng <br /> neuter�v�rds or�vords of th�femin�ne gender;�b�word�in��e singu�ar shall mean and inGlude the plural <br /> and vice versa;and��}the wQrd"may"gives sole discretion without any obliga�ian�o any action. <br /> '!7. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be gi�en one c�py of the Note and of thi�Security Instrument. <br /> �I$. Transfer�vf the�rvper�lor a E3enefi�ia�lnt�r�st in Borrv►�ver.As used in�his �ection�.S, "Interest�n <br /> the I'r�perty"means any Iegal or beneficial interest in the Propert�, includ�n�,but not lim���d ta,those <br /> �eneficial interests transfened in a�ond for deed,c�ntract for deed, installment sa�es con�ract or escraw <br /> agreem�nt,the intent of which is the tra�sfer of title by Bonower at a future date ta a gtxrchaser. <br /> If a11 ar any pa,rt of the PrQperty or an�In�erest in the Prope�ty is sold or�ransferred(or�f Borrower is not a <br /> natural per�on and a beneficiat inter�st in�orrow�r is s�ld or transferred}without Lender`s prior written <br /> consent,Lender may requue immediate payment in fuli of al�sums secured by th��Security Instrument. <br /> How�ver,th�.s aption shal��not be exercised by L,end�r�f such exercise is prohibit�d by Applica�al�Law. <br /> NEBRAS�CA�ingle F�mifyfannfe MaelFr�die Mac LlNIFQRM INSTRUI�ENT WITH MERS Farm 3U28 1l41 <br /> VMP� VMPBA(NE)(13�2).�4 <br /> Waite�s K�wver Flnar�ciai Services P�e 12 of 17 <br /> q�3335�7255G 0�33 319 1Z17 <br />