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� � U � �� � � 57 <br /> EXHIBIT E <br /> MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br /> The follawing are addenda lo ttie Mo�tgage. Pleaso cf�eck tl�o applicable addondum. Ti�� <br /> addendum ct�ecked sliall be incorporated into, and recorded willi, Itie Mo�tgage. The term`Morigage• <br /> shall be deemed to include "Deed of T�usl," if applicable. <br /> X FHA, USpA RURAL OEVELOPMENT and HUD ADDENDUM ONLY <br /> TIiIS TAX-EXCMPT FINANCING RIDER is made tl�is 27 day ofJanuary2000and is <br /> incorporated into and sliall be deemed to amend and supplemen! lhe Mongage, Deed o(T�ust o� <br /> Security.Deed("Security Inslrument")of lhe same dale given by the undersigned('Borrower)to secu�e <br /> 8orrower's Note("Note') to <br /> Mountian West Financial, Inc. <br /> ("Lender")of Ihe same dale and covering the property described in the�Securityr Instrument and localed <br /> al: <br /> 224 South Vine Street <br /> Grand Island, NE 68801 <br /> (Property Addressj <br /> (n addition to lt�e covenanls and agreemenls made in the Security Instn�ment, E3orrower and Lender <br /> (urtlier covenanl and agree to amend Parag�aph 9 0(Ihe Model Mortgage Form, enlilled "Grounds (or <br /> Acceleration of DeUI'as by adding additional g�ounds for acceleration as follows: <br /> Lender, or such o(its successors or assigns as may be separale instrumenl assume <br /> responsibility (or assuring compliance:by•the 8orrower wilh the provisions�of Ihis.Tax-Exempl Fina�ci�g <br /> Rider;may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Security Inst�ument if: <br /> (a) All or pan of the P�operty is sold or.otherwise lranste�red by 8ortower to a <br /> purchaser or other transferee: <br /> (1) YVi�o.cannot ceasonably be.expected to_occupy lhe a <br /> prineipal.Residence.within a reasonable.time afle�ihe sale or iransfer alf as provided in Section 143(c) <br /> and (Ij(2) of Ihe Interna!Revenue Code; or � <br /> � <br /> (ii) Who has had a�present ownership inlerest in a principal Residence ' <br /> during any.pari of.the.three-year period endinc�on the date.of the sale or lransfer, all as provided in <br /> Section 143(d) and (I)(2)of lhe Internal Revenue Code (excepl lhal'100 pe�cent"shall bB s�.�bslituled (or <br /> "95 percenl or more"where tl�e latter.appea�s in Section 143(d)(1)); or <br /> . (iii) At an acquisition cost which is grealer.lhan 90 percent of lhe average <br /> area purchase price (greale�than 11p percent (ortargeted area�Resldences), all as provided 1n SecUon <br /> 143(e) and (I)(2) of tlie Internal Revenue Code; o� <br /> (iv) Who has a gross family income in excess of the applicable percentage <br /> of applicable median famlly income as proyided In Seclion 143(Q and (I) (2)o(lhe Inlernal Revenue <br /> Code; or <br /> J _ �. �--r�a <br />