<br /> r �
<br /> Loan No: '[���,824�'I ��ontinued� Page 4
<br /> no�ice o� a breach of the same pro�isivn ot this Assignment wi�hin th� preceding �wei�� {12} months, it may b� ,
<br /> cured it Grantar, after Lender s�nds wrififien notice t❑ Grantvr demanding cure of such default: �1 y cures the
<br /> default within fi#�een ��5� days; or ��} if the cure requires m�re than fif�een �15� days, immediate�y in��ia�es steps
<br /> whi�h L�nder deems in Lender's sale discr��ion �v be su��E�ient to Cure the default and thereafter continu�s and �
<br /> compl�'�es all reasanable and necessary s�eps suffici�nt�o produce comp�iance as soan as reasonably pracfii�al.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence vt any E�ent of❑efiaul�and a�any time therea�ter, Lender ;
<br /> may exercise any one or more of the �ollnwing righ�s and remedies, in additian to any other righfis or remedies pro�ided ;
<br /> by law: !
<br /> �
<br /> Accelera#e �ndeb#edness. Lender shali ha�e the rEgh� at its ❑ptian to deciare the en�ire lndebtedness immediately '
<br /> due and payable, in�luding any prepayment penalty�hat Grantor wfluld be r�quired to pay.
<br /> Collec# Ren#s. Lender shal� ha�e the right. wi�hout nvtice to Grantar, t❑ take p�ssessivn v� the Property and !
<br /> collect the Rents, inciuding amaunts past due and unpaid, and apply �he net praceeds, ❑�er and abo�e Lender's ;
<br /> costs, againsfi the Indeb�edness. In furtherance �f this right, Lender shalE ha�e all �he righfis prv�Eded for in the �
<br /> Lender's Right to Recei�e and Collect Rents Sec�ion, aba�e. If the Ren�s are collecfied by Lender, �hen Grantor �
<br /> � irre�ocably designates Lender as Grantor`s attorney-in�fact to �ndarse instruments recei�ed in payrrten�thereof in �
<br /> the name a� Grantar and to negvtia�e the same and col�ect th� proceeds. Paymen�s hy tenants or ❑ther users �o �
<br /> Lender in response to Lender`s demand shall satisfy#he obligations tar wh�ch �the payments a�-e made, whether or
<br /> not any proper graunds fvr fihe demand existed. Lender may exer�ise �fis rights under this subparagraph either in
<br /> persan, by agen�, or through a recei�er.
<br /> ❑ther Remed�es. Lender sha�� ha�e all other ��ghts and remedi�s proWided in �his Assignment or th� Nate ar �y
<br /> �aw.
<br /> Eiection o�Remedies. Electivn by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursu��k of any other remedy, and
<br /> an ele�tian to make expenditures or tv tal�e action to perform an obl�gation o�Gran�ar under�his Assignment, after
<br /> �ran�kor's�ailure ta perform, sha�� no�af�ect Lender's right to dec[are a de�ault and exer�ise i�s remedies.
<br /> r
<br /> Attorneys' F�es: Expenses. ifi Lender institutes any sui�❑r acfiian to en�orce any af the �erms o�this Assignment,
<br /> Lender shall be en�i�led to reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonab[� as attvrneys' f�es at tria[ and
<br /> upvn any appeal. Whether or not any �vurt action is En�v[Wed, and to �he ex�ent not pr�hibited by iaw, all
<br /> r�asonab[e �xpenses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's opin��n are ne�essary at any fiime �or �he protection of �ts
<br /> interes�❑r the enforcemen�a�its rights shall hecome a par�of the indebtedness payable an demand and sha�� bear
<br /> interest at the Note rat�trvm the da�e o��he expenditure until repaid. Expenses co�er�d by this paragraph in�lude,
<br /> withou-� limitation, howeWer sub�e��to any limi�s under applicable law, Lender`s a�torneys' tees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whe�her o� not �here �s a �awsuEt, including a�tarneys' �ees and �xpenses for bankrup��y proceedings
<br /> �including e#�orts to modify.❑r�acate any aufiomatic stay❑r injun�tian}, appea�s, and any anticipated pas�judgmen�
<br /> collec�ivn services, the cnst a�search�ng rec�rds, vbtaining ti�le reparfis {in�luding �oreclasure repor�s�, sur�eyvrs'
<br /> reports, and appraisai fees, title insurance, and f�es �or the Trustee, t��the extent permitted by applicable �aw.
<br /> Grantor alsv will pay any court c�sts, in addi�ian�ko al[other sums pra�ided by�aw.
<br /> lVIISCELLANE�US PR�VESi�NS. The f�I[�►nring misce[laneous pro�isions are a part❑f this Assignment:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This Assignmen�, together wi#h any Reiated Dacuments, cvnsti#ut�s the en�ire understanding and
<br /> agreemen� ofi the parties as tv fihe ma��ers set �orth in this Assignmen�. N❑ al�era�ion o� nr amendment ta this
<br /> Assignmen� sha�� be effie�tive unless gi�en in writing and signed by �he pa�ty or parties sough� ta be charged or
<br /> �vund by�he al�era�ian nr amendment.
<br /> Capfiivn Headings. �aptian headings in this Assignment are for con�enience purpos�s vnEy and are no�ta be used
<br /> tv interpret or define fhe pro�isions vf�his Assignment.
<br /> GoWerning Law. This Assignmen� will be governed by �ederal iaw app[i�able to Lender and, to #he ext�nt nvt
<br /> pr�emp#ed hy federa!iaw,the Iaws of the State o#Nebraska withaut r�gard fv its conflic�s of law provisions. This �
<br /> Assignment has been accep�ed by Lender in�he State o�Nehraska.
<br /> Chvice of Venue, lf �here is a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upon Len�er's request to submit to the �ur�sdi�tifln ❑f the
<br /> c�urts of Hafl C�unty, 5tate a�Nebraska.
<br /> Jvint and 5��eraf L�abi�ity. All obliga#i�ns of Grantor under �his Assignmen� shall be join� and se�eral, and all
<br /> references to Grantar shall mean each and e�ery Grantar. This means �ha� each Gran�tor signing b�low is
<br /> responsible for all abligatians in this Assignm�nt.
<br /> Merger. There sha[[ be n❑ merger o-F the interest or es�ate created by this asstgnment wEth any ❑ther �nterest or
<br /> esta�e in the Pr�perty at any tEm� held by or for�he benefifi❑f Lender in any capa�i�y, withou�the written consent
<br /> ❑�Lender.
<br /> Interpretation. {1} In all cases whe�e there is more than one Borrower vr Gran#or, then all words used in this
<br /> Assignm�nt�n fihe singular shall be deemed to ha�e been used in the p[ura[ wh�re the con#ex�t and canstruCtion so
<br /> require. ��} It more than ane pe�son signs this Assignmen�as "Grantvr," �he obligations o�each Grantor are joint
<br /> and s��eral. This means that if Lend�r brings a lawsu�t, Lender may su� any one or mare o�F the Grantors. [f
<br /> Borrower and Gran�or are not fihe sam� persan, Lend�r need nat sue Ba�rawer fiirs�, and that Barrvwer need not be
<br /> joined in any lawsuit. �3� The names gi�en �o parag�aphs or sec�ians in this AssEgnment are far con�enienc�
<br />