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��15�1�4� <br /> B�RRDWER C�VENANTS that Barr�wer�s �awfully seised�f the e�tate her��y�nn�reyed and has the right�a <br /> grant and can�ey the Property and that�he Proper�y is unencumbered, e�c�pt f�r encumbranc�s of recard. <br /> Borrflwer warrants and��11 defe�d genera��y�he t���e�o the Property against a�� G�a�ms and demands, subject�a <br /> any encumbrances of re�ord. <br /> TH�S SE�UR.�TY �NSTRUMENT combines unif�rna co�enants far nationa�us�and non-uniform covenants v�ith <br /> limi�ed variat�ons by jur�sd�ction�o cans���ute a un�form se�urzty �nstrum�nt coWer�ng rea�pr�perty. <br /> Unif�rm �avenants. Barrawer and Lender�o�enant and agree as foi�ows: <br /> �, Payment vf RrinGipal, �nterest, Escrow ltems, Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges. Borrower <br /> shal�pay when due th�prin�ipa� of, and zn�erest�n, the deb�evidenced by�he No�e and any prepayment <br /> charges and �ate char�es�.u�under th�No�e. Borr�wer shal� also pay funds for E�crow �tems pursuan� �o <br /> Section 3. Payments due und�r�h�N�te and�h�s Secur�ty �nstrument shall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> �owever, if an�check or o�her�ns�rumen�receiv��i by Lender as pa�m�nt under the N`ote�r th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen��s re�urned to Lender unpa�d, Lender ma�requir�tha�any ar ali subsequent payments due under <br /> the Not�and th�s Security Instrumen�be nlade in�ne or more�f�he fol�aw�n� f�rms, as sel�c�ed b� Lender: <br /> �a}cash; tb} money order; �C}c�r�ified check, bank check, treasurer's ch�ck or cashier's�hecl�, pro�ided any <br /> such Gheck is drawn upon an�nstituti�n whose deposits are znsured by a fe�ieral agency, ins�rumentalit�, ar <br /> ent�ty; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Fayments are deem�d rec�i�ed by Lender when rece��ed at the lacat�on designat�d in the Nate or at such <br /> other�acat�on as ma�be designated by L�nder�n accordance with th�no��ce pro�isions in Section �5. <br /> L�nder may return any payment�r par�ia�paym�nt �f the payment�r partia�payments are insuf�cien��a <br /> bring th�Loan current. Lender ma�accep�any payment or partzal.payment insuff�cien��o bring�he Loan <br /> �urrent, �v��hou�wai�er af any rzghts hereunder ar pre�udice to i�s rxgh�s t�refuse such payment ar partia� <br /> payments �n the future, but L�nd�r zs not ob�igat�d to apply such pa�rmen�s at the time such payments are <br /> ac�epted. �f each Peri�diC Paymen�is app�ied as of its s�heduled due date, then Lender n�ed na�pa� interest <br /> an unapp�ied funds. Lender may ho�d such unapplied funds until Barrawer rnakes paym�nts ta br�ng th� <br /> Loan current. If Barrawer d�es no�do s�w�th�n a reasana�le period af time, Lender�ha�i e��her apply such <br /> funds ar return th�m ta Barr�v�er. �f not applieci�ar��er, such funds will be app�ied�a the autstand�ng <br /> principal balance un�er the No�e���ately pri�r to farec��sure. No nffset or claim which�arrawer m�gh� <br /> have nov�nr in the future agains�Lender shall re�ieve B�rrower from making payrnents due under the Note <br /> and this 5ecurzt��nstrumen�or perforn�ung the G�venants and agre��nents secur�d by this 5ecurity <br /> Ins�rum�nt. <br /> 2. Application of Payments vr Proceeds, �xcep�as otherwis�described in�his Sect�on.2, a��paymen�s <br /> acc�pted and applied by Lender sha�.I be appli�d in�he fo��ow�ng arder af priority: �a} in�er�st due under th� <br /> Na��; ��}principal due under the Nate; �c} amaunts du�under Se�t�on 3. SuGh payments shall be applied�o <br /> each Periodic Payment in the order�n wh�ch it became�ue. Any remaxning am�unts shall be applied f�r�t to <br /> late charges, second to any other arnounts due under this Se�urity Ins�rumen�, and then t� reduc��he <br /> pr�nc ipal ba�ance of�he Note. <br /> �f Lender receives a payment from Bflrra�ver far a de��nquent P�riodic Payment whiCh includes a suff�c��nt <br /> amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be appl�ed t��he de�inqu�nt payment and the Ia�e <br /> charge. �f more than nne Periodic Payment �s�utstanding, Lender may apply any payment re�ei�ed fram <br /> Barrow�r to the repayment of�he Periodic Paym�nts if, and to th�ex�ent that, each paym�nt Gan�e paid in <br /> full. To the exten��hat any excess exists after the payment is applied to the fu��payment of ane or more <br /> Periodic P�.���nt�, ��ch exce����y be�pplied to any�a���h�rge�d��. �'��unta��prepa���rzen��sha��be <br /> appl���i first to any prepayment charges and then as d�scribed�n the Nat�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ing1��am�Ey-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac l3NIFaRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 110� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�y��34�� <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer�inan�iak 5er�ices Page 4 of�7 <br />