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��15��43� <br /> A�I insurance pol�cies r�qu�r�d by Lender and renewals of such po�icies sha11 be su��ec��o L,�nder's r�ght�o <br /> disappro�re�uch pa�ic�es, sha�l include a s�andard mortgage c�ause, and sha11 name L�nd�r as m�or�gagee <br /> an�lor as an add�ti�nal �oss payee. Lender sha11 ha�e th�r��ht to hoid�he polic�es and renewal cert�f�cates. If <br /> Lender requ�res, Borrov�er shal�pramp�l�g��ve to L�nder a�� rece�p�s of pa�d prem�ums and renewa� not���s. <br /> �f Borrovver ah�ains an� form af insurance co�erag�, not otherv�r�se requ�red�y Lender, far damage to, or <br /> destruc�ion af, �he Proper�y, such pol�cy shal� �nc�ude a s�andard martga�e c�ause and shall name Lender as <br /> rnor�gagee andlor as an addi�iona� �ass payee. <br /> In�he e��nt of I�ss, Borrower sha��give prompt no�ice t��he�nsuranc�carrier and Lend�r. Lender nr�a� <br /> make proof of�oss if n�t made promptly by B�rrower. Un�ess L.ender and Borrower otherwise agree�n <br /> writing, any insurance proceeds, whether ar n�t th�under�y�ng insurance was requir�d by Lend�r, shall be <br /> applied��restora�ion or repair of�he Proper�y, if the res�oration�r repa�r is�conomically feasible and <br /> Lender's secur�ty is not lessened. During such repair and restora�ion period, Lender sha�l have the righ�to <br /> ho�d such �nsurance pr�ceeds unti� L.ender has had an oppor�un�ty t� xnspec�such Praper�y fo�nsure�he <br /> work has b�en comple��d to Lender's sa�isfacti�n, pro��ded that such inspec��on shai�b�undertaken <br /> promp��y, Lender may disburse praceeds for��Ze repairs and restarati�n in a sing�e paymen�or�n a series of <br /> pro�ress paymen�s as the work rs e�mpleted. I]n�ess an a�reement is made in writing or App��cab�e Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on such insuran�e proGe��s, Lender shal�no�be requir�d to pa�r�orrower any <br /> �n�erest or earnings on such�roceed�. Fees for public adjus��rs, or o�her th�rd part�es, retained by Barrower <br /> sha1� not be paid ou�of�he insurance pro�eeds and s�all be�he sole abligat�on of Borr�v�er. If�he restora�ion <br /> or repair�s n��econ�micai�y feasible or Lender's secur�ty wau�d be lessened, the�nsuranc�proceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument, v�rhether ar nflt then due, w�th�he�xcess, �f any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shal�be appl�ed in the flrder pra�v�ded for in Sect�on 2. <br /> If Borr�wer abandon��he Proper�y, Lender may f�le, neg�tia�e and settle an� a�ai�a��e insurance�lairr�and <br /> related ma��ers. �f Borrower does no� respond within 3�days to a no�ice from Lender tha�the insurance <br /> carr�er has offered to set���a claim, then Lend�r may n�gotiate and settle�h�claim. The 3�-da�r per�fld�vi�l <br /> beg�n when�he natice �s given. �n e�ther event, or if L�nder acquires�he Proper��under Sec��an�2 or <br /> �ther�vise, Borrower hereby ass�gns�o I.�ender�a} B�rrower's rights to an�insuranc�praceeds in a�amount <br /> not ta exce�d th�amounts unpa�d under�he Nofe or�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�, and�b} any�ther of <br /> Borra�nrer's r�gh�s tother thar�the right t� any refund of unearned premiunzs paid by Borrower}under a11 <br /> insurance po�icies co�ering the Praper�y, �nsafar as such righ�s are app�icab�e�o�he co�erag�of the <br /> Proper�y. L�nder may use the�nsurance proceeds either to repair or restare the Proper�y or to pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under�he Note ar th�s S��uri�y�ns�rumen�, whether�r not�hen due. <br /> �. Dccupan�y. Borrov�rer shali occupy, es�ablish, and use the Proper�y as Borrower's principal residence <br /> v�rithin 60 days after the ex.ecution of th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�and s�al� cont�nue to�ccUp�the Property as <br /> Borrower's principal res�dence for at leas�one�ear after th�date of occupa�.c�, unless Lender o�herw�se <br /> agrees in vvriting, vwh�ch consent shall nat be unreasonab��wi�hhe�d, or unless ext�nua�ing c�rcumstances <br /> ex�s�which ar�i�eytind Borrower's con�ral. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, Niaintenance and Pratectian vf the Property; Inspect�ons. Borrow�r sha11 no�des�roy, <br /> damage or impa�r�he Praper�y, allow the Proper�y to deter��rate�r commi�was�e on the Property. �N'he�her <br /> ar n��Borrower�s residin� in�he Prop�rty, Borrow�r sha�� mE.ain�ain�h� Pr�pert�r in arder to pre�v�nt�he <br /> Property fro�m de�eriorating ar decreas�n� in vaiue due to its cond�tifln. I3n�ess i� is de�ermine�i pursuant�� <br /> Sec�ion 5 that repair or resta�ra�ion is no�ecanorn�cal�� feas�ble, Borrower�ha��promp���repair the Property <br /> �f damaged to av��d further deterioration ar damage, �f�nsurance ar e�ndemna�ion proceeds are paid in <br /> c�nnec�ion v�rith da�mage to, or the taking nf, the Proper�y, Borr�wer shall be responsibie for repair�ng or <br /> res�oring�he Pr�p�r��only �f Lender has re�ease�pr�ceeds for such purposes. Lend�r may d�sburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Sirigle�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3028�Ifl1 <br /> VMP Q VMPG�N�y��342i <br /> Woiters Kluwer�inar�cial Ser�ices Page 7 af 17 <br />