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<br /> Lvan No: 'I D'I 283547 �C�nt�nued} Pa�e �
<br /> The Property �r its address is commanly knvwr� as 727 E CAPITAL AVE, GRAND 1SLAN[], NE
<br />� �BS�'1.
<br />' CR�55�C�LLATERAL1ZATiDN. �n addi�ian �o �he Nvte, �his Assignmen� secures all ❑b�igafiivns, de�ts and liabilities,
<br /> plus interest therean, ❑f ei�her Gran�vr ❑r gorrower �v Lender, or any one ❑r more ❑f �hem, as well as aI1 claims by
<br />� L�nder agains� Bvrrower and Gran�or ❑r any ❑ne ar more ❑f�hem, whether naw exis�ing or hereaf�er arising, whether
<br />� rela�ed or unre�ated t❑ the purpase o� �he Note, whefiher �v�untary ❑r ❑�herwise, whether due or no� due, direct ar
<br /> indire�t, defiermined or unde�ermined, absalu�e or con�ingent, fiquidated or unliquida�ked, whe�her Borrawer ar Gran�or
<br />� may be liab�e indi�iduafly ar jaintly wi�h others, whe�her obliga�ked as guarantor, sur�ty, accommadation party or
<br />�
<br />� vtherwise, and whether recovery upan su�h amounts may be ❑r hereaf�er may be�vme barred hy any s�atute ❑f
<br />; limi�ativns, and whether �he ❑b�igation ta repay such amoun�s may be ❑r hereafter may becvme atherwise
<br /> unen�forceable.
<br />! FUTURE ADVANCES. In addi�ion ta�he No�te, �his Assignment secu�-es all�u�ure ad�an�es made hy Lender to gorrower
<br />' or- Gran�kor wh��her or no� the ad�an�es are made pursuant to a commitmen�. Specifically, without limitati�n, �his
<br />: Assignment secures, in addit�vn to the amounts specified in �he No�er all �uture amounfis Lender in i�s discretivn may
<br />�
<br /> �oan�a Borrower ar Grantar,tvgether wifih alf in�erest�hereon.
<br /> GRANT�R'S VVAIVERS. Grantor wai�es all righ�s or defenses arising by reason of any "one actian" �r"anti-de�iciency"
<br />' law, ❑r any ather law which may pre�ent Lender from bringing any action against Grantor, including a c�aim fivr
<br />, deficiency fi❑ the exten� Lender is otherwise entit[ed to a �laim �or d�ficiency, befare or after Lender's �omm�ncement
<br />' ar completion a�F any�Foreclosure ac�ion, e�ther judicially❑r by exercise❑�a power o�sa�e.
<br /> B�RRDINER'S 1NAIVERS AND RESPQNS1B1L1T�ES. Lender need no�t tefl Borrower about any aGtion or inactian Lender
<br />: takes in �anne��ion wifih �his Ass�gnmen�. gvrrov+rer assumes �he respansib��ity fvr b�ing and keeping in�ormed abvu�
<br />�
<br /> �he Property. gorrower wai�es any defenses �ha� may arise because a� any a��ion ❑r ina��ion ❑f Lender, including
<br />� withau� limitation any fai[ur� of Lender �❑ reali�e upon the Property, vr any delay by Lender in realizing upon the
<br /> Property. 6orrow�r agrees �k❑ remain [Fabl� unde�the Note with Lender no ma�ter wha� actian Lender takes vr fails fio
<br /> �take under�his Assignment.
<br /> PAYII�IENT AND PERF�RMANGE. Excep�as otherwise provided in�his Assignmen�or any Related DoGuments, Grantvr
<br /> shall pay to Lender aIl amounts secured by �h�s Assi�nmenfi as �hey be�ome due, and sha�l stric�ly per�Form all vf
<br /> Gran�or's obligations under�his Assignment. Llnless and un�il Lender exer�ises its righ�k�o collec��he Ren�s as prv��ded
<br />, below and s❑ long as there is no defaul� under fihis Assignment, Grantor may �-emain in possessian and contra� of and
<br /> ❑pera�e and manage-�he Property and collec�the Rents, pro��ded that�he grant�ng of�khe r�gh��fl collect the Rents shall
<br />; nat cans�i�u-�e Lender's cansent to�he use of cash c�[fateraf in a bankrup�kcy proGeeding. �
<br />�
<br />: GRANTDR'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND WARRANTIES, Gran�or warranfis that:
<br />� ❑wnership. G ran�or is entitled to rec�i�e �he R�nts -�ree and clear vf a�� rights, foans, �iens, en�umbran�es, and
<br /> claims except as disclosed to and accep�ed �y Lender in writing.
<br />, Right to Ass�gn. Gran�or has the full right, power and authori�y t❑ enter into this Assignment and tfl assign and
<br /> can�ey�he Rents�o Lender.
<br /> No Prior AssEgnment. Gran�ar has not pre�iausly assigned ❑r con�eyed fihe Renfis �o any other persan by any
<br /> instrumen�t now in force.
<br /> No Further Trans�er. G rantor will no�sell, assign, encumber, ❑r❑therwise dispase ❑�any vf G ranfi�r's rights in the
<br /> Rents except as pro�id�d in�his Assi�nm�n�.
<br /> LENDER'S R1GHT TD RECEIVE AND C�LLEGT RENTS. Lender shall ha�e the righ� afi any time, and even �haugh n❑
<br /> de�ault sha�i ha�e accurred under�his Assignment, fi� calleGt and recei�e the Rents. For�his purpose, Lender is hereby
<br /> gi�en and granfied fihe fv�iowing rights, powers and authorFty:
<br />� Na�ice #v Tenanfis. Lender may send no�ices �a any and afl tenanfis o� fihe Proper�y ad�ising them o� �his
<br />� Assignmen�and dit-ecting all Rents t❑ be paid directly to Lender or Lender's agen�k.
<br />�
<br /> Enter�he Prvper#y. Lender may enter upan and take possession �f�he Praper�y; demand, cvffeGt and recei�e from
<br /> �he tenants or from any vther persans liable �herefvr, all ❑f the Rents; institute and �arry an all Iegal p���eedings
<br /> necessary �ar the prate��ion a� �he Praperty, including such pra�eedings as may 1ae necessary �o reca�er
<br /> possession o�the Prvperty; callec�the Ren�s and remaWe any�enan�or�enants�r�fiher pers�ns tram the Pr-op�r�y.
<br /> Main#a�n#he Property. Lender may en�er upon�he Properky�❑ maintain�the Property and keep the same in repair;
<br /> fi❑ pay the cos�s thereo�and o-�all ser�ices o�all emplayees, including their equipment, and ��al{ continuing costs
<br /> and expenses o�main�aining�he Praperty in proper repair and �ondi�ivn, and a[s❑�❑ pay al�taxes, assessmen�s and
<br /> water u�i�i�ies, and�he premiums on�ire and vther insurance effected by Lender vn�he P�-�per�y.
<br />