<br /> Any applicat�an of payments, �nsurance proceeds, ar Miscel�aneous Proc�eds �o pr�nc�pa� due under�he N��e
<br /> shal� n�t extend or postpone the due date, or change�he amoun�, of the Periodic Pa�ments.
<br /> 3. Funds for�scrovw I�em�. Borrower shall pay to Ilender on the day Periadic Paymen�s are due under�he
<br /> Nate, until �he Note is paid in ful�, a sum��he "Funds"} ta pro��de for payment of a�nounts due far: �a} �ax�s
<br /> and assessments and o�her�tems vvh�ch can attain pr�or�ty a�rer�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�as a li�n or
<br /> encumbranc�on�he Proper��r; �b} leasehoid payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; tc}premiums
<br /> for an�and al� �nsurance required by Lender under Sect�on 5; and�d} Mortgage Insurance premiums, �f�.ny,
<br /> or any sums payable hy Borrov�er to Lender�n�ieu of the payment�f Mar�gage�nsuranc�prem�ums in
<br /> accordance with the prov�sions�f Sect�on 1�. These i�ems are ca.Iled "Escro�v ��ems." At�rig�na�ion or at
<br /> an�time during the��rm��f the Loan, Lender ma�require�hat�ommun��y Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, �f any, be es�rowed by Borrower, and suc�dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow
<br /> I��m. Borrov�rer sha�i promp�ly furn�sh to L.�nder aIl �o�ic�s of amounts to be paid under th�s 5ection.
<br /> Barr�wer shall pay Lender�he Funds for Escr�w Items unless Lender wa��es Borrower's o��i�ation ta pay
<br /> the Funds f�r any or al� Escr�w I�ems. Lend�r may v�ra��e Barrov�rer'S obl�ga�ion�o pay to L�ender Funds for
<br /> any ar all Escrow It�ms at any�ime. An� su�h wai�er rnay only be in vvriting. In the event of such vwa���r,
<br /> Borrov�rer shai� pay directly, when and v�here payabl�, the amounts due for an�Escrow �tems far which
<br /> payment of Funds has�been wa��ed by L.ender and, if Lender requires, sha11 furnish to Lender re�eipts
<br /> ev�dencing such paymen�with�n such�im�periad as Lender may requ�re. Borr�wer's�bligati�n��make
<br /> su�h payments and�o pro�ride receipts shal� for all purposes be deemed�o be a co�enant and agreement
<br /> con�a�ned in th�s S�cur���Instrument, as the phrase "co�enant and agreement" is used in Sect��n 9. If
<br /> B�rrower is obl�ga�ed to pa�Escrow ���ms directly, pursuan�ta a waiver, and Borrower fails�a pa��he
<br /> amount due for an Escrovc� ���m, Lender may exerc�se��s righ�s under Sect�on 9 and pay such amaunt and
<br /> Borrow�r sha�� then be obl��a�ed under Sectxon 9 to repay�a Lender any such amount. Lender may r�v�ke
<br /> the wa��er as�a any�r all Escraw ��ems at an�time by a notice g�ven in accordanc�w�th Section 15 and,
<br /> up�n such re�ocation, Borrower sha��pay to Lender al1 Funds, and in such amounts, tha�are�h�n r��uired
<br /> und�r this Sect�on 3.
<br /> Lend�r may, at any �i�ne, �ollect and hold Funds in an amount�a} suffi�ient to perrni� L,ender ta appl��he
<br /> Funds a��he�irne sp�cif�ed under RESPA, and �b}not�o exceed�he maximum amoun�a lender can requir�
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shall est�m�ate�he amaunt of F�nds due on the�asis of current data and reasanable
<br /> es�in�ates of��pend�tures of fu�ure Escro�v �tems or atherv�ise in accordan�e���h Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shali be he�d �n an insti�utian whose dep�sits are insured by a federal agency, ins�rumental�ty, or
<br /> enti�� ��ncluding Lender, �f Lender is an ins�itu�ian whose depos���are sn insured}or in an�r Federa� Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha��app��the Funds to pay�he Escrow �tems no later than the��rn�e sp�cified under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shali nat charge Barrower for ho�din� and apply�ng the Funds, annually ana�yz�ng the
<br /> escrow acc�un�, or�er�fying th�Escrov� Items, un��ss Lender pays Borrower interest on th�Funds and
<br /> Appl�cable Lavv permits Lender t�make such a charge. Un�ess an agreement is made�n wri�.ing or
<br /> App�i�a�l�Law requires inter�st�o t�e paid on�he Fu�ds, Lender sha�l nat�be required to pay Borrower an�
<br /> �nterest�r earnings�n the Funds. Borr�wer and Lender can.agree in v�rriting, ho�ve�er, that in�erest sha��be
<br /> paid an�he Funds. Lender sha�� gi�e ta Borrovver, wi�hou��harge, an annual acc�unting�f the Funds a�
<br /> requir�d by RESPA.
<br /> �f�here is a surp�us�f Funds h��d in escrow, as de�ned under R�SPA, Lender shall ac�oun�to Borrower f�r
<br /> the excess funds in accordan�e with RESPA. �f there is a shor�age of Funds he�d in escr�vv, as d��ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha��notify Borrawer as required b� RESPA, and Barr�►�ver shai�pay�o Lender�he amoun�
<br /> necessary��make up the shar�age in accardance v�r�th RESPA, �ut in n� more�han �2 monthly pa}�ment�. If
<br /> there is a de�c�ency of Funds he�d in e�crov�, as def�ned under RESPA, L.�nder shal� natify Borrow�r as
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�arnily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM lNSTRUM�NT Farm 3��8�107
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE;{�3Q23
<br /> Walters K(uwer Financial Services Page 5 of I7
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