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��15��545 <br /> a�E�a �F TRusT <br /> Loan No: ����8�39� {�o�lt�nu��� IPage 8 <br /> Trustor alsa wi�l pay any court casts, in add�tion to all other sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Fiights vf Trus�ee. Truste�shall ha�e all o�the righ�s and duties ofi Lender as set forth in this section. <br /> P�VIIERS AND �BLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The f�llowing provisions relating �o the powers and obligations of Trustee <br /> are part n�this ❑�ed of Trust: <br /> � Pvwers of Trustee. En addE�ion�o alI pow�rs of Trus�ee arising as a matter of law, Trustee shall have the pawer to <br /> take �he follawing activns with respect to the Prvp�rty upon the written �equest of Lender and Trustor: �ay jvin in <br /> preparEng and filing a map ar plat of the Real Pr�per�y. �n�ludin� the dedi�atian o�f str�ets ar other rights to the <br /> publi�; �b� jain in granting any �asemen� ❑r crea�ing any restriction an the Real Praperty; and {�} jo�n in any <br /> subordination or ather agr��ment affec�ing�his Deed af Trus�k ar�the�n�erest of Lende�under this Deed ofi Trus�. <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�l meet all qualifications requir�d fior Trustee under applicab�e law. In addition t❑ the rights <br /> and remedies set �Forth abo�e, v►ri�h respect to all or any part o�F th� Property, the Truste� shall have the right ta <br /> fareclose by notice and sale, and Lend�r v�rill haWe the righ� �a foreclose �y judicial fareclasure, in eith�r case in <br /> accor�ance wi�h and to the full extent provided by applicable law. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, a�Lend�r's �pt�an, may�Fram time to time appoint a successor Trusfiee �o any Trustee <br /> appointed under this �3eed of Trust by an insfirument executed and acknawledged by Lender and recarded in the <br /> affiice vf the record�r ot HALL Counfiy, 5tate of Nebraska. The instrument shali cvn�ain, in addi�ion to a�l other <br /> matt�rs required by sta�e law, the names of �he arigina! Lender, Trustee, and Trus�or, the �ook and page tor <br /> compu�er syst�m referencey where �hf5 ❑eed �f Trust �s recorded, and the name and address vf the su��essor <br /> �rustee, and the instrument sha![ be e�c��uted and acknovr�led�et� by all�he beneficiaries under this Deed of Trust or <br /> �heir successors in interest. The su�cessor truste�, wifihou� cvn�eyance of the Property. shall suc�eed to al� the <br /> tEtl�r pow�r, and du�ties conferred upon�he Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by applicabfe law. This pracedure for <br /> subs�i�utian of T�ustee shall gov�rn�o the exclusion of a�l v�he�-pra�isions fvr suhstitution. <br /> NOTICES. Any natice required tv be giWen under this �eed of Trus�, including without limitation any natic� of default <br /> and any no�ice ofi sale shall be gi�en in wrifiin�, and shall �e effecfii�e when ac�ua�ly deli�ered, when a�tually re�ei�ed <br /> by��lefacsimi[e �unless v�herwise required by�aw�, when deposited with a na�i�nally recognized o�ernight courier, �r, if <br /> mai[ed, when deposited in the Unit�d S�ates mail, as fiirst�lass, certified ar regist�red mai! pas�ags prepaid, direct�d to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning of�his ❑eed of Trust. All ca�ies vf notices �� foreclasure fram the holder of <br /> any �ien which has priority ❑ver this Deed af Trust sha�l be sent to Lender`s address. as shown n�ar the beginning of <br /> �his Deed of Trus�. Any person may change his v�- her address far notices under �his Deed �f Trust by givin� forma� <br /> written nots�e to the other person vr persans, specifying �hat the purpose of the notice is to change the person's <br /> address. Far notic� purposes, Trust�r a�rees to ke�p Lender informed at all times of Trustor's curren�address. Unless <br /> �th�rwise prnvided �r requir�d by law. if there is more than ane Trus�or, any natice giWen by Lend�r �t� any Trus�or is <br /> de�rned t��e natice given t❑alf Trustors. It will be Trustor's responsik�i[ity t�tell the others afi the na�ice frvm Lender. <br /> IVIIS�ELLANEaUS�R�V15��N5. The following misc�llaneous pra�isions are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. Vllhat is written in this Deed ofi Tru�� and in the R��a�ed Documents is Trust�r's en�ire agreement <br /> with Lender c�ncernin� �he matters covered by this ❑e�d of Trus�. To be e�fe�ti�e, any�hange or amendmen��o <br /> this Deed vf Trus� must be in writing and must be signed by whoeWer w�ll be bound or �bligated by the change or <br /> amendment. <br /> Captian Headings, Captinn headin�s in �his Deed �� Trust are for convenience purpvses only and are not to be <br /> used to inte�pret or d��ine the proWisions of�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> Ni��rg�r. T�ere shall �e no merger of the �nter�st vr estate created by thi� ❑eed a�Trust with any other in�erest or <br /> es�ate in the Property a� any�ime held by ❑r�ar�he benefit of Lender in any capacity, without the wri��en consen� <br /> ofi Lender. <br /> Choice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Trustar agrees upon L�nder's requ�s� t❑ submit �o th� �urisdiction of the <br /> caur�s of HALL�ounty, State of Nebraska. <br /> Jvin� and Sev�ral L�abiiity. Afl obligations o� 6vrrower and Trus�tor und�r �his Deed o� Trust shal! be jaint and <br /> seWeral, and al1 references�o Trust�r shall mean each and e�ery Trustor, and all references to Barra►rver shall mean <br /> ea�h and every Borrower. This means that each Trus��r signing below is responsible far aI!obligati�ns in this ❑eed <br /> af Trust. <br /> No VIlai�er by Lender. Trustor understands L�nder will not giWe up any n�Lend�r's rights under this ❑eed of Trust <br /> unless Lender dves so in writing. The fac� that Lender delays or omits ta exercise any righ� will no� mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. lf Lender does agree in wri�ing to give up one of Lender's rights, �hat da�s not <br /> mean Trustar will n�� ha�e tfl �omply with �he other provisians of�his aeed o� Trust. Trustor also understands <br /> that if Lender does consent to a request, that daes nvt mean �hat Trustor will not ha�e to ge� Lender's cansent <br /> again 't�th� si�ua�it�n happens again. Trustor fur�kher understan�s tha�jus��ecause L�nder consents�a ane or more <br /> vf Trustor's requests, tha� does nnt mean Len�er will be required to cansen� to any of Trustvr's �uture requests. <br /> Trus�or wai�es presentm�nt, demand for payment, protest, and natice of dishonor. <br /> 5everahility. if a caurt finds that any pro�isi�n o�F this ❑e�d of Trust is not Walid �r should nat b� enforced, that <br /> fact by itself will no� mean tha��he rest of�his Deed of Trus�will not b�Walid �r en�orced. Therefore, a court will <br /> �nforce the rest of the pro�isi�ns of this Deed of Trus�e�en it a provision �f this De�d of Trust may be found ta be <br />