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��15��574 <br /> The Funds shal�b�h�ld in an institut��n��ose��sits are in� by a federal agen�y, instrumenta�ifiy,or <br /> entity�includin�Lender,if Lender is an institutiQn�hos�deposit�arae s�v in�.red}or�n any F�d.era�H�me <br /> Loan Ba�ak.Lender sha���pp�y the Funds to pay the Escrv�v It�ns n�Iater than the tim�sp�cified under <br /> RESPA.Lend�r shall not�harg�B�rrower f�or ho�di.�ag��d app���t�i�Fu.n�s,annuatl�anal�ing th� <br /> es�c�o�r a�coun�,or�re�ifyi��th��s�r�w I#�nas,���i.�ad�r pa�s Bt�rr4w�r i�t�st�n t�ie Funds and <br /> App��cab�e La�v perm�ts Lender t�make�u�h a�h�rg�.�Jnl�ss�n agre�m�nt i.s made in�vriting or <br /> App�icab�e Lav�requires inter�st ta be paid on the F�nd�,L�nder�hal�n�t b�required to pay Borrov��r any <br /> u►terest�r earnin�s�n the Funds,Borr���r a.nd L.�nd�r c�.n a�ree i.n�ri.tin�,ho�e��r,that�nt�re�t sha�l be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender sheall gi�e t�Bvrr�vwer,withou#��a.r�e,an annual a�unting of th�Funds as <br /> r�quired by RESPA. <br /> If t�ere i.s a surplus of F�nds held i.n��cro�r,a�def�n�under��pA,Len�d�r sha11 acc,�unt t�Borrvwer fQr <br /> _ th��xces�s funds in accordance vvith RE�PA.If th�re i.s a sh�o.r�,age�f Fund�held in escro�av,a�defin�d under <br /> RESPA,Lender sha�l notify Borr��er a�requu�e,d by RE�PA,and Borro�ver sha11 pay t�Len��r the amaunt <br /> necessar�to mak��p the�hortage in ac+cordanc��th��1�A,but in no mor�tb,an.��m�nthly pa�ment�.If <br /> there is a deficiency af Funds held in escro�,a��l�f n�und�r RESPA,I.�;nder shall natify Borr�wer as <br /> re�uired by l�SPA,and Barrow�r shall pay ta�nd�r t�e a�n�unt n��ssa�y to ma�ce up t�e�.ef�cienc�in <br /> a�cordan�e with RESPA,b�ut in no mor�t.�an i�mt�nt�.I.y payment�. <br /> I�pon paym�nt�.n fu11 of a��sums se�ured b�t.�.s SPcurity In�tr�m�nt,L�n�cr shal�pr�mptl�refund to <br /> Borro�ver any Fu.n�.s held by Lender, <br /> 4. Gharg��;Liens.Borro�ver shall pay all�xes, a�sessments,Charges, fines, an�d u�a�vsition�at�butab��to <br /> the Property v�hich can attain priority o�er this S�curity Ins�`ument,lea�ehol�payrnent�or ground rents on <br /> the P`r�perty,if any,and�ommunity Associati�n Dues,F��s,and As�essments,if aeny.Tt�the extent that <br /> these�t�ms ar�EsGraw Items,B�rro�av�r sha�l pa�t,h�m in t�e manner pro�ided in Section 3. <br /> Sorrower sha�l prQmpt�y discharge a�y lien vvh�c��a�p�i�r�ty ov�r th�.s�e�ur�ty Instarument u�le�s <br /> Borraw�r: ta)�grees u�writing to th�pa�rm�nt�f the vbligat�an s�ecured by the lien�n a rr�ann�er acc�ptabl� <br /> to Lender,but only�o Iong as Bonower is perfarm�ng such agre�ment;(b)c�ntests th�lien in goad fa�th�y, <br /> or d�fends a�ai.nst enfarcement of the lien in,lcgal procee�tings which in Lcn.d�r's opuuon op�rate t�pr�vent <br /> th�enforc�ment of th�li�n while those proceedings are pending,but only until such pr��edings arc <br /> �oncluded;or��)�ecures�rQm th�hQ�der of the lien an agr�em�nt satisfact�ry t�Lender subordi.nating the <br /> lien to this S�curity Instrum�nt.If Lend�r d�t�rmun�s t.hat any part of th�Property is subj ect to a 1��n which <br /> �an attai.n priority o�er this Security Instrum�nt,L�nd�r may g�i�e B�ono�rer a notice identif�ing th��ie�, <br /> VV�thin 1�days of the date on�hich that notice is g�v�n,Borro►,�r�r shall satisfy tbe tien or take one or more <br /> vf the action�set forth ab��e in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require B�rro�ver t�pay a�chasg�for a rea���tat�tax�erification andlor r�parting <br /> 5er�ice us�d by Lender in connecti�n��tb thi.s Loan. <br /> �. PropBrty I�sUr�n�.Barrowcr shall�e�p the imprflv�ments n�w�xisting vr h�reaf�Cer erect�on the <br /> Pr�periy insured against�oss by fire,haza,rds inctud�withi.�the term"extended�o�erage,"and any other <br /> ha��rds includ�ng,but n�t I�m�t�d t�,earthqu�akes and floods,for 1,�vluch Lender r�quir��insuranc�.This <br /> i�nsurance shall be maintained in the amounts(including�i�lu�#ible levels]and for the per�ads that Lend�r <br /> r�quir�s, VL�hat Lender req�ires pursuant ta the praec�ding s�nten�es can ch,an�e during the#erm of the Loan. <br /> The insuranc��a,rr�ier providing the in.suran�e shall be ch�sen b�Borr��v�r subj�ct to L�nder�s right to <br /> disappro��B�rraw�r's choice,which right shalt not b��xercised unr�asonabty.Lender may r����re <br /> �orro�ver ta pay,in connection with this Loan,either:[aj a one-tim�charge for�.00d�one d�termination, <br /> c�rtificat�an and tracking s�r�ices;or�b}a one-time charg�fQr flood��ne determin�tion and certification <br /> NEBRASKASingle Fami�y-Fannie MaelFneddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT VViTH M�RS Fonn 3b2811�1 <br /> VMP� VMPS�[N�342}.04 <br /> Wolter�Fpuw�er Firtancial S�rvica� g�{1 T <br /> q 4$ 23 4 61 <br />