<br /> �n the Property and rights under this Security �nstrument; and �d} takes such action as L.�nder may
<br /> r�asanably requ�re to as�ur�tha� Lender's interes� in�he Property and r�ghts under�h�s 5ecurity �nstrument,
<br /> and B�rrov�er's obligation�o pay the sums secur�d by th�s Secur��� �nstrument, shal�cnn��nue unchanged.
<br /> L�nder may r�quire that Barrflv�er pa� such r�ins�a��m�nt sum� and expenses in ane or more of the fallow�ng
<br /> forms, as sel�cted by I.ender: �a}cash; �b} money order; �c}cer�i�ed check, bank check, tr�asur�r's check�r
<br /> cash�er's check, pro�ided any such chec��s drawn upan an�nstitutian whose depasi�s are insured by a
<br /> fed�ral agency, instrumentali��or ent��}�; or�d} Electr�nic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atem�n�by Barrovver,
<br /> this Security Ins�rumen�and obliga�ions secured hereby shai� remain fiully effective as if no acceleratian had
<br /> occurred. However, this r�ght t� reinsta�e shall no�appl}� in�he case af acce�eration under Sec�ion 1$.
<br /> ��. Sa�e af Note: Change af Loan Servicer: Natice of Grie�ance. The Note ar a par�ial in�erest in�he
<br /> N�te��oge�h�r w��h this S�curit�Ins�rumen�}can be sold one or more�imes with�ut pr�or not�ce�o
<br /> Barrower, A sale m.ight resui� in a change in�he ent�t� �known as�he "Loarz�Servicet•"}��at collec�s Peric�d��
<br /> Payments due und�r�he No�e and this Securi�y Instrum�nt and performs other mor�gage loan ser��c�n�
<br /> obl�gat�flns under the N��e, �his ��curity�nstrumen�, and Applicah�e Law. Th�re a�s�might b��ne or more
<br /> changes of�he Loan Ser�iGer unrelated to a sale of�he I�ate. �f�here is a change of the L.�an Serv�cer,
<br /> B�rrower wii�be g���n writ�en notice af�he change wh�ch wii� state the name and address�f the nevv Laan
<br /> S�rv�cer, �he address�o which pa�rn�ents should be made and any other�nformation RESPA requires �n
<br /> connec�ian w�th a na�ice of transfer of serv�c�ng. �f the Note�s sold and�hereafter the L.oan is ser��ced by a
<br /> Laan Ser�icer o�her than the pur�has�r flf the Note, the martgage loan servicing ob�igations to Barr�wer w�ll
<br /> rema�n with the Loan Ser�v�cer or be�ransferred�o a suc�essor L.oan Ser�icer and are no�assurned b� �he
<br /> Note purcha�er un�ess a�herwise pravided by�he No�e purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Barrow�r nor Lender ma��omm.ence,�oin, or�e�n�ned to any�udicia� ac�ion �as e��her an
<br /> �ndi�ri�ual li�igant or the member�f a class}�hat ar�ses from�he ather party's actions pursuan��o�his
<br /> Security �ns�rument or tha�aiie�es that the other party has breached any provision o�, or any dut}�flw�d by
<br /> reason of, �his Se�ur�ty Instrumen�, un�il suCh B�rr�vver flr Lender has notified the other par�y �with su�h
<br /> not�ce gi�en�n compliance with the requiremen�s af S�c�ion �5} of such a��eged breach and afforded the
<br /> other part�hereto a r�asonable period after the giving af such n�t�ce ta take�orrective action. If Applicable
<br /> Law prn�ides a t�me period wh�ch must elapse befare cer�a�n ac��on can�e taken, �hat t�me period vvi11 be
<br /> deemed t�be reasonabl��or purposes�f this paragraph. The natice of acce�eratian and opportun��y to cure
<br /> gi�en to Borrovver pursuant to See�ion 2�and the n��ice of acceieration gi�en to Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Se�tion �S shall b�deemed to sa�isfy�he not�ce and flppo�uni�y to take corre�ti�e actinn provisions of�his
<br /> Sect�on Z�.
<br /> ��. Hazardaus Substances. As used in�his Sect��n 21: �a} "I�'a��rdaus Substartces"are those substan�es
<br /> defined as tnxic or hazard�us subs�ances, pal�utants, �r was�es by Envir�nmen�a� Law and the foliaw�ng
<br /> suhstances: gaso�ine, keras�ne, o�her f�ammable or tox��petrfl�eum products, �axic pest�c�des and herbicid�s,
<br /> volati�e so�vents, ma�eria�s canta�n�n�asbestos ar forrna�deh�de, and radioactive materials; �b}
<br /> "�r�uiror�rnejztal L�w"means federal �aws and laws of�he�urxsdic�ian v�h�r�the Proper��is Iocated that
<br /> relate to hea�th, safety or en�rironmen�al pro�ec��on; �c} "�nvzroj���terttar Cleanu�"�nciudes any response
<br /> act�on, remedial action, ar rem�.a�a�action, as def�ned in Environm�ntal Law; and�d} an "�"r�vironnretzta�
<br /> �ot�di�io�x"mear�s a cond�tion that can caus�, �ontribu�e�o, or�theru�ise�rigger arY En�iranmenta� ��eanup.
<br /> Borrower shall no�cause�r permi��he presence, use, d�sposal, stflrage, ar release of an� Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances, or�hreaten to re�ea�e any Hazard�us Su�stances, on or�n the Praperty. Borrow�r shall no�do,
<br /> nor a�law anyone e�se to do, any�hing affect�ng�he Property �a}tha� is in vio�at�on of any En�ironmental
<br /> Laws �b} which�rea�es an En�iranmentai �ond�tion, ar�c}which, due to�he presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a cond�tion that ad�er���y affects �he�alue of'the Prop�r�y. The preceding�v�o
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe��mi[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNl�aRM 1N5TRUMENT �vrm 3�28�141
<br /> VMP� VMPS�NE}�13D�)
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial 5er�i�es Page'i 3 vf 17
<br />