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��15��745 <br /> fuli of al� sums secured by �his S�curity �nstrument. Howe�er, this option sha1� not be �xercised by Lender if <br /> exercis��s pr�hibi�ed by federa�law as flf the date of�his Securi�Ins�rumen�. <br /> rf Lender exercises this option, Lender shall g��e B�rrovver no�ice of acceleration. The nfl�i�e shall pro�ide a <br /> periad of not less than �he m�.in�mum number of days established by Applicable La�nr from the date �he no��ce is <br /> delivered or mailed �ithin vvhich Borrower mus� pay all sum� se�ured by �his Security �nstrume�t. If Borrov�er <br /> fails �a pay �hese sums prior tio �he �xpira��on af�h�s periad, Lender may in��ke any rem�d�es p�rmitted by <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�vvithout fur�her not�ce or demand on Borrower. <br /> Borrower's Rxght ta Re�nstate. �f Sarrov�er mee�s �er�ain condxtxons, Borrawer shal� have th� righ� to ha�e <br /> enfarcement of�h�s Securi�y �nstrumen� discontinued at any time prior to the ear��er of: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> period as Appli�able�aw may specify for reins�atement�before sale of�he Properry pursuant to any power of sale <br /> con�a�ned �n th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�; or �b� entry of a judgment enforcing th�s S�curity �nstrument. Those <br /> condit�ons are that Borro�ve�r: �a� pays Lender a�1 sums wh�ch then �vou�d be due under this Secur��y �nstrumen� <br /> and�he�ontract as if na acceleration had occurred;�b�cures any default of any other cavenan�s ar agr��m�n�s;�c� <br /> pays all expenses�ncurred iri enf�rcing this Secur�ty rnstrumen�, in�luding,bu�nfl�Iimited to,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees�o�he e�ten�perm�t�ed by law; and�d}�akes su�h a�tion as Len�er may reasona�Iy requ�re to assur�that the <br /> lien of this Security�nstrument, Lender's righ�s �n the Froperty a�ad Borrflvver's oblxga�ion to pay the sums secured <br /> by this Security rnstrumen� shal� continue u.nchang�d. Upon re�.n.s�a�ement by Borrawer, this S�cur�ty Instrument <br /> and �he abligations secu.r�d hereby shall remain fu��y �ffe��ive as �f no ac��ieration had occurred. HovWev�r, this <br /> right��re�nstate shall not apply in the case of ac�e�era�ion under�he se�ti�n�r�Ied Transf�r�f the Property or a <br /> Benef�cial Intere�t�n Borr�wer. <br /> Hazardous Substances. B�rrower shall nat cause or permit�he presen�e,use, disposal, s�orage, or release�f any <br /> Hazardflus Subs�an�es on ar in�he Praperry.Bflrrower sha��no�da,nar a��aw anyone else�o do,anyth�ng affec��in.g <br /> the Property �ha� is in vi��ation of any Env�ranrnen�al Law. Th� pr�ceding �o sentences shall not apply to the <br /> presenc�,use,or s�orage on�he Property of small quan�itxes af�Iazard�us Subs�ances�hat are genera.11�rec�gni2ed <br /> to be appropr�ate to normal residential uses and��r�ain��nance of the Proper�y. <br /> Borrower shall promp���g�ve Lender wr�t�en not�ce of any inv�s�xgat��n,c�aim, demand, �awsui�or other ac�ion by <br /> any governmen�al or regu�a1tory agency or pr�va�� par�y �n�a�ving the Property and any Ha�ardaus Subs�ance or <br /> Env�ronmen�a� Law of vvh.ich Barrov�er has actual know�edge. �f Borr�wer learns, or is not�f ed by any <br /> go�ernm�n�al or regu�a�ory�.uthor��y,tha�any remo�al or other remedia��on of any Ha�ardous Subs�anc�affecting <br /> th� Prop�r�y is necessary, Borrower shall promptly �a�e al� necessary remedial actians in a�cordance w�th <br /> Enuironm�ental Law. <br /> As used in th�s paragraph, ":Hazardous Subs�ances" are thflse subs�ances�as toxic or hazardaus substances <br /> by Environmenta� Law and �he fo�low�ng subs�ane�s: gaso�ine, kerflsene, oth�r flamma�l� or ta�ic petraleum <br /> pr�ducts, �ox�c pesticid�s a�nd herbic�d�s, volatile solvents, mater�a�s cantaining asbes�as or�aldehyde, and <br /> radioa����e ma�erials.As used�n th�s paragraph, "�nv�ronmenta�Law"means federal Iavvs and�aws of�he s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska that relate to hea�tl�,safe�y or en�ironmen�al pro�e�tion. <br /> Accelerat�on; Rem�dies. I�ender shall give no��ce ta Borrower prior �o accelerati�n following B�rrower's <br /> breach of any co�enant ar agreement�n �his Security Instrument or the��n�ract under which accelerativn <br /> is permi��ed �but not prior�to acce��ration under the�ection ti�led TranSfer of the Praperty or a Bene�C�al <br /> Interest in Borrower, unle5s Applicab�e Law pr���des oth�rwise}. The notice Shall spec�fy: �a� the default; <br /> �b) �he a�tion required t�a cure the defauit; �c� a date, not less than the min�mum nunaber of days <br /> established by App��cable lLaw fram the date the notice is g��en tv Borrower, by which th�d�fau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d) that failure to cure the defau�� on or before the date 5pecif ied in the no��ce may result in <br /> acce�eration of the sums se�ured by this Security Ins�rument and sale of �he Property. To the exten� <br /> permi�t�d by Iaw, the nati�e shail further inform Borrower of the right to reinsta�e af�er ac�e�erat�on and <br /> th�right��bring a court act��n ta assert the non-exi5tence of a default or any�ther defense�f Borrower to <br /> aC�eleratian and sa�e. If th� defaul� �s not cur�d an or before �he date specified in �he no�ice, Lender a� i�s <br /> optian may require immed�ate paym�nt in full of all 5ums securQd by this Securi�y Instrumen� w��hou� <br /> fur�her demand and may iin�oke the power of saie and any other remedies perm���e� by AppZ��able Law. <br /> Ta the ex�ent permi�tted b;y �aw, Lender shall be entitled to co�le�t alI expenses incurred in pursu�ng th� <br /> remedies pro�ided in thi5 Section, in��uding, but nat Iim�ted to, reasonab�e att�rn�ys' fees and. co�ts af title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the pawer of sale is �n�oked,Trustee shal� rec�rd a notice of defaui�in each county �n which any par�of <br /> the Property is �ocated andl shali ma�I copies of such no��ce in the rnanner prescribed by Applicable Law�o <br /> Borrower and to the o�her person5 prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time required by Applicab�e <br /> Law, Trus�ee sha�� giwe pub�ic no��ce �f sa�e to the persvns and �n the manner prescr�bed by Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee,without dem�and �n Borrower,shall sel�the Property at public au�tion to the highest bidder <br /> at the t�me and place and under the terms designa�ed �n the no��ce of sale�n one ar mvre par���s and in any <br /> ord�r Trustee determines.. Trustee may pv�tpone sale of a�� or any parcel of the Pr�perty by pub�i� <br /> annvuncement at the�ime�and p�acQ of any pre�iously schedu�ed sa�e. Lender or its designee rnay purchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of�he price b�d, TruSt�e shai� de��ver to the purchaser Trustee's deed �onveying <br /> the Prop�rty. The rec�ta�s i�n the Trus�ee�s d�ed �hail be prima fac�e evidence af the truth of�he statements <br /> made therein. Truste� sh��i app�y the proceeds of the 5a�e in the follawing order: �a� �a al� co5�s and <br /> expenses af exerci��ng the apvwer of sale, and the sa�e, �n�luding the pa�ment of th� Trustee's fee� a�tua��y <br /> 0 2QQ�-2014 Compiian�e Systems,Inc.4958-2]�3A-Zal3L2,3,1.8�3 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2D36 Page 4 af S www.campliancesysterns,�om <br />