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��15��554 <br /> continue to pa�to Lender the amoun�of�he separa�e�y designate�payxnen�s�hat were du�when the <br /> insurance co�erage ceased to be in effect. Lender w��l accept, use and re�a�n these�aymen�s as a <br /> non-refundable loss reserve�n lieu of Mar�gag�Insurance. Such loss reser�e shall be nan-refundab��, <br /> no�v�r��hstanding�he fac��hat the L�ar�is u��i�na�e�y paid in fuli, and Lender shall nfl�be required�o pay <br /> B�rrovwer any int�rest�r earnings�n such�oss reserve. Lender can no�onger requ�re�oss r�serve pa�r�n�n�s <br /> if M�rtgage Insurance coverage�in the amount and for�he period�hat Lender requ�res}provided by an <br /> insurer selected b�Lender again becames a�vai�a�le, �s ob�ained, and Lender requ�res separat�ly des�gna�ed <br /> payments to�ard the premiums for Mortgage�nsurance. If Lender requ�red Martgage�nsurance as a <br /> cond�tion of mak�ng�he Loan a�.d B�rrow�r was r�quired to make separate��des�gna�ed payments�a�vard the <br /> premiums f�r Martgage�nsurance, Borro�er shall pay�he premiums required to ma�n�ain Mor�gage <br /> Insurance�n effec�, �r�fl prov�de a non-refundab�e l�ss r�serv�, until Lend�r's r�quirement far M�rtgage <br /> �nsuranc�ends in accordance wi�h any written agreement between Borrower and L..�nder providing for such <br /> term�na�.xon or un����ernuna��on is required by App�icable Law. Nath�ng�n this S���ion �.fl affects <br /> Borr�v�rer's ob�igat�an�a pay �nteres�at�he rate pr�v�ded �n�he No�e. <br /> N�artgage Insurance reimburses I.��.der�or any entity�hat purchases �he Note}for Certain�osses it�na�incur <br /> if Borrower does n��repay the Loan as agreed. Borrow�r�s nat a par�y to�he Mor�gage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers e�a�uate their tata� risk on al� such�nsurance in far�e from time to time, and may en��r <br /> inta agreements w��h o���r par��es th.a�share or modify�he�r r�sk, or redu�e�osses. These agreemen�s are on <br /> terms and cond���ons that are�atisfac�ory�o the mar�gage in�urer and the o�her party �or par�ies�to t.hese <br /> agre�men�s. �`h�se agreements ma�require�he mar�gage�nsurer�o make payments using any source of funt�s <br /> �ha�the mortgag�insurer may have available(wh�ch may�nciude funds abtaine�fr�m N�ortgage�nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a resul�of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of�he Note, another��xsurer, an�re�nsurer, any other <br /> entity, or any af��iate of any af the f�rego�ng, may r�ce��e (d�re��ly�r indirectly} am�unts that derive frflm <br /> �ar migh����haract�r�zed as3 a por�ian�f Barrower's payments far Mor�gag�insurance, in exchange for <br /> shar�ng or m��difying the mor�gage�nsurer's risk, or r�duc�ng lnsses. If suc�agreement provides that an <br /> af�liate of Lend�r takes a share of�he�nsurer's risk�n exchange for a shar�of the premiums paid�o the <br /> insurer, �he arrangement is af�en termed "capt�ve reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> ta3 Any such agreemen�s wi��n.a�affec�the amounts that Bflrrawer has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other ternn�s of the Loan. Such agreements wi�l not�ncrease�he amoun� <br /> Barrower���awe for M�r�gage In.surance� and they w��i not entitle Barrower to any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreement�w�l�not affect the r�ghts Borrovver has-�f any-with r�spec�to the <br /> Martgage Insurance under�he Homeawners Pra�ec�ion Act of 1995 ar any other law. These r�ght� <br /> may xn.c�ude the r�ght to recexv�e certain d�sc�osures, to request and obtain cance�latian of the <br /> Mar�gage Insurance, to ha�e the Mortgage Insurance terminated automatically, andlar to�receive <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insuran�e premiums that were unearned at the tim.e of such <br /> cancellat�on or terminatian. <br /> '!�. Ass��nment of �Illisce��ane�us Prnceeds; Fvrf�iture. A11 Misce��ar�.�aus Proc�eds are hereb�r assig�.ed�� <br /> and shal�be paid to Lender. <br /> �f the Pr�per�y is damag�d, su�h M�sc�llaneou� Praceeds sha11 be applied�o restoration or repair of�he <br /> Property, if�he res��ra��on or repa�r�s e�onom�ca�Iy feasib�e a�d L.ender's s�cur��y is not lessened. Dur�ng <br /> such repa�r and r�s��ration perioci, Lender sha11 ha��the right t�hold such Mi�cellaneous Proce�ds un�i1 <br /> Lender has had an app�rtuni�y to inspect such Proper�y to ensure the work has been comple�ed to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farnily-�annie Ma�IFreddie Ma�UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3�28'�1�'I <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf fi 3�2f <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia�Ser�ices Pa�e 9 of 17 <br />