<br /> Up�r��he occurrence of an Event of Default, Lender may, v�i�h�ut no�ice unless re�urred by Iaw, and at its ap��an,
<br /> de�lar��he entir� Indeb�edness du� and pay�ble, as i�may�lect, regardless of the da�e or da�es of maturity thereaf
<br /> and, if p�rrnitted by s�a�e lavt�, is au�horized and �rr�powered to �ause the Praperty to�e sold at public auctian, and
<br /> �o �x�cufi� and deiiver to�he purchaser ar purchaser� at�u�h sale any deeds of con�eyanGe gaod and sufficien� at
<br /> �aw, pursuan��o�he s�at��e in such case made and prav�ded. T`he Trustee shal� app�y the prflceeds of the Trustee's
<br /> sa1e, f�r�t, to �he costs and expenses af�xercising the pawer of sale ar�d of�he sale, including�he paymen� af�he
<br /> Trust�e's fees actually i�curr�d; second, ta payment of the obliga�ion secured by �he �rust deed; �hird, �o the
<br /> payrr�er�� of jur�ior �rus� deeds, rnflr�gages, or o�her lienholders and the ba�an�e, �f any, to �he p�rsan or p�rsons
<br /> lega�ly entitied thereto. Th� re�itals zn �he Trustee's d�ed sha11 be �arima faci� evidence of �he truth of th�
<br /> sta�em�nts mad� in it, �f Lender choas�s�o invoice�he pawer of sale, Lender ar Truste� v�ill prov�de notice of sale
<br /> pursuan��o appl�cable law. Any such sale or a sale �x�ade p►arsuant�� a�udgmen� or a decree f�r �he forec�osure
<br /> her�fl�may, at th� option of Lender, be made en r�ass�. Th� commencemen� af proceedings �o f�re�lose thi�
<br /> S�curity Ins�rurr�ent ir�an�rnanner ar��h�ri�ed by law sha��be deemed as exercise af�he abo�e option.
<br /> �Jp�n th� o�cu�-rence af an E�ent �f Default, �Lender �hall immediately be entitled to malce applica�ion for and
<br /> obtain�he appointment of a receiv�r for�he Property and af the earn�ngs, incame, issue and prafi�s af i�, wi�h the
<br /> powers as the cour� mal�ing �he appaintmen�s canfers. Grantor herel�y irre�ocably cansen�s to such appaintmen�
<br /> and�a�ves na�ice af any applica�ion�herefar.
<br /> IV�� �VAI�ERe No dela� or failure of Lender�o exerc�se any r�ght, remedy, pavver or pr��i�ege hereunder sha11
<br /> a.ffect that right, remedy, power or priv�lege nor shall any single or partial exerci�e �hereof preclude the exercise
<br /> �f any right, remedy, p�wer or pri�ilege. No Lender delay or failure to demand s�rict adherence ta the terms of
<br /> this Securi�,y �nstrument sha11 be deemed to consti�ute a course of conduc� inconsistent with Lender's right a� any
<br /> tirr�e, before or after an eWent of default, t� demand stric� adherence to �he terms of�his Security rns�rumen� and
<br /> the R.ela��d I]o�um.ents.
<br /> �TJ��T"IT'�JT`� T`1Zi�STEE. Lender, a�its option, may fr�m ti�n� �o�imc remove Trustee and app�int a successar
<br /> trus�e� �o ar�y Trus�ee appointed he�reunder by an ins�rumen� recorded �n the coun�y in wh�ch �his Security
<br /> �nstrument is recorded. ��thaut canveyance of the Property, the successor trustee sha�l succeed �o aIl the �i�le,
<br /> power and duties conferred up�n Trus�ee herein and by applicabie 1aw.
<br /> J�IIOTT Alr1�I� SE'L�E1�AL LIA.BILIZ'Y. If this Security�nstrumen�should be signed by more�han ane person, a11
<br /> persor�s exec�ting �his Se��rity Instrument agree that they shall be jointly and severaliy bound, where permi�ted
<br /> by l�.�o
<br /> S�JI�VIVA�I,�e L.�nder's rights in this Security�ns�:rurr�ent vvill �ont�nue in i�s successors and assigns. This Security
<br /> Ins�rumen�is bind�ng o�a all heirs,executors,admir�is�rato��,assigns and successors�f�rantar.
<br /> 1V��TI�'ES AIV�I� �AI'V"E1� �� I,T�TI�'E. Unless o�herwis� r�qu�red l�y a.p�li�able law, any notice or demand
<br /> given by L�nder �to any par�y is considered effectivee �i} when it is depaszted in the United S�ates Mail with the
<br /> appropria�� pastage; �i�� when it is sent �ia electron�c mail; �iii} when �t is sen� �ia faGsimile; �iv� when i� is
<br /> deposi�ed wr�h a na�ionaiiy recogn�zed overnight courier ser��ce; �v� on �he day of personal de�r�ery; or (�i� any
<br /> other �ommer�ial�y �reasanable means. A copy of any no�ice shal�be sent to each party a��he address af�he par�y
<br /> given at the beg�nning of th�s Security Instrumer�� unless an alterna�ive address has be�n pravided to Lender in
<br /> writinge To th� ��ten�permit�ed by 1aw, Grantor wai��s no�ice af Lender's acceptanc� of�his Security Ins�rumen�,
<br /> d�fenses b�.sed on suretyship, any def�nse aris�ng from any el�ctlon by Lender under the United S�a�es
<br /> I3ar�kruptcy Code, U�iform Comrriercial �ode, as �nac�ed in the state where Lender is located flr other appliGable
<br /> law or in �quity, d�rnand, no�ice of acceieration, �not��e �f nonpayment, presen�ment, pro�es�, no�ice of dishonor
<br /> and any other noticea
<br /> RE�IJEST �`�)1�N�]TI�ES; �ran�or requests that copies af�he no�ice of defaul�and no�i�e of sale be sent�o�he
<br /> address of each party given at the beginning❑f the Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> 'T� T'I-3E EX'I'EI�T'I' I'ERN�I7CTEI� �I' I.r.��V, �1�A1�'�'�R �V.A.IVE� AN'Y RI�I�'I` T� I�T�TICE, �'��-IE1�
<br /> T�IA�T '�'HE l�T�]TI�E P]�.�VII]EI] A��VE, ANI] �AIVE� A.I�'� It���IT T� A.NY HEARII�T�,
<br /> �2�D�F�2014 Comp3iance Systems,�nc,c 1 faf3 b8-2eh7fdf3-2013L2,5.1,8��
<br /> Cflmmercial Reat Estate Security Instrument�-DL�4��7 Page 5 of 7 www.compliancesyst�ins.co�t�
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