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��15��445 <br /> [�EE� t7F 1��U�T <br /> Laan Nor '��]�'��4�4� ����7t��7u�d� Page Z <br /> purposes vnIy and shal� no�be �onstrued tv create any responsibiiity or liabiiity on the part o�F L�nder to Trustor or <br /> t� any ather persan. The representa�ions anoi warranties con�ained herein are based on Trus-�or's due di��gence fn <br /> in�estigat�ng the Property for Ha�ardous Substances. Trus�or hereby t1} releases and �vai�es any future claims <br /> againsfi Lender for indemni�y a�- con�ributian in the e��nt Trustor becornes liable �or cieanup ar o�her casts under <br /> any such �awsr and {27 agrees to indemni�r�, defend, and hoid harm�ess Lender a�ainst any and aII claimsr Iosses, <br /> �iabiIirties, dama�es, p�nal�ies, and expenses which Lender may directly❑r indirectly sustain ar suffer r�suiting��am <br /> a breach o�this section of the Deed o�Trust or as a consequence of any u:se, generationr manutacture, storag�, <br /> disposal, re�ease ar�hreat�ned rel�ase occurrfng privr�o Trustor's vv�rnership or interest in�he Propez-�y, whether or <br /> not �he sam� �vas or shauld ha�e �een knovun ta Trus�vr. The provisians of this sec�ion of the Deed o�Trust, <br /> including fihe vbligat�on�o indemni-�y and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment of�the�ndebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance vf the lien o�this D�ed of Trus�and shaC[ not be af�ected by Lender�s acquis�tion o�any in�erest <br /> in�he Property, v+rhether by fareclvsure or a�herv�ris�. <br /> [Vu�sance, ll�as$e. Trustor shaIl not cause, conduct or permit �ny nuisance nor commit; pe�mit, or su��er any <br /> stripping o� or waste on or to the Property ar any p�rtion o� fihe Proper�y, Without Iimiting �he generalit� o��he <br /> fo�egoing, Trustor w�I1 na't remv�e, Q�r g�ant to any other party the righ��o �emo�e, any timbe�-, minerals {inc[uding <br /> oiI and gas}, coal, clay, scoria, s�i�, gra�e�or rock prod�r�ts withvut Lender's prior written consenfi. <br /> Remo�ra�o�F lmprave�ents. Trustor sha[C na�demolish vr remove any�mpro�ements fram the Rea� Property withou� <br /> Lender's pr�or writ�en consen�. As a condition ta�he rema�al o#any [mprv�emen-�s, Lender may require Trusrt�r to <br /> make arrangements sa�isfactary ta Lender to rep�ace such �mp:rovemen�ts with [mpro�remen�s o�r a� I�ast equa� <br /> �a[ue, <br /> Lender`s R��h�to Enter. Lender and Lender's ag�nts and representati�es may enter upon the R�ai Property a� all <br /> reasonab�e times to attend tv Lender's �nteres�s and t� inspect the Real Property �or purposes o� Trustor's <br /> campiiance�rvith the terms and candi�ions of this Deed ot Trusfi. <br /> Gompliance �rvi�h �overnmenta� Require�ne��s. Trus�or shal[ promp�ly camply with ai! la�rvs, ordinanc�s, and <br /> regu�ations, noerv or h�reafter in ef�ec�, o�f all g�vernm.ental authorities appl.�cable to the use or occupancy v�the <br /> Praper-i�y. Trus�ar may con�est in gvad fai�h any such[av�r, �rdi_nance, ar�-egulatiQn and wi�hhald comp[iance during <br /> any proceeding, including appropria�te appea�s, s❑ [ong as Trusto� has n��ified Lender in writing prior to doing so <br /> and so �ang as, in Lend�r's sale op�nion, Lende�''s interests in the Praper�y are not�eopardfzed. Lender may require <br /> Trustvr�o post adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably sa�isfactory�o Lender,to protec�L�nder's interes�. <br /> Duty �v P�o�ect. Trus�or agrees neither to abandon or leave una'�tended the Pro�er�y. Trustar shall do a![ other <br /> acts, in addit�on�o those acts se�for�h above in this section, �nrhich�rorn the character and use o�the Property ar� <br /> r�asonably necessary�o pro�ect and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE�N SAL�-CDNSENT BY LEN�3E�i. Lender may, a�Lender's option, dec�are �mmediate�y due and payabie a�� sums <br /> secu�ed by this Deed of T�-us�upon the sa�e or�rans�er, w�thau� L�nder's prior v�rritten consen�, o� or any part o��he <br /> Reai Propert�, or any in�eres�in the Real Property. A "sal� or transfer" mea.ns�h.e eanveyance of Real Pr�perty or any <br /> right, �i-�le or in�erest in �he Real Proper�y; virhethe�r legal, beneficia� ar equitable; �vhether ��luntary or inWvlun�ary; <br /> �nrhether by outrigh� sa�er dee�1, instaI�m.en� sa�� cvn�ract, [and con�trac�, �ontrac� fo� deed, �easeho,ld �n�erest w�th a <br /> �erm greater�han three �3� years, lease-option cvn�rac�, or by sal�, assignm�nt, or transfer of any bene�i�iai interest in <br /> or�v any land trus�t ha�ding �it�e to the Reai Property, or by any ather me�thvd o�con�eyance of an in�eres� in the Real <br /> Proper�y. Howeve�, th�s o�t�on shal[ no� be e.xercised h}� Lender i� su�h e�ercise is prahibited by �edera[ law vr by <br /> Nebras[ca [aw. <br /> `��4�CES AND] LIENS, The fo[fa�i�ng pra�isi�ns rela�ing ta �he taxes an� liens on �he Property ar� par� of this ❑eed o� <br /> Trust; <br /> Payment. �rus�or sha�[ pay when due �and in al!even�s prior tv de[inqu�ncy} a[[taxes, special�a�ces, assessments, <br /> charges {inGiuding Uva�er and sewer}; fines and imposi�tions le�ied against or on account of��e Praperty, and shall <br /> pay vvhen due all claims for wark dQne on vr�ar services rendered ar rnaterial fu�-nished fio the Prvper�y. Trus�tar <br /> shall main� the Property�r�e a�a�� fi�ns having pr�ori�y over or equal to�he interes�flf Lende�under this ❑eed o�F <br /> Trust, excep� for �he lien of taxes and assessments nafi due, except -�or the Existing lndeb�edness re�erred �o <br /> be�ov�r, and except as otherwise pro�ided in�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> F�igh��c��an�est. Trustor may wi�hhold paym�nt of any tax, assessment, ��-cfaim in cannec�ion�nrith a good fa��h <br /> dispu�e over the�bIigation to pay, so [ong as Lender's inte�-est in�he Proper�y is na�t�evpardi�ed. lf a �ien arises or <br /> is �i�ed as a r�sui� v� nonpayment, T�-ustor shalf wi�hin �fifteen {'�5} days after the lien arises or, �f a ii�n �s ���ed, <br /> within fi�een {'�5} days after Trustor has notice o�the ��l�ng, secur� the discharge o�the Iien, or i� requestad by <br /> Lender, deposi�vvith Lend�r cash or a sufficient corporafie sure�cy band ar other security satisfac�ory to L�nder in an <br /> amount su�ricien��o discharge the ��en p�us any casts and a��orn�ys' fees, or other charges tha�cou�d accrue as a <br /> resul�a���oreclasure�r safe under�he lien. In any can�est,�rustar sha[[defend i�self and Lender and sha11 satis�y <br /> any ad�erse judgmen�before�nforcem.en��gains�the Proper�. T�ustor shall name Lend�r as an additiona� oh�ige� <br /> und�r any sure�y bond furnished in�he con�es�proceedings. <br /> Evidence of Payment. Trustar sha�� upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidence of payment o-�the�axes <br /> ❑r assessments and sha[I authorize the apprvpriate gawernmenta[ o��icial to deliVer�o Lender at any time a written <br /> statemen��f�he�axes and assessments agains��he Property. <br /> Nati�e ��Constru��ivn. Trustvr shail no�ify Lender at least�ifteen �15} days be�vre any �ork is commen��d, any <br /> serWic�s are�Furnished, or any ma�er�als are supplied to fihe Praperty, i�any meehanie's �ien, materia�m�n's �ien, or <br /> n�her lien cou�d be asserted on account o�the work, ser�i��s, or rnaterials. Trustor v�ri�l upon request o�r Lender <br /> �urnish t� Lender ad�ance assuranc�s satis�act�ry �a Lender tha� Trus�vr can and uvi�I pay the cost a�F such <br /> impra`ver�en�s. <br /> � PI�OPERTY 1DA[�11AGE �NSURAN�E. The fol�o�rving provisians re�ating to insuring�he Proper�y are a part o�this Deed o�F <br /> Trust. <br /> �ainfien�nce o� �nsurar�ce. Trustor shall procur� an� r�ain�ain po��cies o� fire insurance wi�h standar-d extended <br /> ca�erage er�dvrsements.on_a replacernen�:basis '�or �he full insurahle �alue co�ering all lmprovements an the Rea� <br /> Property in an arnnun� su��icienf to avaid applica�ion o� any coinsurance c�ause, and vvi�h a sfiandard mo�tgagee <br /> c�ause �n�avor��Lender, �agether wi�h such o�her hazard and �iabiiity insurance as Lende.r may reasvnab�y require. <br /> Po�icies shall be vtirri�ten in farm, amounts, coverages and hasis reas�nably accep�ah[e to Lend�r and issued b� a <br /> company or campanies reasonably acceptah[e to Lender. Trus��r, upon request a� Lender, wilf de�iver to Lender <br /> from�ime to tirne the policies ❑r c�rti#icates of in:su�ance }n �Form sa�isfactory to L�nder, ineluding stipufations tha� <br /> coWera�es will nat be cancelled or diminished v�ri�haut a� Ieas���n ��0} days prio�r v�rri�en notice�a Lende�. Each <br /> i.nsurance poCicy also sha11 include an endc�rsemen�prov�ding �ha� co�erage in favvr o-� Lend�r v�r�l� not be impaired <br /> in any viray by any act, vmissian or defaul�a��frustor or any other person. Shoufd fh� Reai P�operty b� located in <br /> an area d�signated by fihe Admin�stra�or �f the Federal �m�ergency Manage�nent Agency as a spec�al flood ha�ard <br /> , area, Trus�kor ag�ees -to ohtain and maintain Fedea-�� F1aod lnsuranc�, if avai[�ble, for the �uli unpaid principaf <br /> � balanee o��he loan and any pria�liens on�h�prv�er�y securing�h� �oan, up t�the maxirr�um palicy:limits se�under <br /> �the Natior�al F��od Insu�an�e Prvgram, or as athervir�se requ�red by Lender, and�� rnain�ain such �nsurance �or�he <br /> term a�the loan. <br /> A�p��cafiiv� �f P�oceedse Trustor shall pr�mptiy no�ify Lend�r of any lvss or damage �o the P�ope�-�ty. Lender may <br />