<br /> ��15��33�
<br /> 2. T� insure and k�ep �nsu��d �uil�in�s �nd ��her irn�rc�vemen�� in�ludin� fixtures and a�ta�hm�nts
<br /> na�r �r� �r h�re�ft�r pla�ed �n tf�� �rap�r�y to th� satisf�c�i�n �f B�nefi�ia�y. S�c� ir�surar�ce will be
<br /> �nd��s�d�vith a I�ss p��abl��I�us�to Ber�efciary. �n demand, Trustor�vilI fur�ish said �oli�i�s��prv�f
<br /> af in�u��n�e �a �en�ficia�y. Any�ums sa re��i�ed by B�nefi�iary r�na�b� use�to �a�far r�cans#ru�tion
<br /> af �h� de��roy�d imp���vem�nt� ar if nat sv a�p[[�� may b� a��Ei�d, at the opti�n �f Benefi�iary, in
<br /> �aym�n� of any ind�bte�ness m��u��d ar �anma�ur�d secured by�his T�us� Deed. �uch insuf�r��e�nri[I be
<br /> ir��n am�un#a�Ie�s�equ�l�o the less�r af th� l�an bal�n�e, th� actual c����a[ue�f�h��o[[a�er�l, or�fih�
<br /> r�plac�men�cost�f the pr���rty, ar���nrill a�� m'rnimum, ��W�r[��s�s cause� by fi��, �ightning, e��l�sion,
<br /> ri��, aircr�ft, vehicf�s, vand��i�rr�, �iWil �o�nm��ian, smok�, �rind�t�rrn, and I�ail. T�ust�r�s��rill obt�in and
<br /> l���p f[ovd insu�anc� in force �a cov�r [oss�s by floo� a$ r�quir�� by g�n�fi�iary and by th� Nati�vnaf
<br /> Fl��d [ns�ran�e A��af �9��, �s a�nen��d, an� ��r r�egul�tians impl�menting the sarn�. Trust�r�s�furth�r
<br /> �gr�� �h�t Benefi�iary i� no� ar�d r�riIf �t�t �� li�bl� far any �ailur� �y Trustar�s� or� �y �ny in�u��r, f�r
<br /> v�rhat�v�r r��ason, �o ob�ain �n� ke�p thi�insurance ir�force.
<br /> 3� T� ke�� al� building�, fi�cturesr aitacf�rrients, �nd �ther impro�r�rn�nts r�Q�r ❑n ar h�re�ft�r �lace� �n
<br /> �he prop�rty o��u�i�d an� in g�od r��p�ir, m�tintenan��, �nd cvndi�i�n and to n�ith�r commit r��r p��'mit
<br /> an� �Gts �f �ast� ar any irn�airm�n� of th� r�al�� of �he pra��rty. Beneficiary may ��ter u��r� th�
<br /> prap�r����ir�spe��th�sam��r��perf�rm �ny��ts au�h�ri��d her��r��r in th��re�it agre�m�nt�s}.
<br /> 4. En th��vent T�us����s�fails t� �ay an�liens,j���ments, assessm�nts, �a��s, �en�s,fee�, or char��s
<br /> ar rn�intain ar�y in�uran�� �n �he �r��erty, buil�in�s, f��ures, attachrnents, �r irriprovem�r�ts as pr�vid�d
<br /> f��rein ar in fh� I�a� agr�emet�t�s�, B�n�f�E�ry, at its �pt��n, may ma�e s�ch �ayrn�nts or �r�vide
<br /> insuranGe, matn��nanGe, o� re�ait�s an� any amaunts ���d �het-ef�r �nri[[ �e�Qm� part of t�� prin�ip�l
<br /> �rt�eb��dne�� s�cu��� h�reby, be �t�nmedi�tely due at�d paya�[e and b�a� int�re�� at the defaul# ra��
<br /> �ravided in �he n�te�s� �r�r�di� a����mer�t�s�from �I�e d��e vf paymen� unti� paid. Th� a�Wanc�men� by
<br /> Ben�ficiary �f any such amount� �ri[[ in n� rnanr��r limit th� right of Benefi�iary�o de�lar� T�u���r��� in
<br /> ��faul�or��c���ise�ny�f Ben�fic'ra�y����her ri�h�s and remedi�s.
<br /> �. !n �h� �►�rent Benefi�iar�i� � p�rt�t��n� li�i�ation �ff�c�ing the �ro��r�y�r-fh� �i�n of�his Trus� Q��d,
<br /> in�ludin� any�ct�on by B�n�ficia�y���nf�rc��hi�Trust ae�d v�any s�it in �rhich B�nefi�iar`�r is n�m�d a
<br /> d�f�n�an� �including condemna�'rar� and bank�u�t�y pr�cee�in��� Benefi�iary may incur �x�en�es and
<br /> �tiv�n�� p��m�nt� for �bstr��t f���, ��t�rn��s f��� �tv th� �xten� �[[o�r�d hy la�r�, ��s�s, �x�en�es,
<br /> appr�isal fe��, and o�her �harges �nd any am�unts sa �dvanced �ill b��ome p�rt of �he �rin�ip��
<br /> in���t�dnes� ��+cur�d h�rel�y, b� imm��iately d�� and pa�a�[� �nd b�ar �nt�r�st at the d�fault ra��
<br /> provi��d in�h�n�t�ts} Qr�r��if a�r��m�nt��}fr�m�h�da�e of advan+c� �n�iE paid.
<br /> �. Any a�rards made �� Trustv��s� �r therr �u�cessors �y�he ��erci�� �f eminer�� d�main aFe hereby
<br /> assign���� Ben�fici�ry; and Ben�fic�ar-�r is hereby au�h�ri���to ca[[ec#and ��pi�the sarrie in p�ym�nt of
<br /> any ind�btedn�ss, matur�or�unmat�red, secured by th�s Trust D��d.
<br /> 7. In th� �vent of d�fault Rn �he payment �rhen due �f �ny �ums secured hereby �p�incip�l, �n��rest,
<br /> advan��rn�nts, or pr�fie�tiv� advart��s�, ar faiIure t� p�rfarm �r obs�r�e �ny �ov�nants �nd condi�i�ns
<br /> ��nt�in�d h�rein, in th� nv�t��s�= �r�dit �gr�ernent�s}, ��- any �ther instt�urn�nts, ar an�r proc�e��ngs is
<br /> brau�h�� under �ny Bankrup��� l�ws, B�n�fi�iary, �t i�� a��ion, rn�y d��Iare the en��r� inde����n�s�
<br /> s��ure� her��y�� �e immedi�te[y due and p�ya�le and fh��,rhale will b�ar in�e��st a�th� def�ult rate as
<br /> �ro�r�ded in the n�����} �r �re��t agre�rn�nt�s} and �sn�fci�ry may imrnediat�[y au�hari�� Tru�#e� ta
<br /> ��c�rcise the Pawer����1�gr�nted here'rn in tl�e m�nner pr4�i��d in�h� N��r�ska Trust ae���A�, �r, ��
<br /> the a��iQn �f xh� B�n�fi�iar�, m�y fareclose fhe Trus� Dee� in �h� m�nner p��vide� by la�v for the
<br /> farecfasure of rnort�ages on rea[ praperky, in�luding the appointm�n� �f � R�cei�er up�n ex parte
<br /> �p�li�a�ion, n�fi�e b�in� her�b� �x�r�ss[�r v�r��v�d, rrvithoufi r��g�rd �a th� ►�alue of the property or the
<br /> sufficien��tl�er��f to dischar�� fhe �n��b��dn�ss s��ur��d h�r�b�r Qr in th� Ioan ag�eement�s�. �el�y by
<br /> . B�n�ficia�y in e�cercising its righ�s upan d�f�uj� �ril� nQf �� constr-u�d �.� a ��iv�r th�r��f and an�r act�f
<br /> B�n�f'rciary waiu�n� �ny sp��ified default �i�� na� b� �vns�rue� as a �+ai��r �f any futur� d�fau[t. �f the
<br /> prv��ds under� su�h sal� ar f���cl�sure �r� in�uff��i�n� �o �ay the t�fal indebfedness Se�ured h�r�by,
<br /> Trusto��s� do here�y agr�e �o be p�r��r�al[�r bound ta pay fihe �ur��ai� b�lan�e� ar�� Benefi�i�r� will be
<br /> en�i�[�d ta�deficien�y a�d�m�n�_
<br /> �. Sh�u�d Bene'�ciary e[eGt ta e�er�"r�e�he ���rer o�f 5a1� gran�e� he�ein, ��nefi�iar�wi[[ n�t�fy Trus��e
<br /> �r�� �ill rec�r�, pub[ish, �r�d deli��r to T�ust�r�s� such N��ice of aef��lt an� N��i�� of Sa�e a� then
<br /> r�qui�ed b� la�r ��d �rill in th� rna�nn�r pravid�d �y lav�r, s�l[ the �rapet�y at the tim� a�d pi�ce �f s�le
<br /> fi��� ir� �he Na�iee �� �ale, e�th�r as a who�� �r ir� s�pa�at� Iots, p�r��ls, ar i�em� and in su�h order a�s
<br /> Trust�e�r�[1 d�em �x�e�i�nt. Any per�on may bid at�he sal�Encluding Tru��or�s}, Truste�, �r Ber�efic�a�y.
<br />