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��15����� <br /> tC3 "Lend�r" �s Ha�n� Federal Sa�i ngs and Loan Assn of Grand I sl and <br /> Lender is a 5a��ngs �nd L�an <br /> organized and e�.�st�ng under the Iaws�f The St�`�� �f Nebr a s ka . <br /> Lender's address �s z�l S�uth Lo�ust 5t �rand Isl and NE 688D1 <br /> . <br /> Lender is the benefxciary under thzs Securi�y �nstrurnent. <br /> 4D� "Trustee" is Ar�nd R �aa�k, Attorney <br /> �E} rr Nvte" means the promissory no�e si�ne�by Barrower and dated �a n u a ry DS, �fl l5 . Th�Nate <br /> s�at�s �hat B�rrovver�w�s L�nd�r N I N ETY S I X TH�USA�D E I G�T HUN DRED 5 EV E NTY F I V E <br /> AND Dfl 114D <br /> Dallars �U.S. $9F,87a.�� }p�us �nteres�. Borrower has prom�ised t�pay this debt in regu�ar <br /> Peri�dic Paymen�s and t�pa�r�he debt in fu�� not iater than Fe b r u a r'y 1, 2�3 D , <br /> �F� "Pr�perty" means�he pr�per��that is descri�ed�elovv under�he htading "Transfer af R�gh�s zn�he <br /> Propert�." <br /> �G� "Laan" means�he deb�e�idenced b�r�he N�t�, p�us �nteres�, any prepaymen��harges and�a�e charges due <br /> under the Note, and al� sums due under�h�s Securi�y Instrunaent, p�us interest. <br /> 4H� "Riders" means a11 Riders�o this Security�nstrument�hat are executed by Borr�wer. 'T�e fallovw�ng R�d�rs <br /> are ta be�xecuted by Bflrravve�r �check bo�as appl�cab�e�: <br /> [�Adjustab�e R.ate Rid�r ��ondominium Rid�r �Se�ond Hom.e R�d�r <br /> C] Ba.�loon Rider 0 P�anned �Jnit Deve�apmen�Rxder � ��4 Farni�y Rider <br /> �VA R�der 0 Bivvee��y Paym�n�Rider � ��h�r�s} [specify] <br /> 4t� "App��cab�e Law" means a�� contro�ling app�icab�e f�dera�., state and lacal statut�s, regula�ions, ordinaYaces <br /> and administrative ru�es and arders �tha�hav�the effec�of�av�r} as vve�� as a�.� applicab�e f�nal, non-appea�ab�� <br /> judicial opinions. <br /> �J� "Cammunity Assvciatifln C�ues, Fees, and Assessments" rneans aI1 dues, f�es, assessmen�s a��.o�her <br /> charges tha�are imposed on Borr�wer or th�Property�y a condom�nium associati�n, homeown�rs <br /> assoczat�an ar simi�ar organization. <br /> �K} "Electrani� Funds Transfer" means any transfer af funds, other�han a transactian originated by check, <br /> draf�, or simui�ar paper instrument, which is in���ated thr�ugh an ei���ronic terminal., �e�ephon�c �nstrument, <br /> compUter, or magne�ic tape so as to order, instruct, �r author�ze a f�nancia� ins�i�ut�on�o deb�t or credi�an <br /> accnunt. Such�erm in�ludes, but is nat 1imi��d to, point-�f-sa�.e�ransfers, automa�ed tell�r machine <br /> transac�i�n�, �ransfers�nitia��d by te�ephone, �vire transfers, and automated c�earinghou�e tra�sf�rs. <br /> 4L� "Escrv►�v �tems" �neans those i�ems �hat ar�d�s�ribed in S�ctzan 3. <br /> tM� rr�1liiscel�ane�us PrnG�eds" m�ans any compensa�ion, set�len�ent, award�f damage�, �r pr����ds paid by <br /> ar�y third party �other than�nsurance proceeds pa�d under the cov�rages described in Section 5} for: �i} <br /> damag��os ar des�ruction of, the Prop�r�y; �ii}condemnat�on�r other taking of a11�r an�par�af the <br /> Property; �z��}��nve�rance ir�lieu of cond�mnat�on; �r�i�} m�isr�presen�at�ons of, or omissions as �o, the <br /> value andlor c�nd�t�on�f th�Pro er� . <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�2$110'� <br /> VMP[� VMP�fN�}t1342} <br /> Woiters Kluw�r�ina�cial 5er�ices Page 2 vf�7' <br />