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��15��535 <br /> 15. Borrower's Copy.Barrower shall�e g�ven ane conformed copy of the N�te and of th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�iment. <br /> 16. Hazardous�ubstances.Borrawer shall not cau�e or pern�it the presence,use, d�spasal, starage, or re�ease <br /> of any Hazardous Substances an or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor a1law anyon�e1s��o do, <br /> any�hi�g affecting the Proper�y that is in.vialation af a�y Envir��rriental Law. The preceding�o senten�es <br /> sha I1 not app ly to th�pre�en.c e,u�e,or storage on the Property o f smal l quantiti�s o f Hazar�ous�ub stanc e s <br /> t�at ar�generail�recognized to be apprvpria�te to nvrmal residentia�uses and to rr�ainten.ance af the Frvperty. <br /> Bonower sha11 promptly give Lender wr�t�en notice of any in�estigation,c�aim,demand, iawsu�t or other <br /> action by any go�ernmen��or r�gulatory age�cy or private party in�olving the Property and any Ha2ardous <br /> �ubs�a.nce t�r En�ironmen�al Law�f which Borraw�r has ac�ual kno�rledge. If Borrower learns,or is notifed <br /> by any gvvernmenta.l Qr regulatory authority,that a�y removai or o�her remediat�on of any Hazardous <br /> Substance�affect�ng the Propert�is necessary,Barrower shall promptly take a11 necessary remedial actions <br /> in ac�ordance wi�h En�ironmea�a.1 Law. <br /> As used in this paragra�h��, "Ha�ardous Substances"are tho�e substancesdefined as toxic or hazard�us <br /> substaaces by En�ironmental Law and the fol�owing substances:gasotine,ker�sene,vther flamrnable or toxrc <br /> petroleum produ�ts,toxic pesti��des and herbicides,vo�atile�olvents,materia�s containing asbest�s or <br /> forrr�aldehyde,and radioact�vemateria�s.As used�n this paragraph 16, "Environmental Law"means federal <br /> �aws and�aws of the jur�sd�ction where the Pr�perty iS 1oca�ed that re�at���health,safety or environm�ntal <br /> protectxon. <br /> Non-Uniform�o��enants,Bonower and Len�er fur�her covenant and agree as follows: <br /> '��. Assignr�nentof Rents.Borrower unconditionally as�igns and transfers to Lender a�l the rents and revenues <br /> af t�e Property.Bo�ro�ver au�ho�izes i.��der or�.end�r's agents to collect the rents a�d r�venu�s a�d hereby <br /> d�rects ea�h tenan�of the Property ta pay the ren�s to Lender or Lender's agents. However,pri�or to Lender's <br /> natice to Bo�-rower of Borrower's breach of any covenant ar agreement�n the Security Instrument,B�rr��er <br /> sha11 co�iect and receive all rents and revenues of th�i'roperty�s trustee for�he benef�t of Lender and <br /> ��rrower. This assignment af rents const�tutes an absolute assignment and not an assignment for add�tional <br /> security only. <br /> If Le�d�r�ives notice of breach to Borrower: (a}a1�rents rec�ived by Borrawer sha�l be h�1d by Borr�wer <br /> as trus�ee for benef t of Lender flnly,t�be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;�b} <br /> �e�der sha11 be ent�tled to ca��ect and receive all of the r��ts of the Prop�rty;and(c}eac'��e��of th� <br /> Property�hall pay al�rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's wr�t�en demand to the <br /> tenant. + <br /> Borrower has not executed any pri�r assrgnment of the rents and has not and wi11 not perfvrm any act that <br /> �vou�d pre�ent Le�.der from exercis�ng its r�ght�under this para�raph �'�. <br /> Lender�hal1 not be required to enter upan.,ta�e contro�of ar maintain the Proper�y befare or af�er gi�ri�g <br /> natice of brea�h�o Borrower.However,Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may d�sa a�any time <br /> there is a breach.Any appl��a�ion of rents sha11 not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or <br /> remed�of Lender. Th�s assignment of rents of the Pr�perty shal�terminate whea th�debt secured b�the <br /> Security Instrume�t is paid in ful�. <br /> �I$, �vr��losurePrvicedure��f Lender r�quires immediate payment in full un�ler paragr�ph 9, Lender <br /> may invoke the povver af sale and any Qther rem�dies permitted by appl�cab�e law.Lender shall be <br /> entitled to colleet a��expenses incurred�n pursuing the remed�es under this paragraph 1�,including, <br /> but n�t l�mited tQ,reasonab�e attarneys'fees and costs af t�tle evidence. <br /> FHA Mortgage W1TH MERS-NE Re�ised 41� <br /> VMP� VMP4N�NE}(1342}.44 <br /> �,Nofters Kluwer Financial Setvices Page 7 of 1❑ <br /> q�33357554?8 4233 3l8 �71� <br />