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JHPy 2r '0� �5�46P�1 U.C.C UIVISION P.�:�4 <br /> � r,� I�lilll IIIII�IIII IIIII lflli lilfl III�II� <br /> � gse0�l2s0'�� P9S� , <br /> � wqLKER EOwAR� R <br /> � filetl 01I27/?000 OB 5? qM <br /> 200 � U �D77 � . <br /> � State Tax Lien Staternent of Termination <br /> �� <br /> ar Cert�f�cate af Part�ai Release or <br /> MbN�i <br /> °���^•^� Subordination <br /> ��.�,�. <br /> PLEASE DQ NQY WRlTE 1N Tt#1S SPACE <br /> Put�s�uaat to the revenue laws oF the State of Nebraslsg, ncstice is bereby <br /> giveq t6at tbe State'Y'ax Lien wh;ch has been duly�iled by tbe Nebraska <br /> Department of Yiev�uue ag�jnst the below.named taxpay�e�r,�termiaated, <br /> parrt[A1ly released,or subordiaated to the extent indicated beXaw, . <br /> Nebraaks IdentNlC�tIOn NumbAr Tax Cateqory Soclsl SeC.inry or Federal I.D.Number 5p0use'a Sacla($eturity Number <br /> 12373273 22 506-26�8322 <br /> li�n S9r�al Number Lien Fded Wlm Data at Lian �pyry�y <br /> 8 5 3 5 01$1 �os��er a oge�as p co�►ny cien� 12-16—19$5 HALL <br /> �_ BUSINESS NAhAE AND LOCATION ASOA�$$ T�UdPAYER NAME ANQ MAIIING ADCRESS <br /> 6usines5 Name {�a� <br /> EDWARD R t'JA.LK�R, <br /> Straet AOdrpSs Sif99�Ot O�hef MaiNn9 Addf83S <br /> 224 �AST 19th ST <br /> GitY Srate 2P Cntlo CRy Srate <br /> � I�A,ND I S'LAND N� �B 8 � <br /> 7YPE OF ACTION <br /> ����al��N.�i��TAX UEN. ThE S�ata Tax Licn is hcreby fuIly Lerntina►ed. INSTRIlMENY NUM�E g'�—1012 32 3 �—8� <br /> TAX YEARS (�t�, Indivldual Income, and wi#hhalding tax only} Zg s 3 91-1 p 0 2 3 4 — 6-10 0 2 0 2 <br /> ❑PARTIAL RELEASE. The Statc Tax Liee is paniaily ralcased as follcws. INSTRI�M�NT NUM$�R Z-9-9 fi <br /> TAX YFARS (corponate, indlvtdual ��come�and withholding tax only) <br /> Q 5UBORDINATION. 'T7��State 7ax L.ien is suburdin�tecl as follows. INSTRt1MENl'NUMBER <br /> Ner�a of p�rty m�ltdng F6quest astd r�sponsibla for filing cerpiflcate D'paf48f telease or gupprCirt�tlp�With appvOpfi��9 filing officer. <br /> I h�,reby G$rtity that ttle N6b�esfc2 D9partment af R8vef1U6 h�3 COfAplied wiU1 the r€3venue laws ottne State a}NeD�3ska in the detert�lnat�0�of che <br /> t�rmina[ion,partla;roba,to,or su rdination indiceteq aDpVO, <br /> SI�f1 p � ���,�fa�,�' / , a� c�o�;3r�s-r e�e� <br /> ��ir R�P� 'g r Ti�e Data TelephoneNo. <br /> � �9 � T � <br /> Aufiorixed r Title <br /> N�6AASKA DE�AR E OF REVEN -Whita and Cdnary Copies TAXPAYER�Pir.k Copy CQUIVTY OFFlCE-GoldenfOd COpy <br /> m2a2-6e Rw.a-ea s�oss.o4a i-saz-ee Ab..,ass ��� <br />