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��15�11�7 <br /> ,. - . <br /> DEED �F TRUST i <br /> 'Laan Na: ���.�g3547 �C�ntinued} Page g <br /> Trus�, incIuding costs a�e�idence❑fi�itle in connecfiivn wifih sa�e,Trustee sha11 appIy the proceeds of sale <br /> to payment o�F �i� all sums expended und�r the terms of thFs Deed o�Trus�or under�he�erms o�f�he Nate <br /> not then repaid, inGluding bufi nofi limi�ed �a accrued in�er�s� and la�e charges, {ii} all afiher sums �hen <br /> secured hereby, and �iii} �he remainder, i�any�tv�he person ❑r persons �egally entit�ed there�o. <br /> {c� Trustee may in fihe manner praWided by�aw pos�pane sa�e o�f all ar any por-�ian❑�f the Fraperty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclus�ve. Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them,� shal� be en�itled �v enfarce paymen� and <br /> perfiormance o�any tndeb�edness or ob�iga�ians secured by�his �eed ❑f Trust and t❑ exercise a�l rights and poiivers <br /> under this Deed v�Trusfi, unde�-�he No�e, under any of�h� Rela��d �]ocumen�s, or unde�- any other agreement or <br /> any laws now ❑�- hereafter in for�e; not�rvithstanding, some vr all a�such indebtedness and ob�iga�ivns secu��d by <br /> this Deed of Trus� may now or hereafker be o�herwise secured f whether �y mar�gage, deed of trus�, pledge, [ien, <br /> assignment �r othe�wise. Neifiher �he acceptance ❑f this Deed ❑f Trust nar its enfarcemen�t, whether by cour�t <br /> action ar pursuant ta the power❑f sale ar o�her powers con�ained in this Deed af Trus�, shall pre�udice vr in any <br /> manner a��ect Trus�ee's or Lender-'s righ� t� rea�ize upan or enfvrce any �ther security now or hereafter held by <br /> Trus�ee�r Lender, it be�ng agreed fiha�Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall be entififed fia en�orce this Deed <br /> ❑f Trus� and any other secu�ity now or hereafk�r held by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as �hey or <br /> ei�her of�hem may in their absvlute discrefiian de�erm�ne. Na remedy conferred upon ❑r reserWed �o Trustee ❑r <br /> Lender, is in�ended ta be exclusiWe af any ❑ther remedy in this Deed v�Trus�vr by law proWided vr permitted, but <br /> each sha�� 1ae cumula�i�e and shall be in additivn to every other remedy gi�en in this ❑eed af Trust or now or <br /> hereafter existing at law ar in equi�y ar by s�a�u�e. EWery pawer or remedy gi�en by th� Nate or any of the Rela�ed <br /> Dflcuments �❑ Trustee vr Lender ❑r �o which either a� th�m may be atherwise ent�filed, may be exercised, <br /> cvncurrenfily ar independen�ly, fram �ime�o �ime and as aften as may b� deemed expedien� by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her o� them may pursue incansisfien� remedies. Nvthing in this ❑eed o�F Trus� sha�� 1ae cvnsfirued as <br /> prahibzt�ng Lender�rom seeking a de�i�ienGy�udgmen�agains�the Trus�or t��he ex�ent such a��ion is p�rmit�ed by <br /> �aw. Elec�ian by Lender �o pursue any remedy shall no� �xclude pursui� of any vther remedy, and an electian to <br /> make expenditu�-es o�-�o �ake a�tion �❑ perform an obligation vf Trus�or under this Deed of Trus�, afker Trustor's <br /> failure�❑ perform, shall not afifiec�Lender`s righfi�a declare a defau�fi and exer�ise ifis remedies. <br /> Request for Nv�'rce. Trus�vr, ❑n behal�❑f Trustar and Lender, hereby r�ques�s tha�a copy of any No�ice ❑�De�ault <br /> and a �opy❑�any N�ti�e o�5ale under�this Deed afi Trus� be mailed to them at the addresses set fiorth �n fihe�irst <br /> paragraph❑�F�his ❑eed of Trus�. <br /> Attorneys' Fees.• Expenses. lf Lender institutes any suit or ac�ian t❑ enfor.ce any ❑f the terms o-� �his De�d of <br /> Trus�, Lender sha[t be en�i�led �a reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as a��arneys' fees a�k-�rial <br /> and upon any appeal. 1Nhether or nvfi any caurt actian is in�ol�ed, and to fihe exfient nvt pr�hihited by law, all <br /> �-easonable expenses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's ❑pinion a�-e ne�essary a� any �ime for �he pro�ection ❑f i�s <br /> interest a�-the enforcemenfi af its righ�s shall became a part of the lndebtedness payabl� ❑n d�mand and shall bea�- <br /> interes�a��he Note rate�rom�he dafie vf fihe�xpendi�ure un�il repaid. Expenses ca�ered by fihis pa�agraph include, <br /> withou� l�mi�atian, hawe�er subjec��o any limi�s under applicable law, Lender's at�orneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> � expenses, whe�her ❑r nafi �here is a lawsuit, including atkorneys` fees and expenses far bankruptcy proceedings <br /> {including efFor�s tn modify or�aca�e any automatic stay❑r in�un��ion}, appeals, and any anticipa�ed p�s�judgment <br /> �vlle��ion ser�ices, the cost❑�searching records, obtaining �itle repor�s {inGluding �oreclvsure reparts}, sur�eyors' <br /> r�por�s, and appraisal fees, �i�le insurance, and fe�s for �khe Trustee, to �he extent permitted by applicah�e law. <br /> Trus��r also will pay any cou�t casts, in addition fio a[I ofiher sums pr�vided hy law. <br /> Righ�s vf Trustee. Trus�ee shaE[ ha�e all of�khe rights and duties o�f Lender as set�forth in�his section. <br /> PDWERS AND �BLIGAT��NS �F TRUSTEE. The follawing prv�isivns re�ating tv the pvwers and ab�iga�ivns v�Trus�ee <br /> are part o�this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Pov►rers v�Trustee. In addi�ion to a�� pawers ❑�Trustee arising as a ma��er of la�nr,Trus�e�shall haWe�he pawer to <br /> take the folfowing ac�ions with respe�t�o�he Pr�perty upon�he writ�en reques�of Lender and Trus�or: {a�jvin �n <br /> pr�paring and fi�ing a map or pla� a� the Real Prvper�y, including the dedica�ivn o�F s�reets ❑r v�ther righfis to �he <br /> pub[ic; ��b} jvin En gran�ing any easemenfi or creating any res�ric�ion an fihe Real Praperty; and {c} �oin in any <br /> subordination ar vther agreemen�t afFec�ing this Deed of Trus�❑r the in�eres�o�Lender under this Deed ❑f Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee. Trustee sha[I meet a[I qua�€�ica�ions required for Trus�ee under applicable �aw. ln addi�ian ta the righfs <br /> and remedies set forth abv�e, with respect fio all or any part of the Property, the Trustee shall ha�e th� right �o <br /> �Forecfose by notice and sale, and Lender shall ha�e �he right to �oreclose by judiciai foreclosu�e, En ei�her case in <br /> a�c�rdance wi�h and to�he fu�I extent pro�ided by appficable law. <br /> Su�cessor Trustee. Lender, a�Lender's ❑ptian, may fram tEme to�time appaint a successar Trustee to any Trus�ee <br /> appointed unde�-�his I�eed of Trus� by an instrumenfi executed and acknawledged by Lender and recvrded in the <br /> of�ice of �he recorder of HALL �oun�y, 5tate a� Nebraska. The instrument shall contain, in addition �❑ all ❑ther <br /> matters required by state law, the names o� the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the bvok and page {ar <br /> computer sys�em r�ference} where this �3eed �f Trust is recorded, and �he name and address of �he su��essor <br /> trustee, and�he ins�rument shall be executed and acknawled�ed hy all the b�neficiaries unde�this Deed of Trust or <br /> their succ�ssors in interes�. The successar�rustee, withou� con�eyanGe of the Proper�y, shall sucGeed �o all the <br /> t[t[e, power, and duties �on�erred upvn the Trustee in this ❑eed a�Trust and by applicable law. This procedure for <br /> substitution of Trustee shali go�ern�o�he ex�Iusian❑t all othe�-pro�isivns for substituti�n. <br />