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Y <br /> ��15����5 <br /> S. Endorsin� �nsurance policies or insurance proceeds chec�s and �r�or��a�e <br /> payment checks to the order of the�am�any or�onnpanies; <br /> �. �xecuting setti�m�nt a�reements, ��ns�nfi ord�rs, st�pula�ions or ofh�r c�ns�n�ed <br /> �a caur�d�cum�nts; and <br /> 7. Any and a�l such o�her acts Qf any kznd and nature �ha�soe�er that are nece5sary <br /> or apprapriate to im.plement the transac�i�n� con�emptated by�he Asse� P�urchas� <br /> Agreement and Ser�icing Agre�ments or �o �ake a�y a.nd al� action necessary ta <br /> p�rfect the interest of`��wer� in any m�rtgage laan as ta wh�ch the servicing was <br /> ac�uired by �cw�n pursuant to �he Asset Purchase A�reemer�t, in�ludin�, <br /> vWxt�hout I�mitation, d���gating the au�h�rrty granted her�in to ne�essa�-v thzrd <br /> parties �uch as, but no� limited to, Iaw firms �r�rust companxes and each af�he�r <br /> off cers, direct�rs, employees, agen�s and as�igns. <br /> Each �ampany further grants to �cwen full power and authority to do and per�'arm ai l ac�s <br /> r�ecessary for Q�wen ta carry in�a effect�he p�wer or po�ers granted by or under this Limi��d P��rer of <br /> At�orn�y as fuily as �he �ompanies might or could do wi�h �he sarne �alidi�y as if all and ewery such act <br /> had be�n herein par�icu�arly stated, expressed and especia�l� pro�ided for, and hereby ra�ifies and <br /> �on�rms aII tha�C�cwen sha�� �a�fully da by�ir�ue of the pawers and authori�y grar�ted an� co����np�ated <br /> hereby, a.r�d al� tha� C��wen has pre��ously dor�e pursuant �o or in conn�ct�a� with the Ass�� Purcha.�e <br /> Agreemen� or any povver of attorney previausly granted by the �ompanies �� ��wen, This Lim��ed <br /> Power of Attorney shal� be effec�ive Navernber �, Z��3 and r�mair� zn fuli force and e�fec� unti� re�oked <br /> or��rminated by�h�Companies. <br /> Third par�ies �vithaut actuai n��ice may rely upan the exercise of�he p��ver �rant�d under this <br /> Limit�d Power �f Attarney, and may be satisfi�d tha� �his I�imited P�wer af Attarney ��as n�� �7��T1 <br /> revo�ed �y the�ampan�es. <br /> S IGNATURE PAGES T4 F�LL�'�V <br />