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��15�11�5 <br /> � . <br /> . <br /> ASSIGNi�I[�NT �F RENTS � <br /> . <br /> Loan Nv: 'i�'1�83547 {Continue Page 5� <br /> Go�erning Law. This Assignmen� will be go�erned by federal [aw app�tcab�e tv Lender and, tv the extent not <br /> pre�mpted by�ederal law,�he�aws vf the 5tate of Nebraska without regard�v its con�flic�s vf law pro�Esions. This <br /> Assignment has heen accep�ed by Lender in��he 5tate of Nebraska. <br /> Choice o�Venue, lf there is a lawsu�t, Grantor agrees upan Lende�-'s �equest t❑ submi� �❑ �he jurisdiction o�the <br /> ��ur�s of Hall Coun�y, State of Nebraska. <br /> Jaint and 5e�eral Liability. All ob�igatians a� Borr�wer and Gran�ar under this Assignmen� shall he joint and <br /> several, and a�l references�o Gran�ar shai� mean each and e�ery Grantor, and all references to 6orrawer sha�l mean <br /> each and e�ery Borrowe�-. This means tha� each Granfior signing below is respansible fvr ai� obligations in �his <br /> Assignmen�t. Where any vne or m�re o�f the parti�s is a c�rpora�ion, par�nership, limi�ed �iability campany❑r similar <br /> entFty, ifi is nv�necessary far Lender�o in�uire in�❑�he powers o�F any o�the officers, directors, partnersr mem�ers, <br /> or ❑ther agents acting ❑r purporting to a�� on �he entity's behalf, and any o��igations made or �reated in relian�e <br /> upon the pro�essed exerctse❑f such powers shall he guaranteed unde�-this Assignmen�. <br /> IVl�rger. There shai! be no merger o��he interes� ❑� esta�e c�reafied by �his assignment with any ��her in�erest or <br /> es�ate in�he Praperty at any time held by or�or the benefit af Lender in any capaci�y, withaut�he written consent <br /> af L�nder. <br /> �n�erpre�a�ion. ��} ln all cases wher� �here is mvre �han one 6orrower or Gran�ar, �h�n all wvrds used in �his <br /> Assignm�n�in the singular shall be deemed�o ha�e been used in the plural wher�the contexfi and cons�ruct�an s❑ <br /> require. {2} l�more than one person signs�his Assignment as "Gran�or," the ❑bli�ations of each Granfio�-are joint <br /> and se�eral. This means �ha� if L�nder brings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any ❑ne ❑r more af the Grantvrs. If <br /> Borrawer and Grantar are no�the sam� person, Lender need not sue Borrawer firs�, and�hafi�vrrower need not he <br /> joined in any lawsuit. �3� The names gi�en �o parag�aphs ar se�tions in fihis Assignment are for con�enience <br /> purposes�nly.They are nnt tn be used�o in�erpret❑r define the pro�isions�f this Assignment. <br /> N❑ V!lai�er by Lender. Lender shall not b� deemed to ha�e wai�ed any righ�s under this Assignmen� unless su�h <br /> wai�er is giWen in wr�ting and signed by Lender. Nv delay❑r❑mission on�he part❑f Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall opera�e as a wai�er v� such right or any other righfi. A wai�er by Lender vf a pr��isian o�this Assignment <br /> shall no� prejudice or constitute a waiv�r o� Lende�-'s right a�herwise t❑ demand strict cvmpliance with �ha� <br /> provisian❑r any vther pra�isian o��his Assignment. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any caurse of dealing be�ween <br /> Lender and Gran�ar, shall constitute a wai�er of any ❑-� Lender's righ�s or ❑�any ofi Grantor's ❑b[�ga�ions as to any <br /> -Fu�ure transac�ians. VVhene�er the consent ❑� Lender is required under �his Assignment, �he granting o� such <br /> consenfi by Lender in any instance shali nvt cvnsti�u�e con�inuing consen� �o sulasequent ins�ances where such <br /> cvnsen�is required and in all cases such consent may be granted or withheld in the sa�e dis�retian v�Lender. <br /> fVvtices. Any nfltice required �a be given under this Assignment shall be g��en in �vri�ing, and sha�E be e��ecti�e <br /> when ac�ually deli�ered, when a��ua![y recei�ed by te�e�acsimile tunless v�herwise required by law}, when <br /> deposited w�th a na�ionally recagnized avernight�aurier, vr, if mailed, when deposi�ed in�he Llni�ed States mail, as <br /> �irst class, certified or regis�ered mail p�sfiage prepaid, dire��ted to�he addresses shown nea�-the l�eginning of th�s <br /> Assignm�nt. Any party may change i�s address �or no�ices under�his Assignmen'� by giving formal wrEtten nv�ice <br /> to the ❑ther parties, spec��y�ng tha�t �he purpose of the natice is �v change th� parfiy's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Granto�- agrees t❑ keep Lender �nformed at all times of G�ranto�-'s curren� address. Unless otherwise <br /> pro�ided or required by [aw, i� there is mo�-e than one Grantor, any natice gi�en by Lender �❑ any Grantor is <br /> deemed to �e nv�ice g��en to all Grantors. <br /> Pvwers of At�orney, The�arFous agencies and powers of attarney can�eyed on Lender unde�-this Assignmen�a�-e <br /> gran�ked�or purposes of securi�y and may not be re�oked by Grantor until su�h fiime as�he same are renounc�d by� <br /> Lender. <br /> Se�erabili�y. If a court ❑� campetent jurisdi��ion finds any provisivn o� this Assignment fio be illegal, in�a�id, or <br /> unenfvrGeabie as �❑ any �ircumstance, �hat �inding shal� no� make the o��ending pro�ision illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforcealale as fi� any a�her circums�ance. If feasible, the of�ending pro�ision shall 1ae Gvnside�-ed modified sv <br /> �ha� i� becomes legaf, �alid and en�orceable. lf the offending prv�ision cannot be sv modified, i� shall 1ae <br /> cvnsidered deEeted �ram �his Assignmenfi. Unless a�herwise r��uired by law, y�he ill�galifiy, in�alidity, or <br /> unenforceability vf any pro�isivn ❑� this Assignmenfi shall not af�ec��he legali�y, �alidity or.enforceabili�y a� any <br /> o�her pro�ision of this Ass�gnm�n�. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns. Subject t❑ any limitatians s�afied in this Assignment on�rans�er o�Gran�or's inte��-est,'this <br /> Assignm�n� sha11 be binding upon and inure �� �he benefi� o� the parties, �heir successors and assigns. lf <br /> ownership v�the Property becomes �ested in a person a�het-�han Grantor, Lender, withou�k no�ic��a Grantar, may <br /> dea� with Gran�ar's suc�essors with reference �o this Assignment and �the Indebtedness 1ay way of fo�-bearance ❑r <br /> extension withvut re�easing Grantor�from the ❑bligations o�this Assignment or iia�i�ity under the �ndebtedness. <br /> Time is o�fihe Essence, Time is o�the essence in�he per�ormance o�fihis Assignment, <br /> Waive� v# Hvmestead Exemp�ion. Gran��r herehy re�eases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s of the hvmes�ead <br /> exemp�ion laws of�he State❑f Nebraska as to all lndeb�edness secured hy�his Assignment. <br /> DEFINITlDNS. The follow'tng capi�alized words and fierms sha�E ha�e �he fallowing meanings when used in this <br /> Assfgnment. Un�ess speci��cally stated �o fihe canfirary, all references �o dol[a� amaunts shall mean amounts in lawful <br /> money of the United S�a�es o�America. Vllvrds and terms used in �he s�nguiar shall include �he plural, and �he plura� <br />