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��15��997 <br /> B�rrower and Lender cov�nan�and agree as follows: <br /> Payment af Prin�ipal and Interest; �ther Charges.BorrQwer shall pr�nlptly pay when due the pr�nc�pal of and <br /> in��res�on�he d�bt o�ved u.nder�he��ntra��and Iate charges or any other fees and charges due und�r the�anirac�. <br /> App��cabze Law. As used in �his Securi�y rnstru.ment, the term "Applica��e La�v" shal� mean aII c�ntrol�ing <br /> applica�le federal, s�a�e and �oca� s�atutes, regu�a�ions, �rdinances and adminis�rat��e rules and orders ��ha�have <br /> �he effe�t of 1aw}as vve��as a�l appl�cable final,non-appeala�le judic�al ap�nions. <br /> �harges; L1�T15. Borrovver shail pay all �axes, assessments, �harges, fines and v:nposi�ions at�r�bu�able to the <br /> Property u�hi�h may attain�riority over this Security Instrumen�, and leas�hold payments or ground rents, �f any. <br /> At the request of Zender,Borrower shall promp�ly furnish to L�nder receipts evidencing�he paymen�s. <br /> Borrow�r shai�promp��y d�scharge any X�en which has priority o��r this S�curity Instrumen�un�ess Borr�wer: �a} <br /> agrees in wri�ing to �he payment of�he a��igation se�ured by th� Iien �n a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b} <br /> cvn�ests in gaod faith the lien b�, ar d�fends agains� enf�rcemen� �f the Iien in, legal praceedings which in �he <br /> Lender's opinion operate t� pre�en� �he enfor�ement flf the �ien; �r �c� se�ures from �he holder af the �ien an <br /> agreemen�sa�zsfa��flry�a Len�er subord�nating�he lien to this S�curity Znstrument. �f Lender deterrn�nes tha�any <br /> part of the Froper�y is subje���o a l�en whi�h may a�tain priority over�his Security �nstrument, L�nder may gi�e <br /> Borrowver a notice identifying the I��n. B�rra�er shall satisfy the l�en or take one Qr more �f�he ac�ions se�forth <br /> above within 1 q days of the gi�ing of na�ic�. <br /> Hazard vr Praperty Insuran�e. Borrower shall keep the improvemen�s now ex�s�ing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured aga�ns��oss by fire,ha�ards included�vith�n the term "extended coverage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> inc�uding floo�ls or fla�d�ng, fflr wh��h Lender requires insurance. This �nsurance shall be maintained in the <br /> amaunts and for�he per�ods�ha�Lender r�quires. The insurance carrier provi�ing the insurance shall be chosen by <br /> B�rravver subject to Lender's approval which shall not b� unreasonably vvithh��d. �f Borrow�r fails �o maintain <br /> coverage descri�ed a�o�e, Lender may, a� L�nd�r's flp�ion, obtain co�erage �o pro�ect Lender's righ�s in the <br /> Proper�y x.n accordance with section ti�led Protection vf Lender's R�ghts in the Praper�y. <br /> All insuranc� policies and renewa�s shall be acceptable to Lend�r and sha�l inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender shall ha�e�he righ��o ha�d�he polici�s and renewals. rf Lender r�quires,B�rrower shall promptly gi�e ta <br /> Lender al�r�ceip�s af paid premiums and rene�val notic�s. �n the e�ent�f loss, Borrower shall g�ve prompt notice <br /> �a the�nsurance carrier and Lender,Lender may mak�pronf of�ass if no�made promp�ly by Borrav�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�r other��se agree in writ�ng, insurance proce�ds sha1l be applied to res�oration ar <br /> repair af the Properfiy damaged, xf, in Lender's so�e d�scretion, the restora�ion or repair is ecanornicalTy feasible <br /> and Lender's security is no� lessened. �f, in Lender's so�e discre�ian, �he res�ora�ion ar repair is n�� economi�al�y <br /> feasihle or Lender's s�cur��y would be lessened,�he insuranc�proceeds sha�l be app��ed�n�he sums�ecured�y�h�s <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument, wh�th�r or no� then due, with any excess paid to B�rrower. If B�rro�ver abandons the <br /> Praperty,or does not answer wi�hin�he number flf days pres�ribed by Applicable Law as set for�h in a notice from <br /> Lender t� Borrov�er tha�the insurance carrier has offered�o settle a c�aim, then Lender may co��ect the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to r�pair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by �hxs Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�,v�he�her or not then due.The periad of�ime far Borrower�o answer as se�for�h in the no�ice wi��begxn <br /> when�he notice�s gx�en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in wri��ng, any application of proce�ds to pr�n�ipa� shall not ex��nd <br /> or postpon��he due date �f the paymen�s due under the �ontracfi or change the amount of�he paymen�s. If under <br /> �he sec�ian�it�ed A��elerat�on; R.emedies, the Proper�y �s acqurred by Lender, B�rrflwer's righ�to any insurance <br /> po�icies and proceeds resu�ting from damage to the Property priar to the acquisition shal� pass �� Lencier �o �h� <br /> exten�of the sums secured by�his Security�nstrument immediate�y pr�or to�he acquisi�ian. <br /> Preser�ation, Maintenanc� and Prote�tion of �he Property; Borrvwer'S Laan Application; Leas�h��ds. <br /> Borrower sha�I not d�stroy, damag� or impazr the Prflperry, allovv�he Property�fl det�riora�e, or��mm�t�vas�e on <br /> the Pr�per�y.Borrower sha�I b��n default if any forfe� ac�ion flr prace�d�ng,whe�her civi�ar criminal,�s�begun <br /> �hat in Lender's good faith judgmen� cou�d result in forfeiture of�he Proper�y or o�h�rwise ma�erial�y impair�he <br /> ��en crea�ed �y th�s Se�urity Instrument or Lender's securi�y �nterest. Barrower may cure such a defaul� and <br /> r�insta�e, as pro�ided in sec�ion titl�d Borrower's Righ� �o Re�nState, �y caus�ng�he ac�ion or pro�eed�ng ta be <br /> d�smissed v�ith a ruling that, in L�n�er's gaod faith det�rmination,preclu�ies forfeitur�of the Borrower's�n�erest�n <br /> the Proper�y or o�her ma�erial �mpa�rment of the li�n crea�ed �y �his S�cur�ty �nstrument or Lender's security <br /> inter�st.Borrower sha�l alsa�b�in defau���f Barrovver,during�he laan applica��an process,gave ma�er�a��y fa�se or <br /> �naccura�e �nformation or statemen�s t� Lender �or fai�ed ta pra�id� Lender with any �rna�erial infarma�ion} �n. <br /> �onn�c�zan v�i�h the laan evidenced by�he Contra��. If�his Security �nstrument is �n a�easeho�d, �arrower shall <br /> �omply�nr�th al�the provisions of the�ease. If Borrawer a�quires fee title tfl�he Proper�y,�he leaseh�ld and the fee <br /> �itle shall not merge un�ess Lender agrees to the merger�n wri�ing. <br /> Pr�te�tion vf Lend�r's Ri�hts in the Property. �f Borrower fails ta perform the cavenants and agreements <br /> contain�d in�hxs Secur��y Instrumen�, or there is a Iega�proceeding tha�may sign�ficantl�affec�Lender's r�gh�s �n <br /> the Property �su�h as a proceeding �n bankrup�cy, probate, for condemnation or forfe�ture flr�o enf�rce Ia�vs or <br /> regulations3, �then Lender n�.ay do and pay for whatever is necessary to proteG� the va1u� of�he Properfiy and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Pr�perty.Lend�r's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lz�n v�hich has pr�orit� <br /> over th�s Security Instrument, appearing in cflur�,p�.ying reasana�le at�orneys'fees and en�er�ng�n the Proper�y ta <br /> mak�repairs.Although Lender may�ake ac�ion und�r this section,Lend�r does not have�o da so. <br /> �24��-24I4 CvmpIiance Systems,Inc.4958-8717-2Q 13L2.3.i.8�3 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 2 af S <br />