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��15��S7S <br /> continue�o pay to I.ender�he amount of the separatel�designa�ed payments that were due vv�en the <br /> insurance co�erage ceased �o be in effect. L.�nder v�rill accept, use and retain�hese payments as a <br /> n�nMrefundable lass reser��in��eu of Mor�gage Insur�ce. Such loss reserve shall be nan-refundable, <br /> notwiths�anding�h�fac�tha�the Laan�s u�timate�y paid in full, and Lender�ha�l no�be required�o pay <br /> Barrower any interes�or earnings an such loss reserve. Lender Can no I�nger require�oss reserve payments <br /> �f Mortga�e�nsurance cov�rage�in the amnunt and for the per�od that L.ender requir�s}provid�d by an <br /> �nsurer se�ec�ed by Lender again becomes ava��able, is ob�ained, and Lend�r requires s�parately designat�d <br /> payments tovvard�he prem�ums for Mor�gage insurance. If Lender requir�d M�r�gage �nsurance as a <br /> cond��ion�f making the Loan and Bnrrov�er wa� required to make separa�e�y designatec�paymen�s taward�he <br /> premiums for Mortga�e�nsurance, Borrovver sha��pay the premu.ums required to ma�ntain Mor�gage <br /> �nsurance�n�ffect, ar to pro��de a nanwrefundabl��flss res�rve, un�xl Lend�r's requirement for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordanc�with any writ�en a�reemen�b��ween Barro�er and Lender praviding for such <br /> terminat�on nr until term�nation is required by Appiicab�e Law. No�hing in th�s Sec�ian ��affec�s <br /> Borrower's ob�igat��n to pay in�eres�at�he rate pra�ided�n the Not�. <br /> Mor�gage Insuran�e reimburs�s I.ender�or any enti���ha�purchases the N�te} for cer�ain las�es �t may �n�ur <br /> if Borrov�er does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrovver is no�a par�y�o�he Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> N��rtgage�nsurers e�aluate the�r�otal risk on all such insurance �n force frflm time�o time, and may enter <br /> into agreements�i�h o�her par�ies tha�share ar m.od�fy their risk, or r�duce�Qsses. The�e agreements are on <br /> �erms and conditions�ha�are satisfa�tar�to �he mort�age insurer and the other par�y �or pa�ies}to t�.ese <br /> agreemen�s. These a�reemen�s may require�he mor�gage insurer to make payments us�ng any source of funds <br /> that the mor�gage�nsurer ma�r have a�ai�able �wh�ch may inc�ud�funds abta�ned from Mor�gage Insurance <br /> prenl�ums�. <br /> As a resuit of�hese agreemen�s, Lender, an�purchaser of the Not�, ano�her�nsurer, any reinsurer, an��ther <br /> en�i�y, or an� aff�i�a�e�f any of the fnrego�ng, may receive�directiy or�ndir�ctiy} amounts tha�deri�e from <br /> �or m�gh�b��harac�erized as} a portion of Sorrawer's paymen�s for N.Cor�gage Insuranc�, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modif�ing the mor�gage insurer's risk, or reduc�ng�asses. �f su�h agreement provides that an <br /> affiiiate of Lender tak�s a shar�of�he�nsurer's risk in e�change f�r a share�f the prem�i.ums pa�d��the <br /> �nsurer, the arrangemen��s af�en terxned "capt�ve re�nsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a} Any such agreemen�s�vil� no�affect the arnounts that Borrawer has agreed t� pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her terms of the Loan, Such agre�ments vv���not�ncrease�he amount <br /> Borrnwer►��vil�owe for�Vlortgage Insurance, and they ti�vill not enti��e Borrower to any refund. <br /> �b} An�such agreemen�s wil� no�affec�the r�gh�s Borrower has-if any -wi�h respec��a the <br /> �Vlor�gag�Insurance under th�Homeowners Pratection Act of 1995 or any other�aw. These rights <br /> may �nciude the right�o rece�v�cer�a�n disc�asuress �a request and obta�n cance��at��n of the <br /> �o�-�gage Insurance, tv have�he Mor�gage Insurance term�na�ed automati�a�ly, andlor ta recei�e <br /> a refund of any�Vlortgage Insurance premiums that vvere unearned at the�ime of such <br /> cance��ativn or termination. <br /> �'[. Ass�gnment af Miscellan��us Praceeds; Forfeiture. A�� N�isce�Xaneous Pr�ceeds are herel�y assigned to <br /> and shall be paid to L.�nder. <br /> If the Pr�per�y �s damaged, such M�scel�aneaus Praceeds sha�l be applied to restora�ion or repa�r of�he <br /> Pr�per�y, if�he restarat�an or repair is economical�y feas�b�e and Lender's secur�ty is not lessened. During <br /> such repair and res�oration period, Lender sha��ha�e the righ� ta hold su�h M�scel�aneous Proceeds un�il <br /> Lender has had an opportun�ty�o inspec�such Prop�r�y�o ensure�he work has been camp�eted�o Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie M�elFreddie M��L3NlF�RM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3DZ8 11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi�NE}Zi 302f <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!5er�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />