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�� Ja�'J �? 'a0 a5�46PM U.C.C DIVISIGf•a P.4.'4 <br /> `��\;:�� {1IIIil 1Illl+illll illll IIIII�IIII�II ilfl <br /> � 99000I9098 Pas, � <br /> wA�KER EDIJARC R <br /> Ftlad 0�1271200d 0+7:57 APt <br /> �V � � V�� V V <br /> � atate Tax Lien Statement �f T�rmination <br /> �� <br /> or Cert�f�cate og Part�al Release or <br /> �. <br /> °���� Subordinatian <br /> a rwnnu. <br /> PLEA9E DO NQT WRITE IN THIS SPACE <br /> Pu�uant to the re.epue laws of the State af Nebraska,�iotice is hereby <br /> given tlzat tbe State Tax L�en which has been duly fiied by the Nebrasice <br /> Depa�tment o��evenue aga�nst the belo�v-named taxpayer,is tersnivated, <br /> parti�ily released,or subordinated to!be exteut indicated below. <br /> I <br /> N�bta 2 3�ti3�?3�n,eer TaxCategory SociBl$eKufity or Fstleral L0.Number Spouse'S SOGial SACurity Number <br /> 5Q6-26-8322 <br /> lien Seria!Number L,i�1 Fi19d Wi1h Date of Lien Cou�r <br /> ' 65326039 �Ae9+��ot�s I����e� 1I-22-19B5 HALL <br /> dUS1NES5 t�IAME AND LOCATION ADDAES$ 7qXpAYBR NAME AND MAILINC AOGFiESS <br /> Business fVame M� <br /> EDWARn R WxLxER <br /> Street Addregs Street or Q1her M1iiiFng Atldresa <br /> 224 EAST 19TH ST <br /> City St�tO 7ip Code C'ity y^�� 8p C�g <br /> GR,�ND ISLAND NE 6 �.-.,__A. <br /> ,„�e:•� TYPE OF ACT10N <br /> ,:�' <br /> AX�IEN. Tlte S�aie Tax Lien is hereby fully terminatcd. INSTRUMENT NUMB F� $��10123 3-14—$6 <br /> rate, Indivtdua! Incame,and withholdir�g tax only)19 8 4 91-10 Q 2�Z — — 1 9�— 0 0 2 0 3 <br /> �PARTIAL RELEASE. The State Tax L;en is panially rcleascd as Fotlows_ fNSTAUMENT NUMBER �.-0 J-19 96 <br /> TAX YEARS (co�porate, Indivldual Income, snd w�thholding tax anly) <br /> ❑SUBOROINATfON. Thz Stace Tax i.ien is subordinated as follo.�s. INSTRlJMENT NUM8ER <br /> Name of party making requsst and respanaible tor filing cerHficata of partial release or suboralnatlon with appropriere�ling offlceP. <br /> I horoby cartity�hat tt,e Nebraska pepartmenl of Rav�nue t,as oomplied wirh me revenuo�aws ot tl�e 5at�of N�braeka In ma ae�erminaGon o}tha <br /> Lerminati0n,partia!release,or SU rtlinati0n IndiCat9d Hbove, <br /> sign � � � � <br /> �ifo�✓ ov c3�Y>3�.��7u <br /> here Praparar S �u Tide Oaie TaieP��Na, <br /> � s - � �� <br /> �,� �e r� <br /> NERRASKq DEPARTMENT QF REVE E-White dr+d Canary Copies TAXPAYER-Pink Copy CDUN7Y OFFICE-Goldenrod Copy , <br /> a-asz�es Hev.�ea sa,ptrs�e.a.23'r.6a aa,ia9s � <br /> . � <br />