<br /> �3EED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: 'I�'125�594 ���nt�nu�d} Page 9
<br /> 5uc�sssors and Assigns. Subject�a any fimita#ions stated in �his Deed ❑f T�ust an �rans�er of Trustor's in�erest,
<br /> this Deed ot Trus� shall be binding upan and inure to �he bene�ifi ��the part�es, their successors and assigns. If
<br /> ownership a�fihe Praperty becomes �ested in a person other than Trustor, Lender, without n��ice to Trus�or, may
<br /> ' deat with Trusfior's succ�ssors with re�erence t❑this Deed ❑fi Trus�and the Indebtedness by way o�forbearance ar
<br /> extension without reEeasing Trustvr from the obliga�ions o�this Deed of Trust❑r iiabili�y under the lndebtedness. �
<br /> Time is a#the Essen�e. Time is o�th�essence in�he pertormance�f�his ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> Waiver o�f Hvmestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s ❑�f �he homestead
<br /> exemp�ion laws of the Sfiafie of Nebraska as to a�f lndehtedness secured by�his Deed af Trusfi.
<br /> DEFiNITIDNS. The following words shall ha�e the fo�iowing meanings when used in this Deed vfi Trust:
<br /> Bene�iciary. The ward "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Poinfis Bank, and its su��essors and assigns.
<br /> Bvrrower. The word "Bvrrower" means SC�TT A LEMEK and L1SA K LEMEK and includes all co--signers and
<br /> co-makers signing�he Nate and all their successors and assigns.
<br /> � Deed of Trust. The words "�eed ❑f Trust" mean this ❑eed of Trust amang Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes with�ut Iimi�a�ion a�l assi�nment and securi�y interest provisivns rela�ing to the Personaf Prvper�y and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En►rironmental Laws. The words "En�irvnmental Laws" mean any and a!I sta�e, federai and local s�atu�es,
<br /> regulatians and ❑rdinances relatin� �o the pro�ect;on of human heaith vr �he en�ironmen�, �ncfuding withaut
<br /> iFmi�ativn �he Comprehensi�e Envirvnmen�al Response, Compensatian, and Liabili�y Ac� ofi '198�, as amended, 42
<br /> �.S.C. 5ection 36�'I, et seq. 4"CERCLA"}, the Superfiund Amendments and Reau�horizatian Ac�o� �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99--499 �"SARA"},the Hazard�us Ma�er�a�s Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. 5ecti�n 'i 8�'�, efi seq.,�he Resource
<br /> C�nserWation and �eco�ery Acfi, 42 U.S.C. Sectian 89��, e�seq., ❑r o�her app[icable state ❑r�ederal laws, rules,
<br /> or regula�ivns advpted pursuan�thereto.
<br /> Even�vf De�auit. The words "E�ent of De-�au[�" mean any��the events o�de�ault se�forth in this �7eed ❑f T�-ust in
<br /> fihe e�en�s❑�defaul�section of this ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> Existing Indehtedness. The ►nrvrds "Existing lndebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Exisfiing Liens
<br /> praWision vf this Deed a�Trus�. .
<br /> Guaran�ty. The wo�d "Guaranty" means�he guaranty from guaran�or, endorser, surety, ar accommoda�ion party ta
<br /> Lender, including withou�t limitation a guaranty of all ❑r part❑�the Nvfie.
<br /> Hazardous Subsfan�es. The words "Hazardous Subsfiances" mean materials that, because af their quantity,
<br /> concentra�ion or physical, chemicai or infec�ious charac�eristics, may cause ❑r pase a p�-esent �r potential haza�-d
<br /> �v human health or the en��ronment when impraperly used, �r�at�d, s�ored, d�spased af, generafi�d, manufac�ured,
<br /> transpnrted or o�herwise handled. The wvrds "Hazardous Subsfiances" are used in th�ir very braadest sense and .
<br /> include withvut �imitation any and all hazardaus �r �oxic subs�anc�s, ma�t�riafs vr waste as defined hy or listed
<br /> � under the En�Eronmental Laws. The�erm "Hazardvus 5ui�stances" also incEudes, v+rtthou�limi�a�ivn, petroleum and
<br /> pe�roleum by-products ar any fractian thereof and ashestas.
<br /> Improvemen�s. The ward "lmprvWements" means all exisfiing and future impravemenfis, buildings, struc�ures,
<br /> m�bile homes affixed ❑n �he Rea� Proper�y, fiaci�ities, additions, repEacemen�s and �ther constructivn on �he Rea�
<br /> Property. �
<br /> �.�..___:.__�.� .:. .� . .�-... -.� ,.�
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "lnde��tedness" means alE principal, �nter�st,4 and o�her amounts, cos�ts and�expenses
<br /> payable under the Nate ar Rela�ed Documen�s, �agether wifih afl renewa[s of, extensions; a�, madifica��vns ❑fi,
<br /> consvlidafi�ons o�and substi-�u�ions for the Nate or Rela�ed Documents and any amoun�s expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender �o discharge Trustor's obligat�ons or expenses incurred h`y--`I'rus�ee or� Lender �o enforce TE"L15�aCF5
<br /> ob�iga�ions under �kh�s aeed o� Trust, togefiher wi�h in�erest on such amvunts as pra�ided in this ❑eed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> Specifica�ly, wifihout �imitation, Indel�tedness includes the �uture ad�anc�s se� forth in �he Fu�ture Ad�ances
<br /> p�-��isian o�F�his D�ed❑f Trus�,tvge�her with all �nterest thereon.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Poin�s gank, its suc�essors and assigns. The wards "successors �r
<br /> assigns" mean any person or cvmpany that acquires an�interes�in the Note. �
<br /> Note. The ward "No�e" means the promissory nate dated Dec�mber �3, ZD14, In the originai princjpal
<br /> amount af $��4,�i7�.��from Trus�ar to Lender, fivgether w�th ali renewals of, extensions v�, modifications
<br /> o�, refinancings❑�, conso��dations of, and subs�i�utians for�he promissary note❑r agreemen�. �
<br /> Persvna! Property. The wvrds "Persanal Property" mean all equipmen�, �ixtures, and ❑ther articles af persana!
<br /> prvper#y now �r hereaf�er ❑wned by Trustar, and now ❑r hereafker a�ached ❑r affixed to the Reai Property;
<br /> together wi�h all accessions, par�s, and additivns to, alf rep�acements o�, and alf subs�i�ut�ons for, any o� such
<br /> praperty; and tagethe� with al! pr�ceeds �including without fEmitatian all insurance proceeds and �-efunds o�
<br /> premiums}�Frvm any sale or o�her disposition of the Property.
<br /> � Prvperfy, The word "Property" means collec�i�eEy the Real Property and the Personai Propet-�ky.
<br /> Rea1 Property. The words "Real Prvperty" mean the rea� pr�perty, interests and rights, as fur�her describ�d in�his
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br />