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<br /> SECOND DE�D OF TRUST �,/v -�� �- ` , �-
<br /> (HBA Loan)
<br /> Thls Second Deed of T�ust (this "Second Deed o( Trust"1, is made as ot JAN 31 200Q�, by and amonp r �'
<br /> . ("Trustor"�, whose mailing address Is 1103 W 11TH ST GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 ; � �
<br /> COMMERCIAL FEDERAL BANK, A FEDERALt"Trustee") , wtiose mailfng address is 450 REGENCY PRY
<br /> SAVINGS BANK � OMAHA , Nebraska; and Nebraska Investment Finance Authorfty
<br /> ("Bene(Iciary"), whose mailinp address is 200 Commerce Court, 1230 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-1402.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevocably translers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH POWER
<br /> OF SALE, lor the be�elit and security of Beneficiary, under and sub�ect to the terms and conditions ot this Second Deed of Trust,
<br /> the real property, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by relerence (the "Property"); and
<br /> TOGETHER WITFI, allrents, profits,royalties, income and other benelits derived (rom the Property (callectively, the"rents"�,
<br /> all (eases or subleases covering the Property or any portfon thereof now or herealter existing or entered into, and all right, title and
<br /> lnterest ol Trustor thereunder, all right, title and fnterest of 7rustor in and to any greater estate in the Property owned or hereafter
<br /> acqulred, all Interests, estate or other clairns, both in law and in equity, whi�h Trustor now has or maY hereafter acquire In the
<br /> Property, all easements, rights•ot-way, tenements, liereditaments and appurtenances thereof and tl�ereto, all water rlghts, all right,
<br /> tl(le and Interest of Trustor, now owned or hereatter acquired, In and to any land, lying within tlie rlgfit-uf-way ol any st�eet or
<br /> I vay adjoining the Property, and any and all alleys and strips and gores of land adjacent to or used in connection wfth the
<br /> h�.,Nerty, and a�y and all buildings, (ixtures and improvements now or hereafter erected thereon (tlie "Improvements"), and ell tf�e
<br /> estate, Interest, rlght, titie or any claim or demand which Trustor now has or may hereafter acquire in the Property, and any and
<br /> all awards made tor the takinp by eminent domain, or by any proceeding or purcl�ase in lieu tt�ereof, of the whole or any part of
<br /> the Trust Estate, Including without limltation any awards resulting from a change of grade of streets and awards tor severance
<br /> damages.
<br /> Tlie Property and the entire estate and interest conveyed to tl�e Trustee are re(erred to collectively as the "Trust Estate".
<br /> For Ihe�Purpose oi Securing: .
<br /> A. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by any promissory note ot Trustor in lavor of Beneficiary; and
<br /> g. Payment of all sums advanced by Bene(iciary to protect tl�e Trust Estate, with interest lhereon at the rate ol
<br /> sixteen percent (16°�) per annum.
<br /> The Indebtedness described (n paragraphs A and B above is referred to as the "Indabtedness."
<br /> This Second Oeed oI Trust, any promissory note of Trustor In favor of Beneficiary and any other Instrument given to
<br /> evidence or further secure tlie payment and performance of any obHgation secured hereby are referred to collect(vely as the "Loan
<br /> Instruments". �,
<br /> Trustor covenants that (i) Trustor holds title tv tl�e Trust Estate and fias lawful authority to encumber lhe Trust Estete,
<br /> (Ii� the Trust Estate is Iree and clear of all Ife��is and encumbrances except tor easements, restrictions and coveriants of record and
<br /> lhe Deed of Trust (rom 7rustor encumberinp the Property dated on or about tt�e Jate hereof (the "First Deed of Trust"1, and
<br /> IIif) T�ustor wtll defend the Trust Estate agatnst tfie lawiul claims of any person.
<br /> T� Pratect the Secur(ty of tlils Second Deed ot Trust:
<br /> 1. Paymenf o/lndebfedness, Trustor sliall pay when due tlie principal of, and tl�e interest on, the Indebtedness and
<br /> all other sums as provfded in the Loan Instruments.
<br /> • 1 NIFA 2/96
<br />