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��15���57 <br /> DEE� �F TRLJ�T <br /> Loan No: �7�05��D9 ��ont[r�u�d� Page � <br /> threatened [itigation or claims o� any kind by any person rela�ing �a such matkers; and �3} Exc�pt as pre�ious[y <br /> discIosed to and ackno�nrledged hy Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenan-�, Contractor, ag�n�o�r other <br /> author�zed user�f the Proper�y shall use; genera�e, manufacture, s�ore, ��eat, dispose of ar release any Hazardous <br /> Substance vn, under, about ar from the Property; and {b} any suCh ac�i�ity shall he conduc�ed in comp[iance wi#h <br /> all app[icable federal, s�a�e, and foca[ laws, regulations and ordinances, includ�ng withou� Iimitation a[I <br /> En�i�-onmental Laws. Trust�r au�hari�es Lender and its agenfis to enter upan -�he Properry ta make such <br /> inspections and �ests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropr�ate to determine comp[iance o� th� <br /> Property with this section o�the Deed vf Trust. Any inspec�ivns �r tes�s made by Lender shaII he ��r Lender`s <br /> purposes on[y and shall nv�be c�ns�rued tv crea�t� any responsibiCity�r liability vn�he part o�L�nder ta Trustor or <br /> to any oth�r person. The representations and warranties contained herein are based on Trustorrs due dil�gence in <br /> �nves�iga�ing -�he Property-�ar Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby ��} re�eases and w�i�es any�uture ciaims <br /> against Lender-�or indemnity vr contr�bution �n the eWenfi Trus��r hecomes liab�e for cl�anup or o�her costs under <br /> any such Iaws; and ��} agrees to indemnifyr ���el��� and hald ha�rm�ess Lender against any and all claims, losses, <br /> fiabi[itiesr damages, penalties,and expenses which Lender may d�rect[y or indirec�ly sustain or suf�er�esu[ting�rvm <br /> a breach o�f this sectivn o�the Deed ot Trus� or as a consequence of any use, gen�ra�ivn, manufa�ture, storage, <br /> disposal, �-eIease or�hr�at�ned re[ease v��urrin� prior ta Trus�tor's ownership or interest in the Property,whe�her ar <br /> nQ� fihe same v+ias or should ha�e been known �o Trus�or. The pro��sions �f �his section af the Deed o� Trus�, <br /> including the obliga�ion tv indemni'fy and de�end,shall sur���e the payment o�r the Indebt�dness and the satisfa�-tion <br /> and re�onWeyance o��he lien of-�his �3eed af Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisitivn of any in�erest <br /> in the Prop�rty, �nrhether by�or�c[osur�vr vthe�-wise. <br /> ' Nuisancer WaS�e. T�us�or shail not cause, conduct vr permi� any nuisance nar cornmif, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping o�f or waste vn or�o the Property �r any portion o�the Property. 1111ithou� �im'rting the genera[i�y o€the <br /> foregoing, Trustor vvi�i no� remvve, or grant tv any o�h�r party the righ�fa remove, any fimber, minerals {including <br /> oil and gas�, coal, clay, scoria,soil,gra�el or rock products wi�hou�Lender's priar writ�en consent. <br /> Reanova[o�lmprv�ements. T�-ustar shal[ nv�demo[ish or remo�e any[mpro�emen�s from the Rea� Property withou� <br /> Lender's pr'ror written consent. As a cond�tivn tv�he remo�al o�any lmprvWements, Lender may require Trustor to � <br /> make arrar�gements satisfactory �o Lender to replace such �mprovements v�rith Irnpro�ements of at least equal <br /> Walue. <br /> Lender's F�ight to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and �epresentati��s may enter upon the Reaf Pr�perty a� a[[ <br /> reasonab[e �irr��s t� a��end to Lender's in�erests and t� ir�spect �he Rea[ Proper�y for purposes a� Trus�or`s <br /> comp��ance with the t�rms and conditivns of Deed of�rust. <br /> Cvrnpliance with Governmen�aI R�quiremenfs. Trustor sha[[ prvmptly compfy with a[[ [aws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�at'rons, now or hereafter in ef�ect, of a11 governmen�al authori-�ies app[icable to the use or occupancy vf the <br /> Property. Trus�or may cvntest in g�od €aEth any such law, ❑rdinance, o�-regulativn and withhvld camp[ian�e during <br /> any praceeding, inc[uding app�opriate appeals, so long as Trus�tor has notifi�d Lender in wri-�ing prior to doing so <br /> and so [ong as, in Lender's sole apinivn, Lender's �nterests in the Property are not jeopardized. Lender may�-equire <br /> Trustor to post adequa�e securi�y or a surety bond, reasonably satis�act�ry to Lender,to pro�ect Lender's interes�. <br /> Duty to Pro�ect. Trusto.r agrees neither fio abandon or lea�e una��ended �he Property. Trustar sha�� do all other <br /> acts, �n additian tv those acts set�orth abo�e in this section, which from�he chara�ter and us�of the Property are <br /> r�asonably necsssary�o pro�tect and preserWe�he Property. <br /> DUE �N SALE-C�NSENT�lr LENDE�. Lender may, a�t Lender's op�ionr, dec�are immedia�ely due and �ayab[e all sums <br /> secured by this Deed ��Trust upan th�sa[�o�trans�er, without Lender's pri�r written cvnsen�, ofi all or any parz❑��he <br /> F�ea� Property, �r any inte�est in the Real Prvp�r�y. A "sale o��ransfer" means the c�nveyance o�F�ea[ Pr�per�or any <br /> righ�k, tifCe or in�e�est in �he Real Property; whether [egaf, b�n��icia[ or equi�able, whether va[un�ary or in�oluntary; <br /> whether by outright sa[e, deed, installment sale cvntract, �and �ontract, con�ract for deed, �ea�sehold interes� with a <br /> term grea�er than�hree {3} yea�s, lease-op�ion contrac�, or by sale, assignment, �r�ransfer of any beneficial interest in <br /> or to any land trus� ho�d�ng tit[e �o the Rea� Praper�ty, ar by any vth�r msthc�d vf conveyance o�an interest in the Real <br /> Prop�r�y. Howe�er, this aptian sha[[ not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is proh�bited by federa[ Iaw or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAKES AND LIENS. Th� f�[[owing pro�isions relafiing to the �taxes and �iens on the Property are part of this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payr�ent. Trustvr sha[[ pay when due 4arad in�l[events prior to d�Iinquency} a[�ta�ees,specia[taxes, assessments, <br /> charges {inc[ud�ng wate�and sewer}, fines �r�d "rrr�posi�ions [e�ied agair�st or on acca�ant of the PrQper�y, and sha�[ <br /> pay when due all c[air�s for vvork done on or��r ser�ic�s rendered �r ma�erial furnished to the Pr�per�y. �rus�or <br /> shall maintair�the Pa-oper�ty�ree o�all l.iens having priare�y over�r equal to�he interest of�ende�ur�der�hes Deed of <br /> Trust, except f�� the lien o� �taxes and assessmen�s not due and exce�t as o�hervtirise pro�ided in this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> F�ight tv Gan�est. Trustor may wi�hhold paymen�afi any�ax, assessment, or claim �n connec�ion with a good fai�h <br /> dispute oWer th�obligation to pay, so [ong as Lende�-'s interest in the Proper�y is not jeopa�-di�ed. 1�a lien arises ar <br /> is filed as a result of nonpaymen�, Trus�t�r shal� withfn �rifteen ��5� days after the lien a�ises or, if a lien is filed, <br /> v�ithin fifteen ��l�} days after Trus�ar has no�ice of the �i[irig, secure the disCharg� a�the [ien, or i-� requ�st�d by <br /> Lender, deposi�with LencIer cash vr a su�f�c�en�k corpora�te sure�y bond vr other security satisfactary to Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient to d;scharge�he lien plus any costs and atforneys' fees, or other cha�rges that cou[d accrue as a <br /> resul�of a foreclosure or sa[e under the lien. �n any contes�,Trustar shall defend �tse[f and Lender and sha��sa�isfy <br /> any adverse judgment before enforcement against the Proper-ky. Trustor sha�f narne Lender as an add�tianal ob[igee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he contes�proeeed�ngs. <br /> Eviden�e v�Paymen$. Trustor shal[ upon demand �urnish t� Lende�satisfactory e�id�n�e af�ayrrier��o��he tax�s <br /> or assessmer��s and sha[[ authori�e�he appropriate goU�rn��nf�[ o���cial fio defi�er to Lender at any tirr�e � �nrr�tten <br /> s�a�ement of�he taxes ancd assessmen�s agains�the �'roper�ye <br /> iVofi�e vf Cvns�ru���on. Trustor shall no�k��y Lender at leas�fifteen ��5} days before any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, or any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's li�n, mater'ralmen°s lien, or <br /> o�her lien could be asserted on accoun� af�he workr S�CVIC�Sr or materiais. Trustor will upon requ�st �f Lender <br /> furnish t� L�nder ad�ance assurances sa�isfa��ory �a Lender that Trus�ar can and vvi[I pay �he cast af such <br /> 'impro�ements. <br /> Pi��PE�i�'Y �AIUTAGE iNSURANCE. The�oI[owing pra��sians r�[ating to insuring�he Property are a part o�th�s Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> il�aintenanG� o� �nsurance. Trustor sha[[ pr�cure and rna�nta�n a�o�icies of -�ire insurance with s�andard �ex�e�ded <br /> � cv�erage endarsemen�s on a replacemen� basis for the �u[� insurable �alue coverirtg a�l Impro�err�en�s vn the Real <br /> Properr� �n an amount suffiCien� �o aWoid applicati�n o� any coinsurance clause, and w�th � s�anda�� rnor�tgagee <br /> clause in favor of Lender,togs�her wi-�1n such o�che�hazard and [iabili-ty�nsurance as Lender r����-eas�nab�y re�uired <br /> Policies shaf[ be wri�ten in -��rrr-�, am�un�s, coverage� and b�sss reasanably accepta�[e �� �.ender and �ssued by a <br /> company ar cvmpanies reasonably acceptab[e �o Lender. Tr�stor, upon reques� vf Lend�r, wilE deli�er fio Lender <br /> �rom t�me to time the pa[icies or certifica�es of insurance in �vrm sat�sfac�ory�o Lender. inc[uding stipulativns �ha�k <br /> c�Werages will not be cancelled �r d�min�shed without at feast�en ��0} days privr w�-�tten not�ce to Lend�r. Each <br />