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r <br /> ��15���SS .4 <br /> �EE� �F T�usT <br /> L�an Na: 'I�1���347 {�ont�nued� Page Z <br /> may be liable indiWidually or jointly with others, whether abliga�ed as guarantor, surety, a�commadation par�y or <br /> otherwise, and whether recv�ery upan such amvunts may i�e or hereaf�er may �ecame barred by any statute of <br /> limitati�ns, and wheth�r �he ❑bliga�tion to repay such amvunts may be ❑r hereafter may become otherwis� <br /> unenforceable. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES, �n addition �o th� Note, �his Deed afi Trust seGures all �Future ad�ances made by Lend�r to <br /> Borrower or Trustor whether or not the ad�ances are made pursuan�to a �ommitm�nt. 5pec�fi�ally, withaut jimita�tian, <br /> �his Deed o�Trust secures, in addi�ion ta the amounfs sp�cified in �he Nate, all future amounts Lender �n i�s discretion <br /> may I�an to BorroWer or Trustor, to�ether w�th all interes�ther�on. <br /> Trus�tor pressntly assigns �o Lender �also known as Beneficiary in fhis ❑eed o� Trust7 a�l of Trustor's right, �i�l�, and <br /> interest in and to all pr�sent and future leases of �he Property and all Rents from the Prap�rty. tn addition, Trustor <br /> grants�to Lender a Uniform Commer�ial Code security�nteres�in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> THIS DEE� �F TRUST, iN�LUDiNG THE 145SIGNIVIENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPEFiTY, 15 �IVEN TD SECURE {Aj PAYIVIENT �F THE INDEBTEDNESS A11�L7 �B� PERF�RNiAIVCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL C]BLl�ATI�NS UNDER THlS ❑EED UF TRUST. THiS DEED �F TRUST IS GIVEN AN❑ ACCEPTED DN <br /> THE F�LL�I1VlNG TERMS: <br /> TRUST�R'S V11'AiVERS. Trus�ar waives all rights �r defenses aris�ng by reason af any "an� action" ❑r "anti-d�fii�iency" <br /> �aw, or any other law which may pre�ent Lender from �ringing any action against Trustor, including a claim for <br /> de�ficiency�o the extent Lender Es ath�rwise enti�ied tfl a claim for deficiency, b�fore �r after Lender's commencem�nt <br /> or completion of any foreclosure actian, ei�h�r judicially or by exercise af a power o�sale. <br /> PAYIII{ENT AND PEFiFORMAN�E, Except as ath�rwise pr��ided in this aeed a�fi Trust, gorrower and Trus��r shall pay tQ <br /> Lender ali Indebtedness secured by this Deed of T�ust as i� becomes due, and B�rrow�r and T�ust�r sha�l stri��ly <br /> perfarm a1l their respec�ti�e obligations under the Note, this Deed o�Trust, and the Reia�ted Da�umsn�s. <br /> PaSSES5I�N AND MAINTENANCE C]F THE PROPERTY. �orrawer and Trustor agr�e tha� Borrawer's and Trus��r's <br /> possession and uss v#the Property shall be g���rned by th�foilaw�n� pravisions: <br /> Possession and Use. Until th� accurrenc� o�r an E�ent o� aefautt, Trus�ar may {�} rema�n in possessivn and <br /> �ontro( o��he Praperty; �2� use. operate or manage�he Pr�perty; and t3f co�le�t�he Rents from the Prop�r�y. <br /> Duty #❑ Mainta�n. Trusfor shalf maintain the Prap�rty in tenanta�le condition and pramp�ly perfarm all repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to prese�rve its�aiue. <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances, Trustor r�presents and warrants that the Property ne�er has been, and ne�er w�ll be so <br /> long as this Deed of Trust remains a lien on the Property, used f�r the genera�ion, manufac�ure, storage, <br /> trea�ment, dispasal, release �r threaten�d release of any Hazardaus Su�stance in �iola�ion af any En�ironmental <br /> Laws. Trustor auth�rizes Lender and i�s agents to �nter upan the Property t� mal�e such inspectiQns and tests as <br /> Lender may d��m appropriate to de�ermine campliance af the Pr�perty ►n�i�h this se�tion ofi th� Deed �� Trust. <br /> Trustor hereby {�y rel�ases and wa3�es any future ciaims against Lender��r indemnity or contribu�ion in the e�en� <br /> Trust�r becam�s liable for cfeanup vr o�her �asts un�er any such �aws, and {2} agrees to indemnify, de��nd, and <br /> h�ld harmless Lend�r agains�t any and alf claims and Ivsses resulting fram a �reach af this paragraph of the Deed af <br /> Trust. This obligati�n to indemnify and defend sha11 surWive the payment �f th� lndebtedness and the satisfactivn <br /> o�this Dee�of Trust. <br /> DLIE �N SALE- CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lend�r may, at Lender's option, declare immediately�iue and payabie all sums <br /> secured by this ❑��d o�Trust upon'�he sale or transfer, without L�nder's pr�o�written �ansent, of all or any par�of th� <br /> Reai Praperty, or any �nt�res� in the Real Praperty, A "sa�e �r transfier" means the can�eyance af Real Prap�rty or any <br /> right, title or interest in the Real Property; whether legal, beneficial or equitable; whe�her Woluntary or in�oluntary; <br /> whe�her �ay outright sal�, deed, installment sale cantra�t, land cantract, contract �or deed, leasehold interest w��h a <br /> term greater than three �3y y�ars, lease-�pti�n contra�t, or by sale, assignmen�t, or transfer of any bene�iG�al interest in <br /> ar to any land firus� hoiding �it1e to fihe Real Pr�perty, or by any �ther method af conWeyance af an interest in �he Real <br /> Prvperty. {f any Trustor �s a �arp�ratinn, partnership ar limited I�ability company, transfer a�so inc�udes any change in <br /> ownership of more than�wenty-five percent 425°Io� of�he aoting stock, par�n�rship interests or limited liabili�y�ompany <br /> interests, as the �ase may be, af such Trust�r. Howe�er, this op�ion shall nat be exercised by Lender if such exercise <br /> is prvhibited by federaf law or by Nebraska law. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The follaw�ng prnvisions rela�ing to the taxes and �iens an the Property are part of this D�ed o�F <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shali pay when due tand in al! events prior to d�linquency7 all taxes, spe�ial taxes, assessm�nts, <br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines and impa�itions le�ied against or on acc�unt vf the Property, and shall <br /> pay when due a11 claims f�r ►nrork dane on vr fior ser�ices �endered or mat�rial �urnished ta �he Property. Trusto� <br /> shal� maintain the Prop�rty fre�of a�l liens having privrity aver vr�qual �o�he interest o�Lender under this Deed vf <br /> Trus�, except far the I�en a� taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise pro�id�d in this a�ed of <br /> Trust. <br /> PR�PERTY l7AMAGE INSURANCE. Th�f�llowing provisions rela�ing to insuring the Proper�y are a part of this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Mainfienance of Insuran�e. Trus�or shall procure and ma�ntain policies of fire �nsurance with standard ext�nded <br />