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��15�11�3 <br /> fu�� of a�1 sums secured by this Security Instrumen�. Hawever, this op�ion s�all not be e�erc�sed by Lender xf <br /> exercise�s prohil�ited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> �f Lender e�ercises �his aptian, Lender shall gi�e Borrower noti�e of acceleration. The notice sha�1 prov�de a <br /> per�od �f n�t 1�ss than�he m�fn�mum number of days esta�blislaed by App��cab�e LavW from the da�e the noti�e is <br /> de�i�ered �r ma�led with�n w�.ich B�rr�wer must pay ai� sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument. If Borr�wer <br /> fails ta a these sums prior ��o �he exp�ration of this peri�d, Lender ma� inv�ke any remedies permi�ted by this <br /> pY <br /> Se�urity Yns�rument�vithou�fif�r�her no�i�e or demand on Borrovver. <br /> Borrower's Right to Reins�a�e. If Borrower�s ��r�ain conditi�ns, Borrawer sha1� ha�re the righ� t� ha�e <br /> enf�rcemen��f�his Security �nstrumen� discon�inued at any�ime prior��the ear�ier of: �a} 5 days ��r such��her <br /> per�od as App�icab�e Law ma�specify for reinstatement�bef�re sale of�he Property pur�uan�to any power of sale <br /> conta�ned �n �his S�curity Instrumen�; or (b} entry flf a judgmen� �nf�rc�ng �hxs °Securi�y �ns�rumen�. Those <br /> candi�ions are tha� Borrower: �a� pays Lender all s�rns �rhi�h �hen�vou�d b� due ur�der th�s S�curity �nstrurnent <br /> and the C�n�ract as if no acce�!�erat��n had occurred;(b}cures any default af any a�her eo�enants ar agreemen�s;�c� <br /> pays a1�expenses�ncurred in�nfarcing�his Securifiy�nstrument,including,but not 1�mited�o,reasanab�e a�t�rneys' <br /> fees to the e��ent permit�ed b;y law; and�d��akes su�h act�on as Lender may reasonably requ�re to assure that the <br /> �ien�f thi� Security�nstrume��t, Lender's rights in the Propert�y and Borr�wer's obl�ga�ion�a pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Security Ins�rument s��a�l �on�inue unchanged. IJp�n reinstatement by Barr�vc�er, this Security �nstrumen� <br /> and the obi�ga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effe�ti�e as if na acce�era��on had accurred. �awever, �I715 <br /> right to reins�ate shall nfl�ap�1y in�he case of acceleration under the sec��on titled Transf�r af the Property or a <br /> BenQficial Int�rest�n Bvrro�ver. . . <br /> Hazardous SubStance�.Bor�rower shall n��cause ar permit�he presence,use,disposal, storage, �r re�ea�e af any <br /> Hazardous Substances an flr in�he Property.Bnrrav��r shal�no�do,nor a11ow anyone else to da,anyth�ng affecting <br /> �he Pr�perty tha� �s �n vio�a��on af any Env�ronmen�ai .Law. The preceding twn sentences sha�I n�� apply �o the <br /> presence,use,or st�rage on�he Property of sma�l quan����es of Ha.�ardaus Substances�hat are genera�ly re�ognized <br /> �o he appropriate��normal residen�ial uses and�o m�intenance of�he Property. <br /> Borrower sha1�prompt�y g�v�Lender�rit�en notice af any in�est�gation,claim,demand,lawsui�or a�her ac�ion by <br /> any governmen�al or regulatory agen�y ar pri�ate part� �nvalving�he Prflp�r�y and any Ha2ardous Subs�ance or <br /> En��ronmentaX La�v af whi�h Borr�wer has actua� �nowiedge. �f Borro�ver learns, �r is no�ified by any <br /> governmental or regulatory a�uthority,that any rem��ral�r ather remed�ation af any Hazardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> �he Property is necessary, I3�rrov�rer shal� promp�l�r take all necessary remedia� ac�ions in acCordan�e vvith <br /> En�ir�nmen�a�Lavv. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "I-�azard�us Substances" are�h�se substan�es defined as�oxic or hazard�us subs�an�es <br /> by Envir�nmen�al La�v and the fol�owing substances: gas�line, kerosene, �ther flam.mable or t�xic pe�:r�leum <br /> products, �axic pesticides a�d her�icides, vo1a��1e solvents, ma�erials Containing asbestfls or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radiaac�ive ma�erials.As use�i in�his paragraph, "Enviranmenta�Law"means federa� �aws and lav�s of the state�f <br /> Nebraska�hat relate�o heal�h,safe�y or envxrflnrnenta�protect�an. <br /> Acce�eration; Remedie5. L�nder shal� gi�e natiC� ta Borrow�r prior to accelera�ion following Bvrr�wer's <br /> breach af any�o��nant or�greement in this S�curity Tnstrument or the Cvntract under which ac�elerat�on <br /> is permitted [but not prior to acce�eration under the sectivn �it�ed Transf�r nf the Property or a B�nef�c�ai <br /> Interest in Barrflwer, un�e�s App�icabie Law prov�de� otherwise�. The n�tice shal� �pecify: �a) the default; <br /> (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not 1Qss than the minimum num�er af days <br /> e�tab�ished by Appl�cable Lar�v from the date�he no��ce is gi�em to Borrower, by which the d�fault must he <br /> cured; and �d} tha# failure to cure th� defauit on or befare th� date spec��ed in the notice may resu�t in <br /> accelerat�on �f the sums 5ecured by this S�curit� Instrument and sale of the Property. Ta the extent <br /> perrni��Qd by law, the n�tice shai� further inform Bvrrawer af the right to re�nstate after accel�ratian and <br /> the righ�to bring a c�urt a�ction�o assert the n�n-exis�ence of a d�fault or any other defense of Barrower to <br /> accelera�ion and sale. If th�e default i5 no�cured on ar before the date specif�ed in the no�ice, Lender at its <br /> ap�ion may requxr� immedfa�e payment in fuli of all sums s�cured b� this Se�urity Instrument w�thout <br /> further demand and may in�vl�e the power �f sale and any other r�medies permi�ted by App�icabl� Law. <br /> Ta the extent permitted by �av�, Lender 5ha�1 be entit�ed to ca�lect alI expenses �ncurred �n pursu�ng the <br /> remedie� prv�ided �n this �'�ctivn, includ�ng, but not l�mitQd ta, reasonable attarneys' f�es and cas�5 af t�tle <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the power of sa�e is in�aked,Trustee shall rec�rd a na��ce af defau�t in each c�unty in wh�ch any part of <br /> �he Property is located and[ shal�mail cop�es af such not�ce in the manner prescrib�d �y Applicahle Law ta <br /> B�rrov�er and to the ofiher person� prescribed by Appli�ab�e Law. Aft�r the time required by Appiicable <br /> Law, '�I`rustee shai� giv� pulo�ic not�ce of sale ta the persons and �n the manner pres�ribed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trus�ee,withaut demand on Borrvvver,�hali sell �he Property a��u���c auction to the highest bidder <br /> a�the tirn�and p�ace and u�nder the terms desigr�ated �n the notice af sai�in one or m�re parcels and in any <br /> order TruStee determ�nes4 Trus�ee may po�tpon� sale vf ail ar any parce� vf the Prvperty by public <br /> announcement at the time and p�ace af any pr��i�us�y scheduled sa1e.Lender or its designee may purcha�e <br /> th�Property a�any saie. <br /> Upon receipt of pa�ment of the price bid, Trust�e shall deli�er ta the purchaser Trus�e�'s d�ed con�eying <br /> the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima facie evidence af�he truth �f�he statements <br /> made therein. Truste� shall apply the prviceeds of the sa�e in the follawing arder: �a) ta a�� costs and <br /> expen�es of exercising the po�ver of sal�, and th� sale, inc�uding the payment of�he Trustee�s fees actua��y <br /> C�J 2004-2�14 Compliance Systems,Tnc.4958-5�94-2ti�3L�.3.I.803� <br /> Consumer Real Es#at�-Security Instrument DI.2�35 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.coznplian� <br />