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��15��733 <br /> 8. �Vv�wi�hs#anding�he forega�ng, to�he extent pers�na� lia�il�ty has b�en d�scharged i� bankrupficy v�ri�h <br /> respe��t�any am�un�payable und�r the N�te, as modified here�n, nothing conta�ned her��n shall be <br /> cons�rued�� im�ase p�rsonal iiabili�y fio repay any such ob�igat�on where any obligations have been so <br /> discharged. If any bankrup�cy pr�c�eding �s pend�ng or�flmpleted during a�ime p�r�od re�ated �o entering <br /> �his Agreement. � unde�s�and that � enter�h�s Agreerr�ent v�lunta�ily and that th�s Ag�e�men#, ar�ct�ons <br /> taken by th� Len��r in r��a�ion to this Agreemen�, d�es not��nsti�u��a demand for paymen�or any <br /> a�t�m p�to collect any such obl igati�n. <br /> 9. That � vvill execu��such o�her docun��n�s as rr�ay be reasonabfy�ecessary��either�i}�onsummate <br /> th��erms and condi�ions of�his Agre�ment; ar��i}c�rrect�he�e�ms and conditian��f this Ag�eernent if an <br /> errvr�s dete�ted af�er�x�cution of�his Agreemen�. I understand �hat a carrect�d Agre�men�or a I�tt�r <br /> Agree�ent c�n�aining�he c�rrecti�n wil� be pro�ided t� rr�e for my s�gna�ure.A�Lender's option, this <br /> Agreement�i�l be v�id and of na�egal ��fec�up�r� not�ce�f such err�r. �f I e�e��no�t�sign any such <br /> corre��ed d�cumenfat�on , the terms of�h��r�ginal Note and Se�urity lnstrument sha�l �ontinue �n ful� <br /> far�e and effect, such t��m s rn�i f I no��e m od ifi�d by th is Agreem ent. <br /> [ � MERS LC]AN. �f this �o�c is checked, th� laan e�idenced �y�he N�te and se�ured by�he Securi�y <br /> �ns�ru m ent was ass�gned to �r the S�curi�y 1 ns�ru m en� was prepared i n �he �am e of 11n��ga�e <br /> Elec�ron�c Regist�a�ion Sys��ms, Inc. �"ME�S"} is a separate corp�rat��n v�gan��ed and exist�ng under <br /> �h� �aws af C�elaware and has an address of �9�� E Voorhees Stree� Suite �, C�an��l��, �L ���34 �r <br /> P.�. B�x ����, Flin�, M! 45���-����, and t��ep�on� ��m�er of�888� ��9-nIIERS. [n c�ses vvhere the <br /> ��an has be�n r�gis�er�d w��h MERS who has on�y��gal �i�Ie�o the in�eres�s �ran�ed by�he borr�wer�n <br /> the mor�gage and who is act�ng s��ely as n�minee for Lender and L�nder's successors and ass�gns, <br /> MERS has �he r�gh�: �n exercise any flr all �f those int�res�s, �nc�ud�ng, bufi not lim�ted to, �he righf to <br /> far�c�ose and se�l �he 1Proper�y; and f� take any action requi��d of L�r�der including, �u� nat limi�e� �o, <br /> refeasir�g and canceling�h� mar�gage �oan. <br />