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��15��545 <br /> DEED �F TF�LJST <br /> Loan No: 'I�'I 28�39� �Gorlt�nued� Page � <br /> time and strictly in the manner provid�d �n�his Deed of Trust ar in any agreement r�lated to this Deed of Trust. <br /> Camp[iance Default. Fai�ure to comply with any oth�� �e�m. obligation. caWenant or Gvndi�ion contained in this <br /> Deed of T�ust, the Note�r in any af�he Refa�ed Dacuments. <br /> Default on❑#her Payments. Fai�ur�of Trustar within the tim� r��uired by this aeed of Trust to make any paym�nt <br /> far tax�s or insurance, or any other payment necessary ta prevent filing �f or tn effect dischar�e of any 1ien. <br /> False Statements. Any representation or statement �-nade or furnished ta Lender by Borrower or Trustor vr ❑n <br /> Borrower's �r Trustor's �ehalf under this Deed of Trust vr the Related Documents is fals� ar misleading in any <br /> mat�rial respec�t, either now ar at the time made or�furnished. <br /> Defecti�e Collatera�ization, This ❑eed of Trusf �r any ofi the Rela�ed �o�uments ceas�s �o be in full �orce and <br /> e�fec� �including �ailure af any coila�era� document t� create a �alid and perfected securify interes� or lien} at any <br /> �ime and for any reason. <br /> Insol�ency. The dissolutian or terminatinn of�he Trus�, the insol�ency�f Borrower or Trust�r, the appaintment of <br /> a rece���r far any part o�Borrawer's or Trustor's proper�ty� any assignmen��vr the ben�fit of creditors, any type ❑f <br /> creditor warkvut, or the cammencemen�of any proceeding under any bankrupt�y or insoi�ency laws hy vr against <br /> �orrower or Trustor. <br /> Taking of the Property. Any credEtar ar go�ernmental agency tries ta take any o� th� Pr�pe�ty ar any other o� <br /> Borrower's or Trustar's property in which Lender has a I�en. This inc�udes taking o�, garnishing af ar ��vying on <br /> Bor�ower's ar Trustor's accflun�ts with Lend�r. H�we�er, i� B�rrvwer ar Trust�r disputes �n good faith whe�ther the <br /> claim on wh�ch the taking of th� Prop�r�y is based is �alid or �easanable, and i� gor�ower or Trustar gives Lende� <br /> �rvritten notice vf the �[aim and �furnish�s Lend�r with rn�nies or a surety band sa�isfactory to Lender to 5atisfy the <br /> claim, then�his de�aul�pro�r�sion will not applye <br /> Breach�f D�her Agreement. Any breach by Borrower or Trus�vr under the fierms o� any other agreement between <br /> Borrawer or Trust�r and Lender that is nat remedied v►rithin any gra�e period prv�ided therein, incfuding withaut <br /> limita�ion any agreemen� cancerning any indebtedness or ather obl�gatian o# Borrow�r or Trustv� �o Lenc�er, <br /> wheth�r existing now or late�. <br /> E►rents Affecting Guarantor. Any of the pre�edin� e�ents occurs wi�h �espe�t to any guarantor, endorser, sure�y, <br /> or accommvdation par�y �f any o� the Indebtedness �r any guarantor, endorser, suraty, ar accommadatian party <br /> dies or becomes inGompe�en�, �r r�vokes or disputes th� va[idity v�, or liabifity under, any Guaranty of �th� <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> Insecury�y. Lender in good faith befieWes itself insecure. <br /> Right ta �ure. If any d�fault, ath�r than a default in payment is curable and if Trustvr has not been given a no�tiGe <br /> vf a brea�h �f the same provision of this Deed of Trust within th� preceding twelve {12� mon�ths, i� may be cured if <br /> Trustor, after Lender sends written no�ice to Borrower demanding cure o�F such d�fault: (1} �ures �he d�fault <br /> within fien �1❑y days; or {2� if the cure requires more than�en �1 a� days, immediately initiates steps which Lend�r <br /> deems in Lend�r's sole discretivn �o be suffi��ent to �ure the default and thereafter continues and compl�t�s all <br /> reasonable and necessary st�ps suf�icient to produ�e compliance as soon as reasQnab�y practical. <br /> RI�HTS AND REII�lE�IES aN DEFAULT. I�an Even�of Defiaul�occurs under this Deed of Trust, at any tim� fhereafter, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any�ne or mare of the fvllaw€ng rights and remedies: <br /> Acce[eration Upon De�au�f: Additional Remedies. If any E��n� of D�fauft accurs as p�r the �erms of the Not� <br /> secu�ed he�eby, Lender may deGiar� all lndebtedness �ecured by thi� Deed of Tru�t�o be due and payable and <br /> the same shall thereupon become due and payabEe withau�any presen�ment, demand, protest or notice�f any <br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may: <br /> ta] Either in persan ar �y a��nt, with ar without bringing any actian ar prviceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appointe� by a court and with�ut regard tv the adequacy of its security, en�er upon and take possession <br /> of th� Property, or any par�thereof, in its own name o� in th� name of Trustee, and do any acts which it <br /> deems nec�ssary or desirable ta prese��e the �alu�, marketability ar rentab�lity a��he Proper�y, or part of <br /> the Property ❑r in#erest in the Property; increase �he income from the Property or pra�ect the security o� <br /> �he Property; and, with ar withou� taking passession of the Praperty, sue for or otherwise callect the <br /> rents, issues and pro�its ❑t the Property, �n�luding thos� past due and unpaid, and app(y the same, I�ss <br /> �osts and expens�s of operatian and collection attorneys' fees, to any inde�tedness secured by�his Desd <br /> o� T�ust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The en�ering upan and taking possessian af the <br /> Proper�y, the collec�i�n vf su�h rents, issues and profifis� and the applica�i�n �there�f shalf not cure or <br /> wai�e any d�fault or nofiice of de�fault under this Qeed of Trust or invalidate any act done in response ta <br /> such default or pursuant ta such no�ice of d�fault; and, notwithstanding the continuan�e in possession vf <br /> the Propgrty or the �allec�i�n, receipt and applica�ion of r�nts. issues ar pr�fits, Trustee or Lender sha�l <br /> be en�itied �o exercis� e�ery right pra��ded ��r in the Note a�the F�elated Do�uments or by �aw upon the <br /> occurrence of any even�ofi defau�t, including the right to exercis��he power of sale; <br /> {b� �ommence an actian to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mvrtga�e, appoint a rece�Wer or specifiGally <br /> enforce any of the covenants hereof; and <br />