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��15��43� <br /> B�RR�,L�V�R��VENANT� �hat B�rr�wer�� lawfully seised�f the estate hereby canv��ed a�d has the righ�to <br /> grant and�nn�ey�he Praper�� and �hat the Prop�rty is un�ncumbered, except far encumbranc�s �f r�cord. <br /> Barr�wer warran�s an�i wil� defen�g�neraliy the title ta the Praperty against aIl cla�ms and demands, subject�o <br /> any encumbrances of re�ord. <br /> THIS SECt1R�TY �NSTRt�MENT cambines uniform covenants for nati�nal use and non�uniform covenan�s with <br /> limited var�a��ons by jur�sd�ctian t�Cons�i�ut�a un�form��curity instrument c��ering real proper��. <br /> Uniform �orr�nants. Borrawer and Lend�r covenant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> '1. Payment c�f Principal, �nterest, Escrvw �tems, Prepayrr�ent Char�es, and Late Charges. B�rraw�r <br /> sha��pa�when due�he principa��f, and interest�n, the debt evidenced by the No�e and an�prepayment <br /> charge� and late charges du�under the N���. B�rrower sha�� a�so pay funds for Es�rovr+� �tems pursuant�o <br /> �ection 3. Payments due under�he Note and thzs S��ur�ty �n�trument shal�be nlade�n t]�.S. currency. <br /> Hawe�er, if any check or other instrumen�received b� Lender as payment under�he N�te or this Security <br /> Ins�rumen� is returned t�Lender unpaid, Lender may require�hat any or a�� subsequent payments due und�r <br /> �he Note and�his Securi���nstrument be made in�ne�r mor�of the f��low�ng farms, as selected by Lender: <br /> �a}�ash; ��} mone�r order; �c}certif�ed che�k, bank check, treasurer's Check or cash�er's check, pr�v�ded ar�y <br /> such Gheck is dravvn up�n an in��itu�ion whose dep�sx�s are�nsured by a fed�ra� agency, �nstrumenta��ty, or <br /> entity; or�d} E�ectr�nic Funds Trax�sfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed recei�ed by Lender when received at the tocat�on designated in�he Note or at such <br /> a�h�r�ocat�on as may be designated by L.�nder in accnrdance�vith�he nnt�ce provisions in SeCt�on I5. <br /> Lender may r�turn any payment or par��a�paymen� �f the payment or partza� paymen�s are xnsuf�c�ent to <br /> bring�he Loan�urrent. Lender may accept any payment ar par��al paym�nt�nsuff�cien��o bring the Laan <br /> curren�, w�thaut�vai�ver�f an�right�h�reund�r or prejudice ta �ts rights t� refuse such payment�r partial <br /> pa�men�s �n the future, bu� Lender is no�abligated to apply such payments a��he time such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f�ach Per��dic Payment is appli��as�f i�s s�h�du�ed du�dat�, then Lender need na�pay�nterest <br /> on unapplied funds. Lender�nay hnld such unapp���d funds unt�l Barr�wer make�payment�t�br�ng�he <br /> L�an current. If Borrower daes not d� so withzn a r�asanable period af t�me, Lender shall ei�her apply such <br /> funds�r return them to Barrower. If not app�ied ear�ier, such funds will be appl�ed to the out��anding <br /> prinCipal balance under the Na�e immediateiy priar ta fareclosure. No offse�or claim which Borrawer migh� <br /> ha�e naw or�n�he future agains�Lender sha�l relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Na�e <br /> and�h�s S�cur��y �nstrument or perfnrming�he co�enants and agreements secured by this SeCuri�y <br /> �nstrument. <br /> Z. Application of Payments vr Pra�eeds. �xcep�a�otherwise described in this Section 2, a��pa�ment5 <br /> accepted and app�ied by Lender shali be applied in�he fallowing order of prior�ty: �a} interest due under the <br /> No�e; �b}pr�nc�pal due under th�Not�; tc} amoun�s due under Sect�on 3. Such paym�nts shall be app�i�d to <br /> each Per�odic Paymen��n the order�n which it�ecame due. Any remaining amounts sha11 be app�ied firs�to <br /> late charges, second to any other amoun�s due under th�s Security �nstrumen�, and then to reduce�he <br /> principal balance�f th�Nate. <br /> �f Lender recei�es a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Pa�ment tivhich includes a sufficient <br /> amount tfl pay any late Charg�due, th�paymen�may��applied to the delinquent payment and th�1a�e <br /> charg�. If m�re�han one P�r�odic Payment�s outs�andzng, Lender may app�y an�paymen�recei�ed fr�m <br /> B�rr�v�►��r to the repaym�nt of�he P�r�od�c Payments �f, and ta th�extent that, each payment can be pazd in <br /> full. To the ex�ent that any excess exis�s aft�r t�e payment is applie�to the full payment of one or mar� <br /> Per��d'zc Paym�n�s, �u�h excess may be applied t� any late charges du�. Vatuntary prepaym�nts shall be <br /> app�ied f�rst�o any prepaym�nt charg�s and�hen as des�ribed in the N�te. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fan�ie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNt��RM IN5TRt1M�NT �orm 3��8 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�}{13D2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Pag�4 af�7 <br />