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��15��43� <br /> sa�isfaction, provided that such inspect�on sha���e undertaken prompt��. Lender may pay f�r the repa�rs <br /> and restoration in a single disbursement or zn a ser�es of progress paymen�s as�he work �s camp�et�d. <br /> tJnless an agreemen��s made�n�vr���ng or App��cab�e Lav� re�u�r�s interes�ta�e pa�d on such <br /> Miscel�aneous Praceeds, Lender sha�� nat be requ�red to pay Borrower any �n�er��t ar�arn�ngs on such <br /> Misc�l�aneous Pr�c�e�.s. If�he r�staratz�n or repair is no�economica��y feasxb�e�r Lender's security wou�d <br /> b���s�ened, the M��c���aneous Praceeds shall be applied to th�sums secur�d by this 5ecuri�y Instrumen�, <br /> wh�th�r or na��hen due, wi�h�he exC�ss, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Misceiianeous Proceeds shall be <br /> app�zed �n th�order prov�ded for in�ecti�n 2. <br /> �n th�event of a totai tak�ng, destruct�Qn, or�ass �n va�ue of the Proper�y, �he M�sceXxaneaus Proceeds sha�� <br /> be app�ied�a�he sums secured by this S�cur�t� �ns�rument, whe�her or no��hen due, with the excess, �f any, <br /> pai�t�Barrower. <br /> �n�he�vent af a par��a� taking, des�ruct�on, ar�oss in va�ue of the Property in which�he fair marke��alu�of <br /> th�Property imm�dia�e�y before the par��a� ta.k�ng, des�ructznn, or�oss in�a�ue �s equa� �a or grea�er�han the <br /> amaunt af�he sums secured b�this S�curity Instrument immedza�e�y before the partial taking, d�struc��on, or <br /> ��ss in va�ue, unless Borrower and L�nder otherwise agree in writing, the sums secur�d by this Security <br /> �ns�runzent sha��be reduced by th�am�unt nf the N��sceila.n�ous Praceeds mu�tip�ied by�he followxng <br /> fraction: �a} the t�ta� amount af the sums secured in�m�d�ate�y b�fore�he par��a��ak�ng, d�struct�on, or�ass <br /> in value di�ided by �b} the fa�r market�alue�f�he Proper�y z��a�ely b�fore�he partial ta.�ing, <br /> destruG�ion, ar loss in value. Any balance sha�l be paid to Borrower, <br /> �n the e�en��f a par��al taking, de�truct�o�, �r loss �n�alue�f the Property in�vhiCh the fair market�alu��f <br /> the Proper�y�mmed�ate�y bef�re the part�al tak�ng, destruct��n, or lass in va�ue�s l�ss than the arnaunt�f the <br /> sums secured im�mediately befare th�par�ia� tak�ng, d��truGtzon, or��ss in�a�ue, un�ess Barrower and <br /> Lend�r otherwis�agree in writing, �he Misce��aneaus Pra�eeds sha��be app�i�d�a the sums secured by th�s <br /> S�curity Instrumen�tivhether or not the sums ar�then due. <br /> �f�he Pr�per�y �s abandoned by Borr��v�r, or if, after notic�by Lender�a Barrower�hat the Dpposing Party <br /> �as def�ned�n the next�entence}affers��make an award to s�tt�e a claim for damages, Barrower fa��s ta <br /> resp�nd�a Lender wi�hzn 3a days after the da��th�not�ce�s g�ven, Len�er xs au�har�zed to ca��ect and app�y <br /> the Miscellaneous Praceeds e�ther to rest�rati�n ar repair�f the Property or to�he sums secured b�th�s <br /> Securi�y Instrumen�, v�hether or not then du�. "�pposing Party" m�ans th�third par�y that awes Borrower <br /> Misce��ane�us Pro�eeds or the party against wh�m Borrower has a righ�af actian in reg�rd t� Misce�Ianeaus <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Barrawer shall be in default if any actifln or proc��ding, whether c���i or crxmina�, i�begun that, in Lender's <br /> judgmen�, could result in forfeiture of the Proper�y or oth�r�xzat�ria� �mpa�rm�n�af L�nder's interest in the <br /> Pr�perty or rights under th�s Securi�y Instrument. Borrower can cure suCh a default and, if acceleration has <br /> occurred, reinstate as pro�ided in S�ction ��, by causing the action or praceeding t��e dismissed�vith a <br /> ru�xng�ha�, �n Lend�r's�udgment, precludes forfei�ure of th�Proper�y or ather ma�er�al impairment of <br /> Lender's int�rest zn�he Property or r�ghts under�his Security Instrumen�. The proceeds of any award or <br /> c�aim for damages that are attributab�e�o th� �mpa�r�ment of Lender's �n�er�s� �n th�Proper�y are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid ta L�n��r. <br /> A�� N��sce�laneous Proceeds that are n�t applied�o restoration or repair af the Proper�y shal��e app�ied in the <br /> arder pro��ded for�n Sect�on Z. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�anni�MaelFc�c#die Mac UN€�aRM tNSTRUM�NT �v�m�oxs��oi <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N��t130�� <br /> Wptt�rs Kluwer Finan�i�l S�r�i�es Pag�1 Q vf 17 <br />