<br /> A�� insurance palicies require�.by Lender and renewals�f su�h pal��ies shall be subjec��o Lender's r�ght to
<br /> di�appr��ve such po�icies, shall include a s�andard mor�gage��ause, and shall name Lender as mor�gagee
<br /> a�dla�r as an add��ionai Ioss payee. Lender sha11 have�h�rxgh��o hold the pol�ci�s and ren�wal�er�ificates. If
<br /> Lender requ�res, Borrower sha��pramp��y g�v��� Lender a�l recexp�s of paid premium� an.d re�ev�al not�ces.
<br /> �f Borrower obtains any farm of insurance coverage, na���herw�se required by Lender, f�r darnage to, or
<br /> destruc�ion of, the Proper�y, such policy shall �nclude a s�andard n�.or�gage c�ause and shai�name Lender as
<br /> m�r�gagee andlar as an addi�iana� lass�a�r�e.
<br /> �n the�ven�of Ioss, B�rrower shal�give pr�mpt no�ice�o�he insurance carrier and Lender. I.,�nder ma�
<br /> mak�praaf of lass if not made promp�Iy�y Borrower. Un�ess L�nder and Borrawer��herwise a�ree in
<br /> v�riting, any ins�rance pr�ceeds, whether or not�he underlying insuranc�was required by Lender, sha11 be
<br /> appl�ed to res�ora�i�n or repair of�he Praper�y, �f the res�oration or repair is econom�ca��y feasib�e and
<br /> L�nder's securi�y�s not lessened. During 5uch repaxr and res�oration per��d, Lend�r sha��have fihe right ta
<br /> ha�d such insurance pro���ds unt�� Lender ha�had an oppor�un�ty�o insp��t such Praper�y ta ensure the
<br /> work has been cvmpleted�o L�nder's satisfact�on, pro��ded��.at such inspectian sha��be under�aken
<br /> promp��y. Lender rnay disbur�e prac�eds for the repairs and restora��an in a sing�e payment or�n a s�r�es of
<br /> pragr�ss payments as the work is Comp�e�ed. Unless an agreemen�is�made in writ�ng or Applicab�e Law
<br /> requires interest��be paxd on such insuran�e proceeds, L�nder sha�i no�be required�o pay Borrower any
<br /> � interest ar earnings on such proceeds. Fees f�r pub��c ad�usters, or oth�r th�rd par��es, re�ained by Borrovwer
<br /> s�a��not be pa�d ou�of�he�nsurance prnceeds and sha�i be the sole obligation of Borraw�r. Zf�he restora�ion
<br /> or repair�s not ecanomica�ly feasib�e ar Ler�der's se�ur���w�uld be�essened, t�e insu�ance proceeds sha��be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by th�s 5�curi�.�r��nstrument, �heth�r or no�then due, vvith�he e�cess, �f an�,
<br /> paid ta Borro�ver. Such�nsurance pr�c��d� ����:�1 be app��ed�n the order prvvided far�n Sect��n 2. �
<br /> �f Borrawer abandans the Proper�y, Lerider ma� fi1e, negotiate and�ett�e any avai�ab�e insuran�e cia�nl and
<br /> rela��d ma���rs. If Borrower does no�re�pond w�th�n 3�days t�a not�ce from Lender tha�the insurance
<br /> carrier has offered to se�tl�a c�aim, �hen I,ender ma�r neg�t�ate and settle the c�a�m. The 3�-day period w�Il
<br /> b�g�n v�rhen the n��ice�s g�ven. �n��ther�v�n�, or if Lender acquxres�he Propert�r under S�ction 22�r
<br /> o�herw�s�, B�rrower hereby assigns�o Lender�a� B�rrawer's righ�s�o an�insurance proce�ds in an anzount
<br /> n��to�x�eed the amounts unpaid under��e No�e or�his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�, ar�d�b� any��her of
<br /> Borrower's r�ghts �other�han�he rxght to any refund of unearned premiums pa�d b�Borrov�er}under a�1
<br /> insurance po��cies��vering�he Proper�y, ins�far as such righ�s are app�icable to�he coverage of the
<br /> Proper�y. Lender may u��th�insurance proceeds e��her ta re�a�r ar restore the Proper��or�o pay amounts
<br /> unpaid und�r�h��o���r th�s Security �ns�rum�en�, whe�her or no�then due.
<br /> �. Dccupancy. Borrower sha�� occup�, es�abiish, and use the Property as Bnrrawer's princ�pal residence
<br /> vv�th�n d0 days after�he exe�u�.ion of this Security �ns�rumen�and sha1� con�inue�o occupy�he Property as
<br /> Borravver's princ�pal res�dence for at leas�one year af�er the da�e of occupan�y, un�ess L�nder o�aerwise
<br /> agre�s in wri�ing, wh�ch c�nsent shail not be unr�asanab�y w�thhe�d, or unless ex�enua�ing circumst.an.ces
<br /> �xist wh�ch are beyond Borrawer's contro�.
<br /> 7. Preser�at��n, Maint�nance and Pr�tect�on vf tn� Property; Inspectivns. Borrower sha11 no�des�r�y,
<br /> damage ar�mpa�r�he Proper�y, allow �he Praper��to deter�ora��or commit was�e on the Proper�y. '�Vh�ther
<br /> or not Barrower is resid�ng in th� Proper�y, Borravver sha�l ma�n�a�n�h�Proper�y�n order�o preven�th�
<br /> Proper�y from deteriorating or d�creas�ng in value due to i�s ca�d����n. Unless i�is determined pursuan���
<br /> Section 5 that repa�r or restora�ion is not econom�call� feasib�e, Borrower sha��promptly repair�he Proper��
<br /> if damag�d to a�oid fur�her deteriora�inn or dam.age. �f�nsurance or c�ndemnation proceeds are paid �n
<br /> connection wi�h dama�e�a, �r�he tak�ng of, th�Prnper�y, Borrower shali be responsible for r�pairing or
<br /> restoring the Pr�per�y on��r�f L,ender has re��ased pro�eeds for su�h purposes. Lender may d�s�urse pr��ee�s
<br /> N�6RASKA-5ingle�arr�ily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUM�NT Form 3D28 1141
<br /> VMP(Q VMP6�NE}�'€3D2y
<br /> Woiters Kluwer�inancial 5�r�ic�s Page 7 af�7
<br />