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��15��SSS <br /> B�RR��V�R�C]�TENANTS that Barr�wer�s lawfu�Iy seise� �f the estate h�reby�onv�yed and has�he r�ght ta <br /> grant and con�ey �h�Prop�r��and that the Pr�p�r�y is unen�urnbered, except far�nCumbran��s af record, <br /> Borr���r warrants and v�il� defend �en�ra��y �he ti�le�a the Praperty aga�ns� all claims a��d d�mands, subject ta <br /> any encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> TH�S SECUR.ITY �NSTRUMENT comb�nes un�f�rm cavenants for nationa� use and non-uniform covenan�s wi�h <br /> �zmited variat�ons by jurisdicti�n to const�tute a unifarm secur��y instrument covering real property. <br /> tJniform Co�enants. Borrnwer and Lender co�enan� and agree as fallaws: <br /> 'i. Payment af Prin��pa1, Interest, Escr�w ltems, Prepayment �harges, and Late Charges. B�rrawer <br /> shall pay when due the principal of, and �nt�res�on, �h�d�bt���d�n�ed by the Nate and an�prepayment <br /> charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower sha�� a�so pay funds for�scrow �tems pursuan��o <br /> Section 3. Paymen�s due under the Nate and this Security Instrument shall be made in IJ.S. currency. <br /> However, �f any che�k or other instrum�nt recei�ed by Lender as payment under the Note or this S�curity <br /> Instrument is r��urned�o Lender unpa�d, Lender may require that any�r ali subsequen�payments du�under <br /> the Nate and this S�curity Instrument b�made in one nr more�f the fo���w�ng torms, as se�ec�ed by Lender: <br /> �a}�ash; �b} money�rder; �c} cer�i�e�c��ck, bank�h�ck, treasur�r's ch�ck ar cashzer's check, prav�d�d any <br /> such ch�ck is drawn upon an�nsti�ution whase d�posits are ir�sured by a federal agency, �ns�rumentality, or <br /> entity; or�d} ��ectronic Funds Tran�f�r. <br /> Payments are d�em�d recei��d by Lender when recei�ed at the i�cation des�gnated in the Note or at such <br /> oth�r Iaca�ion as may b�designated�y Lender in accordan�e w�th the nat��e prav�s��ns �n S�cti�n x 5. <br /> Lender ma�return any payment�r partial pay�nen� �f the pay�m�nt or partial payments are insuf�c�en�to <br /> bring�he Loan current. Lend�r may ac��p�any payment�r par��al payment insuf�cien�to bring�he L�an <br /> curren�, wi�haut wai�er af any rights her�under or pre�udic�tfl �ts r�gh�s to refus�such paym�nt�r partia� <br /> payments in�he future, but Lender zs nat a�ligat�d t� appiy such payments at the��m�su�h payments are <br /> acc�pted. �f each Per��dic Payment is app�ied as of��s schedu�ed due da�e, then Lender ne�d not pay �nterest <br /> �n unapplied funds. Lend�r may hold such unapp�ied funds until Barrawer makes payments�o br�ng�he <br /> Loan current. �f Borrn��r daes not do so within a reasanable periad af time, Lender shai� either apply such <br /> funds or re�urn them t� Borrower, If not app�ied ear�ier, such funds wi�l b�appl�ed ta the outstanding <br /> prin�ipa� ba�ance under the Note immediat�Iy priar�a foreclosure. No offset or claim�hich Borrower might <br /> ha��naw or in th�futur�aga�nst Lender shal� re�ie�e Borrower from mak�n�payments due under the Nflte <br /> and�his S�curity Instrument or perf�rm�ng�he covenan�s and a�re�men�s secured by th�s S�cur�ty <br /> �nstrument, <br /> �. App#ication of Payments or Praceeds. E�cept as o�her�vise describ�d in this 5ection 2, aIl payments <br /> accepted and app�zed by Lender shall be applied in the fallowing�rder of priority: �a} interes�due under the <br /> Nate; �b}pr�ncipal due under the N�ote; ��} amaun�s due under�ec�ion 3. Such payments shall �e applied�o <br /> each Periodic Paym�nt in the order zn which i�became due. Any rema�ning amflunts shail�e applied�rst�o <br /> �ate charges, s��ond to any other amaunts due under th�s Securi�y �nstrum�nt, an�then to reduce the <br /> pr�ncipa� ba�an�e�f th�No�e. <br /> �f Lend�r rece�ves a payment from B�rrow�r for a de�inquent Periadic Payment which inciudes a suf�cient <br /> amount t�pay any late charge due, the paymen�ma��e app�ied to the de��nquent payment and the�a�e <br /> charge. �f m�re than�ne Periodi� Paym�ent�s outstand�ng, Lender may app�y any paymen�re�e�ved from <br /> Borro�ver to th�r�pa�m�nt af the P�riodic Paym�n�s if, and to the�xten��hat, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fuii. To the e�tent that any exces�exists aft�r the payment is applied to the full paym�nt of one or m�re <br /> Periadic Pa�ments, such exc�ss may be appli�d to any iate charges du�. Voluntary pr�payments shai�be <br /> applied first to any prepaymen�charges and th�n a���scribed�n th�Nnt�, <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe�amiiy-�a�nie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT �arrn 3Q28 11�i <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE��1342� <br /> Wvlters Kiuwer Financial 5er�ices Pag�4 af 17 <br />