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��15�11�7 <br /> f- ti � <br /> �3EED DF TRUST <br /> Lvan Nv: '1���83547 ��Dntinued} Page '1� <br /> exemptivn �aws o�fihe State❑fi Nebraska as t❑ all lndebfiedness secured hy this Deed ❑�Trusfi. <br /> ❑EF1N1TigN5. The fvllowing capi�ali�ed words and terms shall ha�e�he �a�lawing meanings when used in�his Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, aI� references to dollar amoun�s sha�� mean amoun�s in Iaw�ul money <br /> of the United States ❑�F America. Words and fierms used in �the singular shall include �he plura�, and the plural shail <br /> include the singu�ar, as �he con�ex� may require. Words and terms not otherwise defined �n �khis Deed of Trus� shall <br /> ha�e the meanings a�ribu�ed�a such�erms tn�h� lJni�orm �ommercial Code: <br /> gene�iciary, The word "gene�ficiary" means Fi�e Poin�s Bank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The v+rord "gorrower" means JK INVESTMENTS LL�, JEFFREY L SUCK and MICHAEL J �ENNE�Y and <br /> includes a�i ca-signers and Go-makers signing fihe Nvte and all fiheir successvrs and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "aeed of Trust" mean �this Deed ❑f Trust amang Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes withou� limitation all assignmen� and secu�ity interest provisions re�a�ing to the Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> ❑efaul�. The wvrd."�efault" means the Defau�t set farth in this ❑eed ❑fi Trust in the section tit�ed "Defau�t". <br /> Environmental Laws. The wvrds "En�iranmentai Laws" mean any and a!f state, federal and laca� statutes, <br /> regu�at�ons and ordinances rela�ing to the prvtecfiian o� human health or the en�ir�nmen�, incfuding wi�hvu� <br /> limi�tation fihe Comp�-ehensi�e En�ironmen�al Respanse, Compensa�ian, and Liabili�y Act �f �98�, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Sec�ion 96�1, e�k seq. �"CEftCLA"�, fihe 5uper�und Amendmen�s and Reautharization A�� ❑� '�986, Puh. L. <br /> Nv. 99--499 {"SARA"},the Hazardous Ma�erials Transportation Ac�, 49 U.S.C. 5ectian 18�1, e�seq.,�he Resource <br /> �onser�ation and RecoWery Ac�, 42 LJ.S.C. 5ec�ion 59�1, e� seq., or ather appli�a�le sta�e or federal laws, rules, <br /> ❑r regulations advpted pursuan��hereto. <br /> Even�o�F Defau�t. The words "E�ent of Default" mean any of the eWen�s of defaul�se�farth in this Deed of Trus�in <br /> the e�ents ❑f defaul�se��ion o�this Deed of Trus�, <br /> �uaran�y. The ward "Guaranty" means th� guaranty fram guarantor, endarser, sure�y, or accammoda�ion par�y to <br /> Lender, including withou�limitation a guaran�y vf aj� o�-pa�t o�the Note. <br /> Hazardous Substan�es. The words "Hazardous 5uhstan�es" m�an mafieria[s thafi, because o� fiheir quantity, <br /> cancen�kration or physical, chemica� or infectious chara�teristics, may cause �r pvse a presen� ❑r pa�en�kia� hazard <br /> ta human heaZth ar the en�ironment when �mproperly used, trea�ed, stared, disposed of, genera�ed, manufia��ured, <br /> �ranspar�ted or otherwise handled. The wards "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are used in their�ery braadest sense and <br /> include wi�hout limi�a�ivn any and all ha�ardvus vr �vxi� substances, ma�erials or waste as defined by or [is�ed <br /> under�he En�ironmen�af Laws. The term "Hazardaus Subs�ances" also includes, wi�hout limi�ativn, petroleum and <br /> petr�leum by-products or any�ra��ion thereo�and asbes�os. . <br /> lmprvrrements. The word "lmpro�emen�s" means all exis�ing and fu�ure�impro�emen�s, buildings, stru�tures, <br /> mobi[e homes affixed fln �he Real Proper�y, faci[ities, additions, replacements and vther cans�kru��ian on �he Real <br /> Property. • <br /> lndebtedness. The word `'�ndebtedness" means a�� principa�, interesfi, and ❑fiher amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payable under the No�ke or Related Documen�s, �oge�her wi�h all r�newals of, ex�ensions af, modifications ❑f, <br /> consolidafiions v�F and substitu�ions tvr�he Nbte or Reiated ❑vcuments and any amaun�s �xpended �r ad�anced by <br /> Lender �o discharge Trusfiar's ob[iga�i�ns or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender �v enforce T�-usfior's <br /> �bliga�ions under this Deed �f Trust, together w�th interes� ❑n such amounts as pro�ided in �his Deed ❑f Trus�. <br /> Specifi�ally, wi�hou� limi�a�ivn, lndeh�tedness inc�udes the �uture ad�ances se� fvrth in �he Future Ad�ances <br /> pro�ision, �age�her wi�h all in�erest �thereon and a�f amounts that may be �ndirec�ly secured by �he <br /> Cross-Cvllafieralizativn p�-ovisian vf this Deed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, i�s successo�s and assigns. <br /> No�e. The word "Nv�e" means �he prvmissory note dated February 23, �D�5, In the ar�gina! prin�ipal <br /> amount af $�5,���,�� fram 6orrower�a Lender, �koge�he�wfth al[ renewals ❑�, extensians ofi, m�difica�ians <br /> o�, refinancings ❑f, cansolEdations ❑�, and subs�itutions for�he p�amissary note or agreemen�. <br /> Persvnal Proper�y. The wards "Persanal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and ❑th�r articles o� p�rsana3 <br /> praperty naw ❑r hereaf�er awned by Trustar, and nvw. ❑r hereafter at�ached or affixed �o the Rea� Property; <br /> together with all accessions, parts, and addit�ons to, all replacemen�s ❑�, and all subs��tutions far, any ❑f su�h <br /> praperfy; and togethe�- with all p�v�eeds {including withaut limitation all insurance pra�eeds and refunds o� <br /> premiums� fram any saie or o�her disposi�ion af�khe Praperty. <br /> Praperty. The word "Property" means �ol�ecti�ely the Rea� Property and the Persona[ Property. <br /> Real Prape��y. The words "Real Proper�y" mean the real prope�ty, interes�s and rights, as further described in this <br /> Deed o�F Trus�. <br /> Retated Dvcuments. The words "Related ❑acuments" m�an all pramissary notes, �red�t agreemenfis, [van <br /> agreements, en�iranmen�al agreements, guaran�ies, security agreements, mortgages, deeds o� trus�, s�curi�y <br /> deeds, colfateral mortgages, and a!! ❑�her instruments, agreements and documents, whethe�- now ar hereafte�- <br /> existing, execu�ed in connection with the Inde��edness. <br />