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��V�W � I � t� <br /> a distance of 7332 feet; thence around a curve in a clockwise <br /> direction having a delta angle of 03°02'49", an arc length of 24.00 <br /> feet, a radius of 451.32 feet, and a chord bearing N 11°13'21" E a <br /> distance of 24.00 feet;thence S 72°09'44" E a ditance of 259.50 feet; <br /> thence S 64°22'35" E a distance of 77.64 feet; thence S O1°00'S9" W <br /> a distance of 168.95 feet; thence S 88°59'O1" E a distance of 54.99 <br /> feet;thence S O1°00'S9" W a distance of 202.00 feet to a point on the <br /> north right-of-way line of 13th Street; thence N 88°59'O1" W along <br /> the north line of said right-of-way line a distance of 957.76 feet to the <br /> point of beginning. Said tract contains 11.37 acres more or less; <br /> desires to have subdivided as a subdivision the foregoing tract of land, and hereby submits to the <br /> City Council of such City for acceptance as provided by law an accurate map and plat of such <br /> proposed subdivision, to be known as SUMMERFIELD ESTATES FIRST SUBDIVISION, <br /> designating explicitly the land to be laid out and particularly describing the lots, easements, and <br /> streets belonging to such subdivision,with the lots designated by number,easements by dimensions, <br /> and streets by name, and proposes to cause the plat of such subdivision when finally approved by <br /> the Regional Planning Commission and the City Council to be acknowledged by such owner, <br /> certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of the <br /> easements to the use and benefit of public utilities, and of the street to the use of the public forever. <br /> In consideration of the acceptance of the plat of said SUMMERFIELD ESTATES FIRST <br /> SUBDIVISION,the Subdivider hereby consents and agrees with the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, <br /> that it will install or provide at its expense the following improvements: <br /> 1. Paving. The Subdivider agrees to waive the right to object to the creation of <br /> any paving or repaving district for North Road and 13t'' Street where they abut the subdivision; <br /> however, said waiver shall not be effective until October 15, 2003. The Subdivider agrees to pave <br /> Summerfield Avenue, Meadow Road and Meadow Way Trail in accordance with plans and <br /> specifications approved by the City's Director of Public Works, and subject to the City's inspection. <br />