<br /> in the Proper�� and r�ghts under th�s Se�urity Ins�rumen�; and�d} takes such action as Lender ma�
<br /> reasonab�y require ta assur�thati Lender's interest zn the Praperty and rights under this Securi�� �nstrumen�,
<br /> and Borr��vver's ob�iga��on to pay the sums s�cured by th�s Security �ns�rument, shall con�inue unchan�ed.
<br /> Lender ma� require that Borrawer pay such re�nstatemen�sums and e�penses �n one or mor�of th�fol��win�
<br /> forms, as selec��d b�r L�nder: �a} cash; �b}rnoney order; �c}cert�fied ch�c�, bank ch�ek, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashi�r's che�k, pr�vided any such check is drawn up�n an ins��tution whose depos��s are insured b�a
<br /> federal agency, �ns�rumentali�y or entit�; or�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. Up�n re�ns�a�ement h� B�rrower,
<br /> this Securi�y Instrument and ob��gations secure�.hereby shai� remain fuliy effecti�e as if n�a�ceieration had
<br /> occurr�d. �-3owe�er, this right to re�nstate shal�not app�y �n�he�ase of accel�ration under Secti�n �$.
<br /> ��. Sa�e of Note; �hange of Laan Se�vicer; Not�ce of Grierrance. Th�Nofe or a par�ial in�er�s�in�he
<br /> N�te ��oge�her w�th this Security Instrument}�an be so�d on�or more t�rnes w�thout pri�r notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e m�ght resu�t in a change�n th�en�ity�known as the "��an �S�rvicer"}�ha�co�l�cts Per�odic
<br /> Pa�m�nts due under�he Na�e and this Secur�t� �nstrument and performs other m�r�gag���an serv�cing
<br /> ob�iga�ions under th� Note, this S�curity �ns�rurnen�, and App�icabie Law. There also migh�be one or�rnore
<br /> changes of�he Loan Servicer unrela�ed��a sale of�he Nflte. If�here is a�hange of the Laan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower wi�l be given wr����n no�ice of the change whi�h wi�� state th�nam�and address of�he nev�r Loan
<br /> Serv�cer, the address to which pay�n�nts should b�made and any other informa�ion RESPA requires in
<br /> connec��on wi�h a not��e of�ran�f�r of servic�ng. �f�he Note is so�d and thereaf�er the Loan is ser�zced b�a
<br /> I..�an S�r�icer o�her than�he purchaser of the Note, the mor�gage�aan serv�c�ng o�ligatxons�o Borrower v�ii�
<br /> remain w�th the Loan Servicer�r be�ransferred ta a successar Laan Ser�icer and are n��assumed�y the
<br /> N�o�e purchas�r uniess otherw�se pro�ided�y the N��e purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrower nar Lender may com�.men�e,�oin, or b�joined�o any judic�al actian �as either an
<br /> individual litigant or the memb�r of a��ass� that arises from the o�her party's ac��ons pursuan�to �his
<br /> Se�ur�ty Instrurnent or tha�a��eges tha�the other par�y has�reached any pra�ision of, ar any duty owed by
<br /> reason flf, this S�curit� �n�trumen�, unt�� such B�rr�wer�r Lender has n�tified the other par�y �wi�h such
<br /> not�ce g��en�n compliance w��h the requirements of Sec�ion �5} of such al�eged�reach and afforded��e
<br /> o�her par�y here�o a reasanabl�per�od after�he g��in� of su�h notice to�ake correct���act�on. �f Applica�le
<br /> Law pravides a�ime period�vh�ch must etapse b�for�certain ac�ion can be taken, �ha�time period wi1�be
<br /> d�emed�o be reasonable for purposes of�his paragraph. The notice of accel�ration and oppor�uni�y�o cure
<br /> �i�en�o Borr�wer pursua�n��o Section��and the n�t�ce of acc��erat�on given to Borrov�er pursuan��o
<br /> Section �8 shall be deemed�o satisfy the�otice and opportunity �a take corrective ac�i�n provisions af th�s
<br /> Section 2�.
<br /> Z�. Hazard�us Suhstances. As used �n th�s 5ec��on�1: �a} f ll�a�arc�or�s Substances"are those subs�ances
<br /> de�in�d as t�x�c or hazardous substances, po��u�an�s, ar v�as�es by En�v�ronmenta� Lav�r and the fo��ov�rin�
<br /> subs�ances: gasaline, kerosene, other flam�raa�ie or to�.ic pe�roleum produc�s, tox�c pest�c�des and herb�c�des,
<br /> �ola�ile sol�ents, ma��ria�s conta�ning asbes�os or formaldeh}�de, and radioac�z�e ma��ria�s; tb}
<br /> "Envirorxmental Lax�"means federa� �aws and�aws of th�jur�sd�c��on where the Prnperty �s�aca�ed�hat
<br /> relate�o hea�th, safety or enviranmental pr��ect�on; �c} "Ertviron���ent�� �leanr�p"inc�udes any response
<br /> action, remediai act�on, �r remavai ac�ion, as detin�d in En�ironmenta� Law; and�d} an ".�r�virn�t�rzer�tal
<br /> C�nd�t�a�i"means a cflndit�on tha�can caus�, c�n�ribu��tn, �r other�ise�rigger an�n�ironmen�al �leanup.
<br /> Borrov�er�ha�1 not cause or perm.i��he presenc�, use, d�sposa�, storage, or release�f any �azardous
<br /> Substan�es, or�hreaten t� release any Hazardaus Su�s�ances, on ar in�he Proper�y. Borrov�r�r shal� not do,
<br /> nor allow an�one els��a d�, any�hing affe�ting th�Prop�rty�a} tha�is in�io�ation af an�Env�ronmental
<br /> Lavv, �b� v�rhich creates an En�r�ronmenta� Condit�on, �r�c} wh�ch, due to the presence, use, or rel�a�e of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a cond�t�on�hat adversely aff��ts the vaiue of�he Pr�per�y. The preceding��vo
<br /> N�BRASKA-SingE��amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac EJNI��RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 34�8 7lD1
<br /> VMP(] VMPfi{NE�t13fl23
<br /> Wolters KEuwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 13❑f i 7
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