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��15���57 <br /> ���� �F T��JST <br /> �..��� ��: "��'�'I�'I��� ���r��inu��l� ���� � <br /> in �##�c�r C�rl'1�If��i�� v+�ith �I-�� ir��Ur�r�ee pravi�i�n� ��n��in�� in tl�� fn�trurr��r-�t ��i�l�n�in� �u�F� ��i�t�n� <br /> l�r��bt��lne�� �h�l� ��n�ti�ut� c�m�li�r�ce v�ith tl�e in�u�a��� �arovi���n� �n��r �hi� ���� �f Tr�st, t� #h� extefl� <br /> ��mpl��r��� r�itl� t�t� �e�rr�s �f tl�is C���cl �f Tr��t v��ul� ��n�titut� � �l��lE��t�an �f insuran�� ���uir�m�r�t. I� �ny <br /> pr����d� f��m �h� insuran�� ���arr�� p��ral�l� �r� I���r th� pr�v�sians in thi� ���� �# Trus� f�� �ivi�iar� �� pra����� <br /> sl���l ���I���ly t�th�t p�rti�n of th� pr�ceeds r���p���k�l������ �ald�r�f tl�� �xis�ir�g Indebted��ss. <br /> Tr��t�r`� R�R�rt�r� ins�,ran��. �1 po r� r�q u est �f L�n�e rr hav�r�v�r r��t rr��r� �1��� an c� a �rear, �rust�r s I��11 f�r�i�h <br /> t� Lenc�e� � r��o�� �n �a�k� ��istin� ��lic� �� irrs�rar�c� sh�v+�ir�g: �"1� th� n�m� �f tk�� ir�sur�r; ��) th� ris�Cs <br /> ir�s�r��; ��} th� ��aur�t �f th� pal��yr {�� ��� �����rty insured, t�n� tl��r� ��urr�nt r��la��r��r�t ����� �f su�� <br /> pr�pert�r, and �h� m��n�r�f��#��rr�ir�ir�� ti�a����u�; an� ��} th� �xp4r�ti�n �1��� �f t�� ��Ik��r. Trus�or �hallf up�n <br /> r�q u��st�# L�n�1�r, h�v� �r� ir�r��p�n��nt a�p ra i�er s��i sfa�t�ry t� L��d�r d�t�r�i r�e�he �as h val�� r�pl a�em�nt���t <br /> �f tl�� �'��p�rty� <br /> ��Na�F�'S E�P�N�IT�J�E�. If �r�y ��t�an ar �r����d�n� i� ��mrr��n��cl tl��t �rvauld r�at�ria�ly �ff��t L�nd�r'� i���r�st Gn <br /> ��t� P����rty �r i�r Yru�t�r f�il5 t� ��m�I�r vtir ith a r��r �r�vi�ia� o�thi� ��ed �f Tr�st ar a r�y R���t�d ���um e nt�� i n�I��ii r�� <br /> b�� n�t li�it��l �� Tr�st�r`s f�tlUr� tQ ��m�l�r with ar��r �k�li��ti�r� to m�ir���in Exis#ing ln�i�bt��in��s in ����! �t�t��ir�� as <br /> r��Uir�� ��l�vtir� ar to di���ar�� �r p��r�I��n�l�e ar�y �m�un���Tru�tar is r��t�Er��l t�c�is�har�� �r ��y un��r thi� D��� �f <br /> Tr�s� �r �ny F��lated a��u€�r��ntsr Lend�r �n Trust�r'� b�half may �bu�k �1���1 n�t b� a�ali�a�ed ��� t�1�� ��y a��i�n �hat <br /> L�nd�r dee�� ap�r�pri���, in�l��ir�� k��at n�t lir�i��d ta �i��har�in� ar �ay�r�� �II t��c��r li�r��, ��curity int�r��ts, <br /> �r���mbrar���s a�d �t��r �l�i�s� �t a�y ��m� 1�vi�c� �r pl���� �rr tl�� �ra�er�y ar�d pa�ri�� all ���ts f�r ir��uring, <br /> r��€ntainin� and �res�r�in� #h� P���erty. All �€�cf� ���a�nd'atu�e� in�urr�d �r p��d k�� L�r�d�r f�� �u�h �u�-�a�ses �r+ri�l th�n <br /> k�ear �n��r��t at th� ��t� �f��rg�� �nd�r the I���e fr�m �h e ��t� i r��u rr�� �� ga ic� b�r L�nd e r t� Xh� d�t� �f ����yr��nt by <br /> Trus��r. All �u�h ��c�ens�s �rvi�l ������ � �arfi �f th� Ind��t��n�s� and, �t L�n��r"� ��tian, �vill �A} i�� �a�r��I� �n <br /> �i�m�r��; �B� I�� ����� �� th� l�al�n�e �� th� N�t� ar�c� k�� �p�a�����r��d �man� a�n�l b� payabl� v�rith ar�y �r�st�l�ment <br /> ���rri�r�ts t� be�am� du� �l�rin� �ith�r ��I� ��� t�rm �f an� �p�licabl� in��r�n�� p�li�y; �r {�� th� r�rr���nin� ��rm �f <br /> tl�� �1���; �r ��} t�� tr����� as � ballaor� p����n� �nrhi�h �rvill �� �u� �n� ���r�bl� a��h� N���'� m�turit�r. Ti�� ���d a� <br /> Tr�s� al�� vvi11 ���ure p���n�nt �f th�s� am�u�ts. �u�h ri�h� �h�ll �� ir� a�l�iti�r� �[� �il a�h�r right� and r�m��1��s to <br /> v�rhi�h ��n+��r m��r b� �r�ti�l�� u��r� a�#aul�. <br /> 1�If1�RF��N�Yr aEF�N,�E��TITLE. Tf��fall�v+�in� pro���i�ns r�l�tir��t� av�vr��r�l�i�af th� �ra�erty�r� � �art�f thi� ����I <br /> �f Trust: <br /> ���I�_ Tr��t�r warr�nts tl��t: �a} �rus�ar h�l�� ���� �n� rr��r��ta�le �Etl� af r���rd t� th� �r�p�rty �r� f�� sirr�pl�, <br /> fr�� and �lear �f al� li�r�s �r��1 en��m�rar���� ��her than th��� ��# f�r�rh in th� ��al �'����r�y ��s�ri�ti�r� �r i� the <br /> ��i�tin� Ind��t�dr��ss ��ctian ��l��r �r ir, �n�r t�tl� i���rar��� ��ki�y, t�tl� r��or�t, �r fi�al �k�tl� a�ini�r� issu��#in fav�r- <br /> �f, �n� �ccept�� 1��, ��n�l�r in ��nr���tian v�rith th�� C}�ed af Tru�tr �n� �k�} Tr��t�r l��s tl�e �ul1 righ�r ��v�r�r, �r��f <br /> �uth�raty t� ����ut� �r�� d�liver th�i� a��d af Trust t� L�nd��. <br /> ae��r�s� �f �'�tl�. S�a�j��t t� th�� ��c�e pti an i n the �a r��ra�h �b�v�� Tru�t�r vtir�rr�n�� �n� vtir ikl f�r�v�� ��fe r�d th� <br /> trtl� t� tf�� �����rty a�ai r�st�h� l��vful �I a i ms �f�II ��r��r�s. I n �h� ����t an� a c�ior� �r �r����d�n� i s ��m m�n��� <br /> th at�U��ti�n� �r��tor'� titl� �r tl�� ir�t�r�st ��'T�ru���� �r L�n��r �an d�r thas ��ed a�Tr�,s�r Trust�r s h��l� ��f�n d th� <br /> ��ti�rr �t Tru�st��`s �xRe�s�. Trus��r m��r b� tl�� r��mir�al p�rty in ���h p��c��din�, �ut L�r�d�r s��ll �� �n�i�l�� t� <br /> par�i�ip�t� in the pr�ceedir�� ��� t� �e re�re��r�t�d in th� pra����in� ��r c�u�s�l a# L�n��r'� �wr� �k��i��r and <br /> �rust�r �rill �f�li�rer� ar ��Us� t� �� ��liv�red, t� L�n�l�r �Uch ins�ruments �s l�en��r r��� r�q��st �r�m �im�t� tim� <br /> tv p�rm��su�h p�rti�ip�ti�n. <br /> �arrr�li�rr�� l�llith Laws. Trust�r �arrar�t� �i��t ��� �r�p�rt�r �n� Trustar's u�� �f the l�rQ�erty ��mpli�s v�itk� ��I <br /> ��€i�tin� ��p�i�ak�l� lav�r�r �r�lin�n��s, and r���l���a�� �f��v�rnm��tal au�#��rit���. <br /> ��rviva� Q� Ra�r���nt�t���� �n�i V�l�rr�nti�s. AEl r�pr��ent�ti��s� v��rr�r�ti�sr �n�i a�r��rr��nt� r��d� ��r T�us��r in <br /> #hrs �eed ��Tru�t sh�ll �ur�iv��h� ������i�n �nd d��iv�r}r a�thi� D���i �fi Trustr shal� t�� ��ntinuin� in r��t�r�r ar�d <br /> sF�a�ll r�mair� in#ull f���� �n��#f��t ur�ti!such tim� �s Tr�s��rT� In�l�bt��lr���� sh�ll �a� p�id ir���II, <br /> E�I��IhI� II��E�TEaNE��. Ti h� fial�o�rin� pr��i�ion� c�n��rr�ir�� E�i�ting �n�J�f�t��in��s ��� � ��r��fi this I�����f�r��t: <br /> Exis��n+� LE�n. T�� li�n �f thi� a��d o� �ru�� ����r�n� tl�� ln�l�l�t��ir��ss rrray b� ����r�d�r� �r�� i�f���ar ta sn <br /> ��i�ti n� 1 i��� Tru�t�r e�p r�s�ly ��u�na r�ts a r�d a�r��� t� �a yr ❑r s�� �� tl�� paym�nt ��, tf�� E�ci�ti n� I r�d�����r��s s <br /> �nd t� pre��nt an�al�fault�n su�h in���tedr���s, �n�r d�f��lt un��r th� ir�strument� �vir��n�i�� su�h i��i�t�t�t�n��sr <br /> �r an�r d�f��lt und�r���r s��urity da�um�r�ts f�r��a��r in�e�t�dr��ss. <br /> Na M�d�fi��tia�. YrU�tar �I�all n�t ent�� irrt� �ny ��r��ment v�rith th� I��Id�r �f an�+ mart����, ��ed �f tru�t, ar <br /> �th�r ����ri#�+ ��r��rn�nt v�r�i�S� h�� priari�y o�r�r ��ri� ���d afi Trust �y whici� tl�a� �����m�nt i� m��i�i�d f <br /> am��d�d, �x�end�d, �r r�n�vxr�� witi�aut t�� �ri�r �rritt�n ��n��nt �f L�r���r. Trust�r �hall n�it��r r�����t r�or <br /> a���pt any f��ur� �d���c�� ur�d�r an�r���h s��urit�r a�r��rrti��t vtirith�u�th� pri�r v�rritt�r� ���ns�r�t��L�nd�r. <br /> ��Na��JIN�17��N. Th�f�ll�v�in� pr��ris��r�� rela�in��� ��n�l��nr�a���ri �r�����iin�$ �r� � p�r#�f thi� a��d a#�I"ru�t: <br /> Pr�����lir���. I f �ny p r�����lin� i r� ��r�d�rr7��tian i� �i r��i r Tru�t�r �I���I �r�m p�ly n�tif�r I�en��r i r� �riting, �n� <br /> Trust�r shall �r�m�tly t�l�� su�l� steps �� m�� k�� n���ssary t� d�#en� th�� ��ti�n an�l �f���ir� tF�� av�rar�. Trust�� <br /> ���r �� t�r� ��mi�a� p�rt�r in �u�h pr�c���#in�, i��t L����r�h�fl k�e �r��itl�� t� ��rti����t� [r�th� pr�c���iir�g ar�d t� k�� <br /> ���res�r�#�d �n #�� pr����din� �Oy �aun��l �f its �v�n cl�ai��r �n�f Tru�tor vxrill ��I�u�r �r cause �� f�� �leli��r��l �� <br /> �.�nd�r s�ch� in�t��m�nt� and d���m�r�tati�n a� ma� k�� r�q�es��d �� �.enc#�r fr�� tirr3� t� �i�� t� �errr�i� �u�� <br /> p�rti�i��tior�. <br /> A��ali�ati�n �f N�t�rv�e��s� �f �I1 �� �n�r ��r� �f th� �ro�e�ty i� �����m r��� �y �m i��nt d�m a E r� pr�c�e�li r��s ar �y <br /> �n� �r����clin� ar �u������ fn li���f��r�d�mnati�nf L.�r�d�r ma}� �t i�s�I���i�n r�quire tl��t all �r�r�y �ar�ian �f t�e <br /> n�� pro����s o� th� �v��r� �e ap�li��l t� th� Ind�bt��r��ss �r tl�� rep��r �r r�st�r�ti�n �� th� Pr���rty. Tf�� r��t <br /> p r�ce�d� �#�rh� avtira rd �h�II m�a n the �irv a rd �fter �aaym�r�t ���il ��as�na�l� ���t�r ��p�n��s� an� att�rr��y�T fees <br /> i n�u rr�� by 7r��t�e�r L�n��r ir� ��nne�#i��n v�rith tl�� c�n�e t�r��t�an. <br /> IIU1���I�I�N �F T�1���, F�ES A�� �HAR�E� �Y ���Ei�NM�I��'�L AIJTH�F�I�I��. T�� f�l��v�rin� pr�vi�€v�s r�latin� <br /> ta g����nm�nt��tax�s, f��� �r�c��harg�� ��� � ��rt�f th�i� ���d �fi�ru�t: <br /> �urren� �ax��� F��s �ncl ���r���. Upan r��u��t �y L�r�d�r, T���t�r �ha�l ��c���t� s�r�h d��um�r�ts i� �ddit��n t� <br /> th�� I���� �f�rUst and ��k� �vh�t���r �t��r ���t��ri is requested b�r �.�n��r t� ��rf��t and ��nt�n�� ��n��r's li�n �� � <br /> #he F�e�l Pr���rt�. ����tor sh�ll r�imb�rse L�r�r��� f�r �II ta�€��r �s d�s�rik��d b�l��r ta��th�r v+�ith �II ��c��ns�� <br /> ir���rr�� ir� r�c�rdir��, p�r���tin� �r �anti�ruir�� this ���� af Tr��t, in�l��in� v+�ith�u� limitati�r� ��l ta���s, ����r <br /> d��ument�ry�tamp$r ��o� �th�r�har��s fi�r r��ar�in� �� r�gi�t�rin�thi� l���d o�rrust. <br /> Ta��€��. Th� f�ll��r�r�� s I�a 11 ��n��it�#� taxes t� w hi c f� tl�is s��ti an a�p[i��: �1� a s���i#i� ta�€ up�n th i� ty�� �f <br /> ���d o� �ru�t �r up�r� a I� �r a r�y ��rt �f th� I r�de����n��s s��u�re d i�}� t��� ���� �f Tru��r (�} a �p�c ifk� t��c on � <br /> Tru�t�r v�hi�h Trus��r is �Ut�ar��ed ar r�qui��d �� c���u�t#r�rr� ��ym�nts a�r th� ���l�k����ln��s s��ur�d l�y th�is t��� . <br /> af ���� a��rU�t; ��} a �a� an thi� ��+�e �f ���d ���rust �harg�a��� ��ains�th� L��d�r�r th� I�alder �#th� N�t�r . <br /> �r�� ��} � specifi� ���c �n all �r ar�y p�rti�n af th� �nd��t��n��s �r �ri �a�rr��r�ts �f prin�i�al ar�� int�r��t rr7��� �y <br /> Tru�t��n <br /> �u�1�s�qu�n� 7a�e�. If ��y t��c �t� vtirhi�f� t}�is �ectian a��li�� is en��#�� �ut�sequent ta th� �at� �� this ���� �� <br /> Tru��r thi$ �v�r�t ��all 1-���r� �ch� s�rne �ff��� �s �r� Ev�r�t �� a�f�ult� an� ��n��r m��r ��€�r�is� �ny ar a!I �f its <br /> avail�bl� r�m��ii�s ��r an Ev�r�� �f ��f��lt �� pra�ad�ci b�la�,r ur�l��� Trust�r �i�h�r ��} p��r� th� �ax la�far� �t <br />�`._ •��I� �i �I I I ��' :I� .� . �'�i.i I� � � �� I II I' IIJ rll: I�I I •••T^ I••_I••••••���� ••••J••I�•I•• � •�•••_•~••,•.••�il.l I I•I I �=a I.Y � .I -l II II I I I I�I�14 I I i • i . I' ••y•T•�-�. <br />