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� � � . ��15�1175 <br /> 4. Bi din� Effect. The rights and obIigati�ns set forth herein shal� be b�nding upon <br /> and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respecti�� heirs, pers�nal representati�es, � � . <br /> . . <br /> successors an ass�gns. <br /> 5. Amended and Restated M�morandum. This Memorandum amends and r�states <br /> �n its �ntirety that certain Memorandum of Lease dated as of May 31, ���6, re��rded in the <br /> R�cords of Hal� �ounty, Nebraska, �n June 13, Z��G, as Ynstrument No. 2��6�5275 �the <br /> "�riginal Memorandum"�. Sh�uld �here be any conflict between the terms of this Memorandum - <br /> and the �riginal Memorandum, the t�rms of th�s .Memarandum shal� control. � . <br /> �Si�natures fallovv o�next page] � . <br /> � THIS�N5TRU1�EhlT F�L�❑FOR REC�RD BY FIRST AMERiCAN � <br /> TITLE 1f�5URA�CE C�.AS�1N AC�O�lM�DATI�N�NL�. <br /> �T HAS N4T B�EN EXAf�INED�S T��TS EXECUT�4N � <br /> �R AS Tfl 1TS EFFECT UPn�1 TiTLE. <br /> , . <br /> _. . . <br /> ,�� � . <br /> (ShopKa—Grand lsland,NE{38}} <br /> 244995517 � <br />