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��15���1� <br /> ��; "Lend�r" �s Hom� F�dera� Sa�i ngs and Loan Assp of �rand I sl and <br /> Lender�s a SaWi ngs and Loar� <br /> argan�zed and existing under the�aws of The S�ate of Nebraska . <br /> Lender's address is 2�1 5outh La�ust 5t �rand I s1 and NE �8841 <br /> Lender is the ben�f�c�ary under this Security Instrument. <br /> 4�� ��TrusteeTr �S Ar�nd R �aa�k, Attorney <br /> �E� "Note" means�h�promiss�ry not�sign���� Borrower and dated J a n u�r'y �8, ��l5 . The N��e <br /> states tha�Barrawer�w�s Lend�r N INETY �NE TF�DUSA�VD SEVEN HU�DRED E IGHTY AND <br /> Q�114� <br /> Do��ars �U.S. $91,78D.aa }p�us �n�erest. Borrower has pranl�sed t�pay�his d�bt in regu�ar <br /> Periodi� Payments and to pay the debt in fu��not�a�er than F�bruary l, 2�45 , <br /> �F� "Pr�perty" means th�proper�y�ha�is�iescrib�d b��ow under the heading "Transfer of Righ�s �n�he <br /> Proper��." <br /> 4G� "Laan" means�he deb�e�idenced by�he Note, plus interes�, any prepayrnen�c�arges and�ate charges due <br /> under the Note, and alI sums due under th�s Secur��y �nstrum�nt, plus in�eres�. <br /> �H� "R�der�" mtans al�R�ders to th�s Security Instrumen��ha�are executed b�Barro�er. The fo�low�ng Rid�rs <br /> are to be exe�u�ed by Borrower�check b�x as app�icab�e�: <br /> [�Ad�us�able Rate R�der 0 ��ndam�nzuni R�d�r 0 Second Home Rider <br /> �]Ballaon R�der 0 Planned I1nit Deve�opment Rider 0 �W4 Family R�der <br /> [�VA Rider 0 Biwe�kly Paymen�Rider 0 t]�her�s� �spec�fy� <br /> �I� "AppliGab�e Law" mean�a��cantro��ing app�icable federal, stat�and�oca� statutes, regu�a�ians, ordinances <br /> and administra��ve ru�es and orders��ha�have the effect of�aw} a�we�� as aIl appi�cab�e��na�, non-appealable <br /> �ud�cial op�ni�n�. <br /> �J� "�ommunity Associativn Dues, Fees, and As�es�ments" means all dues, fees, a�sessments and other <br /> charges that are imposed on Barravver or the Property by a�um associa��on, homeowners <br /> ass�ciation ar sim�.lar organization. <br /> �K� "Electrvnic Funds T�ansf�r" means any transf�r of funds, other�han a transac�ion arig�na�ed by check, <br /> draf�, �r similar paper ins�rurnent, which is initiat�d thrnugh an e�ectronic t�rmina�, telephonic instrument, <br /> comput�r, or magnetic tape so as t��rder, �nstruG�, flr au�horize a f�nanc�al ins�i�ution to debit or credit an <br /> a��aunt. Such term includes, but�s not linn�ted to, pa�n��af sale�ransf�rs, au�oma�ed tel�er machine <br /> transac�ions, transfers initiat�d by telephone, wire transf�rs, and automa�ed c�earinghouse transfers. <br /> �L� "Escrow Items" means thos�i�ems that are de�cribed zn Sect�on 3. <br /> �M; "Miscel�aneous Proceeds" means any campensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by <br /> any third party �o�her than�nsuran��pr��e��s paid under the co�erag�s described in Section 5} for: �i� <br /> damage to, or de�truction of, the Prapert�; tii}condemnati�n or other taking of al� or any par�of the <br /> Pr�per�y; �i�i}conveyance in�ieu of c�n�emna�ion; or�iv}misrepresen�ations af, or omissions as to, the <br /> va1u�andlar cond�t�on af th�Pra er� . <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe�amily-Fanr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNtFaRM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 7101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�;�1302y <br /> Walters Kfuwer�inar►cial 5er�i�es Pa�e 2❑f 17' <br />