<br /> Any app�ication flf pa�men�s, znsurance proceeds, or Misce��aneous Praceeds to principa� du�under the No�e
<br /> sha�I no�extend or pastp�ne�he due da�e, or change the amaun�, of the P�riod�c Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds far Escrow Items. Borrovver sha��pay to Lender on the day P�riodiG Paym.ents are due under�he
<br /> Note, un��1 the No�e is pa�d in fu�l, a sum�the "Funds"}�o pro�ide for payment�f amoun�s due for: �a} taxes
<br /> and assessmen�s and o�her i�ems which can a��ain priari��over this S�curi�y Instrum.ent as a�ien or
<br /> �ncum�rance on the Proper�y; �b} �easeha�d payments or ground rents on�he Property, if an�; �c}pr�miums
<br /> for any and all �nsurance required by Ilender under 5ect�on S; and �d} Mar�gage�nsurance pr�miums, if an�,
<br /> or a�y sums pa�ab�e by Barr��rer tv Lender in lieu�f the payment of M�rtgage�nsurance premiums in
<br /> accordance vv�th�he prov�s�ans of Sect�on ��. These i�ems are Gal�ed "Escrow ���ms." A�originati�n or at
<br /> any t�m.e dur�ng th���rm of the Loan, Lender m.ay requ�re that Community Assoc�a���n Due�, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrow�d by B�rr�wer, and such dues, fees and a�sessm�nts sha�� be an Escro�r
<br /> Item. Borr�wer shall pramptly furnish to L.ender a�l notices af amounts to be pa�d under this 5ection.
<br /> Borr�wer shall pa� Lender the Funds for�scraw ��ems unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation�o pay
<br /> the Funds for any or all Escrow I�ems. Lender may v�ra�ve Borrow�r's obliga�ion to pay to Lenc�er Funds f�r
<br /> any or all Escraw Items a�any t�me. Any such wai�er ma�an�y be in vvri��ng. �n the event of�uch vcra��ver,
<br /> Borrawer shal�pay d�rec�ly, when and where payabl�, the amounts due for any Escrov� I�ems for which
<br /> pa}�nzent af�unds ha�been wai�ed b�r L.ender and, if Lender requires, sha�� fu�n�sh to Lender receipts
<br /> e�idencing su�h paymen�with�n such time period as L.�nder may require. Borrawer's o�ligatxon�o make
<br /> such payments and to prov�de recezpts shall far all purposes be deemed��be a����nan�and agre�ment
<br /> con�ained in th�s Se�uri�� �nstrumen�, as�he phras� "covenant and agre�ment" �s used in Sec�ion 9. �f
<br /> Borrower is obx�gat�d�o pa�Escrow �tems d�rectl�, pursuant t�a wai�er, and Bor�-ower fails�a pay the
<br /> amount due for an Escr�w �tem, Lender ma���erc�se its rights under Section 9 and pay such amoun�and
<br /> Borrower sha�l then be�bliga�ed under Sectifln 9�o repay t� I,�n�er any such amount. Lender may re�o�e
<br /> the waiver as�o an}��r aI� Escrow �tems at any��me by a no�ice given�n accordance with Section 15 and,
<br /> upon such re�acat�on, Borrow�r shall pay t� Lender a�l Funds, and�n such amoun�s, that are then required
<br /> under�his �ect�on 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any �ime, collect and ha�d Funds in an amount�a} suf�c�ent tn permi�Lend�r to app�y the
<br /> Funds at�he t�me specified under R.ESPA, and�b} not ta exceed the maximum am�unt a Iender�an require
<br /> under R�SPA. Lender shall estima�e�h�am�un�of Funds due on the�a�is of curr�nt data and reasonable
<br /> es�imates of expenditures of futur�Escrow �tems or otherwise�n accardance wi�h App�icab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds sha�i�e held in an�ns�itutian whose deposits are�nsured�by a federal agency, instrumenta���y, or
<br /> ent�ty �inc�ud�ng Lender, if Lend�r is an ins�itut��n whose deposi�s are sa insured}or in any Federai �3ome
<br /> Loan Bank, I.�ender shall app��the Funds�o pay�he Escrow �tems no later than th�time spe��f�ed under
<br /> RESPA. L.ender shall not�harge Borrower f�r ho�d�ng and app��ing the Funds, annually anal.yzing�he
<br /> escraw acc�unt, or verifying the Escraw �tems, un�ess L�nder pays Borrower interest on�he�unds and
<br /> App�ica���Law perm��s Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made�n wri�ing�r
<br /> Applicable Lavv requires inter�st to be paid�n�he�unds, Lender shal� not be require��o�ay Borrower any
<br /> �n�eres�nr earnings on�he Funds. Barrflvver and I.ender can agree�n wri�ing, hov�ever, �ha�in��rest shal�be
<br /> paid�n the Funds. Lender sha�I g��e�o Borrower, v���hout charge, an annuai accounting�f the Fur�ds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If there�s a surplus�f Funds held zn escrow, as de�ned under R.ESPA, L.ender sha1� accoun�to Borrower for
<br /> the excess funds in accordan��wi�h R.�SPA. �f there is a shor�ag�of Funds held in escr�w, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha1l no�ify Borrawer as required b�r RESPA, and Borrower sha�l pa��o I..�nder�he a�r�oun�
<br /> neeessar��o make up the shor�age in accardan�e w�th RESPA, but �n no more than �Z mon�h��r paymen�s. �f
<br /> �here�s a def�ciency of Funds held in escrow, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender sha��n�tify Borr�wer as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�a�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM�NSTRUMENT Form 3�28�101
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NEf t�3023
<br /> Woiters Ktuwer Fir�ancial 5er�ices Page 5 vf 17
<br />