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I-3v�e��r,any B�rrv�er��o co�s�gns this <br /> Security�strument but dves nvt ex�cu�e t�.e Nvte[a"co-signer"�: [a]is c�--sign.�ing this Secur�ty Insfxument onl�r�to <br /> mor�gage,grant and con�rey the co-s�gner's inter�st in the Property und�r t�i�terms v�t�us Securit�In.strum�nt;�b)%s � - <br /> �.nt personal�y obligate�.t�pay t�ie sums s��ured�y t�iis Secwr�it� �nstrument; and[c� agrees that Lender an�.d an�r <br /> o� Borrv�er can agr��to ext�nd,�f�, forbear or ma1�e any acc�mm.odati�ns w�t�.regard tv th�tenms of�s <br /> Secur�t�r Instrument vr the Note�ithout the co-s�gn�r's�ansen�. <br /> Subj�c�t� the pro��sivns of Secti�n 1 S, an�r Succ�ssvr in.I.nteres� af Borr��rer vvhv Borrv�er's <br /> v�ligatian.s un.der th%s Secur�t�r Ir�trument in �rr�i�ivg, and �s appro�red by I�end�r, shal� ab� alI �f Bvrr�v�er's <br /> r�gh�s and benef ts under th.%s Se�urit�r Instrument. Bvrr��er shall n.vt be released frvm Barro�crer's obligat�ons an.d - <br /> liabilit�r und�r t�ais Securit� In,strument unless �ender agre�s ta suGh re�ease in v�iting, '�he �avenants and <br /> agreements�f this Securi.ty In�ent shall b�nd�e�cept as pro�ided in Sect�on 20]and ben.e�.t the successors and <br /> assi�ns of I�end�r. <br /> 14. Lvan �harges. ��.der may char�e Borrv�er fees far s�r��ces �erf�rmed in Ca�.ection v��t�. <br /> � �vrra�er's default, for the purpose Qf prv�e�tu�g I�ender's in�erest in the 1'rvper�r and r�gh�s under this Secur�ty <br /> �nt, inc�ud�ng,but nat �imit�d ta, attorne�rs' fees, prvper� i�spection.and va�uation fees. In regard tv any <br /> o�her�ees,the a�sence Qf express aut�.arity in this 5�cur�.i}�Instrument to charge a specif�fee tv Borrv�er sha11 nvt <br /> ��canstru.ed as a prohibitian vn the charging of such fee. I�end�r ma�not�harge fees tbat are e�press��prQbibited <br /> � b�th�s Securit�instrument�r by Appl��able I�avrr. <br /> If�h��► subj ect tv a�avv�v�r�ich se�s maximum loan��arg�s,and that�a��s fina����nterpret�d so t�.at <br /> the uit�rest vr vth�r Ioan charges collec�ed vr t� be �Q�1e�ted in �onuec�ion v�ith the Loan �xceed the perm�itted <br /> lim��,s,t�ien:�a�any such�van��.arge shal��e reduc�d by the amvunt r�ecessary to r�du�e th�charge ta the perm�tted <br /> �im�it; an.d �j an�r sums alrea.dy cv�I�cted fr�m� �3orrv�er �rh��h exceeded p�rmait�ed �.im��s �ri1� be refunded t� <br /> �3orra�r�r. Le�.der may chavse tv ma�e th�s refund b�redu�in.g the princ�pa�vv�ed under t�ie Nate or by making a <br /> direct paym�nt tv Borrvwer. �f a refund reduces prin�ipa�, t�.� reductivn wil� be treated as a part�a� prepayment <br /> �thaut any prepa�naent charge��hether or not a prepa�rment charge is pro�r�ded far under the I�ate]. Borro�rer's <br /> acceptan.ce�f any such refund made by� direct pa�rnent to Barrav�rer�i.11 canst�tu�e a�va��r�r of a.n.y rig�t of ac��on <br /> Borrav�er m.�.g�t ha�re ar�s�ng vut�f suc�i o��r�harge. <br /> � 15. �Vvtic�s. A�1 nvt�ces gi�r�n by Bvrrvv�er or Lender�.n conne�tivn�ith�Jais Security Instrument mus�be � <br /> in.�rnting. �n�notice ta B�rrv��r in cannect�on u�th th%s Security�strum�nt shal�be deemed to hav�bee�.g��en <br /> to B�rrovv�er�rhen ma�l�d b�f�rst c�ass ma�I ar�vhen a�tual��r del�verec�ta Borr��rer's not�ce ad�r�ss�f sent b�vth�r <br /> mea�s. I��t�ce ta any one Bflrro�rer Shall �onst�tute not��e tv �all Borrav�rers unl�ss Appl�cable �.avc� e�press�� <br /> requires otb.�r�ise. The not�ce address sha.�be the�'r�per�Address un�ess Barrv�r�r has des�gnated a subst�tu�e <br /> not�ce address �hy not�ce to �er�.der. Borrvvv�� sha�l pramp��y nvt�f� I�ender of B�rrflv�er's change af address. If <br /> I�end�r sp��if es a proce�ur�fQr repor�n.g Burr��er's change of address,then Barr��er s�.all vn1�r repor�a change <br /> of address tl�rvugh that specified procedure. 'I�here ma�r be or�y ane desi�nat�d not��e address und�r th�s Securit,� <br /> Instrum�nt at any�ne ti�me. An�r notice ta Lend�r sh�a�l be gi�ren b�deli�rervag it nr b�r mailing it by f rst c�ass ma�� <br /> tfl L�nd�r's address stat�d hereiaa uniess I���d�r has des�gnated anather addr�ss�y nvtice to Barrnvv�er. Any natice�n <br /> conn.�ction�ith�t�is Secur'�ty�xstrum�ni�shall.n�o��be deemed tv ha�re be�n g%�en tQ Lend�r unti�.a�tuall�r rece��r��.�b� <br /> Lender. If an�not�ce required b�this SeCurit� In.�s�rument �s a�so requ�red under App�icab�� Law, the�ppl�cab�e <br /> I�aw r��uirement v�il�.sat�sf��e�vrresponc�i.n.g r�quarement tuzder tbi�Securii�y Ir�strumen�. <br /> 1�. Gv��rnivag I.�a�; Se�erab�i�ty; Ru�es of�onstruction. `�`his S�curity Ia�strum�n� sha��be gflverned <br /> �y�tedera�la�r and the�a�of t�ie jur�sd�ct�on in�rh�c�.th�Prvper�y�s lvcat�d. All r�gh��and abl�gat�ans�on�ained <br /> in th%s Se�urit� Inst�um�nt are sublect t� any requirements and �imitaii�ns vf App�icable I�aw. .�.ppl�cable �aw <br /> might explicifi�y or�.mpli�itl�all.ow the pa.ri�ies ta agr�e b��vntract or it mig�t be sil�nt,but such s��enc�s�a�l not be <br /> �anstrue�.a.�a prvh���t�vn aga� agreem�nt�hy�o�.trac�. In the event t�.iat ar��pravision�r��ause vf�his Secur�.ty <br /> Instrument�r th�I��t��c�nf�iGts�th Applica�a�e Law,such�anf lict sha�.�not a�ect o�.er prav�s�ons of�is Se�ur�ty <br /> �nstrument or th�I�ote��ich can be�i�r�n effe�t�ithvu�the evnfl�ctu�g�rov�s�on. <br /> Ne6raska��ed of Trus�—Singie Family Fannie MaelFredaie h�Iac�nifarm Insfrumen� F�rn�3U2811a1 <br /> M.�RS�Vivdi��d <br /> The Cvmpliauce Snur�e,Inc. 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