<br /> In�u�°�n��. �rantor promises to keep the Property insured against such rislcs and in such form as may vvi�hin
<br /> th� s�le dis�r�tion of Lender be acceptable, causing Lender to be named as lflss payee or if requested by
<br /> L.ender, as rn�r�gag�e. The irisu.rance company shall b� chasen by Grantor sub�ect �o Lender's appro�al,
<br /> which shall not be unr�asonabiy vvirhheld. All �nsurance pol�cies mus� pra�ide that Lender will get a
<br /> minirxium�f�� days notice prior to cancellation. A�Lender's discre�ion, Grantor may be required�o produce
<br /> receip�s af paid premiums and renewal palicies. If Grantar fa�ls�o ob�ain the requ�red caverage, Lender may
<br /> do sa at Grantor's expense. Grantor hereby directs each and e��ry insurer of the ProperCy�o make payment
<br /> of loss ta Lender with the proceeds ta be applied, on�y at Lend�r's ap�i�n, �a �he repa�r and rep�acemen� af
<br /> �he damage or loss or to �� applied to �h� Indebtedness wi�h �he surplus, if any, �o be paid by Lender �o
<br /> Grantora
<br /> P�ym�n� of T���s and ��he�- .���li��b�� �h��-g��. Caran��r pramises �a pay and �o dis�harge lrens,
<br /> er�cumbrances, ��.xes, ass�ssmen�s, lease paymen�s and any a�her charges rela��ng to �he Praper�y when
<br /> l�vied�r as se s s ed aga�nst�rantor or the Pr�p erty.
<br /> E�����x�m���al Laws a�d �-Ia�ardau� �r T'oxi� Nla��r���s. Gran��r and �ver� �enant have been, are
<br /> pres�r��l� ar�d shall con�inue �o be � s�rict campliance vvith any applicable local, state and federal
<br /> envir�nmen�ai laws and regulatians. Further, nei�her Grantor�or any�enan�shall manufac�ure, s�are, handle,
<br /> discharg� ar dispose of hazardous or toxic materials as may be defined by any state ar federal law on �he
<br /> Praperty, except �o �he ex�en� �he existence of su�h materials has been presen�iy disclosed in writ�ng t�
<br /> Lendere �rantor wiil immediat�ly notify Ler�der ir�wri��ng of any assertion ar cla�m made by any party as�o
<br /> the possible violation of appiicable s�ate and federa� �nvironmental laws includ�ng the l�cation af any
<br /> haz�.rdous or toxi�materials on or abou��he 1'rop�rty. �rantor indemnifies and hnlds Lender har�nless from,
<br /> wi�hau� 1irni�a�ion, any l�ab�iity ar expense of wh�.tsoe�er na�ure incu�ed directly ar indirectly out af or �n
<br /> �o��ectian�vith: �a} any en�ironmenta�laws affec�ing al��r any par�of�he Proper�y or�ran�ar; �b}�he pas�,
<br /> pr�sent or future �xistence of any hazardous mater�als in, on, under, �baut, or emana�ing from ar passing
<br /> �h�ough �he Pr�perty ar any part thereof or any property ac�jacent thereto; �c� any pas�, presen� or fu�ure
<br /> hazardou� activity a� ar in connection wi�h �he Propexty or an� par-��here�f; and �d}the noncomplian�e by
<br /> �xr�ntor or Grantor's fa�lure to compl�full}�and�xrr��ly with�n�ironmen�al laws.
<br /> F`inanc�al Inforr�atior�. Grantor agrees to supply Lender such financial and o�her informa�ion concerning
<br /> i�s affairs and the status of any of i�s assets as Lender, fro�n time �a �ime, may reasanably request. Grantor
<br /> further agre�s to permit Lender �o verify accoun�s as �v�ll as �o inspect, copy and �� examine �he bo�ks,
<br /> r�cords�nd fil�s of�ran�ar.
<br /> I�ender's R�gh� to Ente�-. Lender or Le�der's a�en�s shall ha�ve the r�ght and access�o in�pect the Proper�
<br /> a� a11 reasar�able �imes in order ta at��nd to Lender's interests and ensure compliance wi�h �he terms of�his
<br /> Sec�r�ty Instrument. �f the Property, or any par� �hereof, sha11 require inspect�on, repa�r or maintenance
<br /> �vhich G�antor has faiXed to provide, Lender°, after reasonabl�no�ice, may enter upon the Property�o effect
<br /> such obligatron; and �he cos� �hereof shall be added to the Indeb�edness and paid on Lender's demand by
<br /> Gran�ar.
<br /> A��I��TNIENT �F'LEAS�S AI�CI]1�EI�TTS. As additional security for�he pay�nent of the Indeb�edness and the
<br /> performanc� of the c�venants con�ained here�n, Grant�r hereby assigns and transfers o�er to Lender all rents,
<br /> ir��ome ar�d profi�s ("Ren�s"} under �ny pre�en� or future ieases, subleases or licenses of the Property, �ncluding
<br /> ar�y guarar�ties, ex�ensions, amendments or renevva.ls �hereof, fir�m the use af the Property. So long as Grantor is
<br /> not in default, �rantor ma�receive, �al�ect and �nj oy a11 Ren�s accruing from the Praper�y, bu�na�mare than one
<br /> m�n�h i� ad�ance �f�he due date. Lender may als� require �rantor, tenant and any other user of�he Proper�y �o
<br /> rr�ak� payrr��r�ts of R�r�ts d�rectly to L��der. I�awe�er, b� receiving any such payments, Lender is na�, and shall
<br /> no� be considered, an agent for �.ny party or en�ity. A.ny amounts collec�ed may, at Lender's soie discre�lon, be
<br /> �.pplied to prote�t Lender's interes�in the Praperty, including bu�no�limited to the paymen�of�axes and insurance
<br /> premiums and ta the �ndeb�edness. At Lender's soie disc�retion, alI leases, su�alea�es and licenses must first �e
<br /> appro�ed by L.ender.
<br /> ; ��N�]EIVINA'T"I�N. Grantor shall gi�e Lender notice af any action talcen or threa�ened to be taken by priva�e or
<br /> �
<br /> public enti�ies �o appropr�ate the Prnperty ar any par� thereof, through conde�-nnation, erninen� domain ar any
<br /> � C�2D44-2014 Campliance Syst�ms,Inc.clfaf3b8-�.e�7fdf3-2�13L2,5.1.820
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