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<br /> 19. INSURANCE. Trustor shall keep Property insured against loss by fire, flaad, theft and other hazards and
<br /> risks reasona�ly associated with the Property due to its type and locatian. This insurance shall be ma�ntained
<br /> in the amounts and for �he peri�ds tha� Bene�ciary requires. What Beneficiary requires pursuant ta the
<br /> preceding two 5�ntences can change during the t�rm of the Secured D�bt. The insurance carrier pro�iding
<br /> the insurance sha11 be chosen by Trustor subject to Beneficiary's appro�al, which shall nat be unreasanably
<br /> withheld. If Trustor fails tv maintain t,h� ca��rage described abo�e, B�neficiary may, at Benef�ciary's vption,
<br /> n�tain co�erage ta protect Beneficiary's righ�s in the Property accarding t� the terms of this S�curity
<br /> �nstrument.
<br /> Al� insurance policies and renewa�s shall be acceptable ta Beneficiary and �hall include a standard "mor�gage
<br /> clause" and, wh�re applicable, "loss paye� clause." Trustor shall immediately natify B�ne�ciary of
<br /> cancellation or termination �f �he insuranc�. Beneficiary shall ha�e �he right tn hvld the policies and
<br /> renewals. If Beneficiary requires, Trustor 5ha11 immediately gi�e tv Beneficiary all receipts af paid premiums
<br /> and renewal nati�es. Upon lass, Trustor shall gi�e immediate notice to the insuran�e carrier and Beneficiary.
<br /> Bene�ciary may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trustor.
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing, al� insurance proceeds �hall be appiied ta th� restoration ar repair of the
<br /> Property or to the Secured Debt, whe�her or not then due, at Bene�iciary's aption. Any application af
<br /> proceeds to principal shali n�t extend or postpone the due date af the scheduled payment nor change the
<br /> amount of any payment. Any excess will be paid to t�he �rant�r. Yf the Praperty is acquired by Beneficiary,
<br /> Trustor's right to any insurance po�icies and pra�eeds resulting from damage to th� Prvp�rty before the
<br /> acquisitian sha11 pass to Beneficiary to the extent of the Secured I3ebt�mmediately before�he acquisitinn.
<br /> 2�. ESCR�W F�R TA�ES AND INSURANCE. Un.less otherwise pra�id�d in a separate agreement, Trustar
<br /> vvill not b�required ta pay tv B�ne�ciary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> Z1. FINAN�IAL REPURTS AND ADDITIC3NAL D�CUMENTS. Trustar will pro�ide to Ben�fc�ary upon
<br /> r�quest, any financia� statemen� or information Beneficiary may deem rea5anably necessary. Trustor agrees to
<br /> sign, de�i�er, and �ile any additiona� documents or certi�cations �ha� Beneficiary may consider necessary to
<br /> perfect, cantinue, and preserve �rantar'S abligati�ns under this Se�urity Instrument and Beneficiary's lien
<br /> s�atus on the Property.
<br /> duties under this Security Instrument are joint and indi�idual. If Trustor signs th�5 Security YnStrumen� but
<br /> d�es not sign an e�idence of debt, Trustor daes sa only to mor�gage Trus��r's interest in the Property to
<br /> secure paym�nt of the Secured Deb�and Trustar does not agree to be persanally liable �n the�ecured Debt. If
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrument secures a guaranty between Bene�ciary and Trustor, Trustor agrees to wai�e any
<br /> righ�s that may pre�ent B�neficiary from bringing any action ar claim again5t Trustar or any party inde�ted
<br /> under �he abligatian. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti-deficiency or on�-acti�n �aws.
<br /> Trus�vr agrees tha� Beneficiary and any party to this 5ecurity Instrument may extend, m�dify �r mak� any
<br /> change in the terms of this Security Instrument or any e�idence of d�bt without Trustor's cansent. Such a
<br /> change wi�l not re�eas� Trustor fr�m the terms of this S�curity �nstrument. The duties and benefts of this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the success4rs and assigns af Trus�or and Beneficiary.
<br /> 23. APPLI�ABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N, This Security Instrument is go��rned by
<br /> the laws of the jurisdiction in which Bene�ciary is iocated, e�cept ta the extent atherwise required by the
<br /> Iaws �f the jurisdictian where the Pr�p�rty is located. This 5ecurity Instrument is complete and ful�y
<br /> integra�ed. ThiS Security �trument may not be am�nded or modi�ied by oral agreement. Any secti�n in th�s
<br /> 5ecurity �nstrument, �ttachments, ar any agreemen� related to the 5ecured D�bt that conflicts with applicabl�
<br /> 1aw w�11 nvt be effect�ve, unless �hat law expressly ar imp�iedly permits the �ariatians hy written agreement.
<br /> If any section of this Security Instrument eannvt be enfarced a�cording ta its terms, that section wil� be
<br /> 5evered a.nd will not affect the enf�rceability of the remainder of this Security Instrument. Wh�ne�er used,
<br /> th� singular sha11 include the plural and �he plural the singular. The_captivx�s..��,.b�ading�.��f the 5ections of
<br /> this Security ins�rument are f�r c�n�eruence only and a�e nat t�be us�d t� int�rpr�t.�r d�ffne�th� t�rms af�his
<br /> Security Instrumen�. Time is of the essence in this Secur�ty Instrument. � �
<br /> �
<br /> Z4. SUCCES5�R TRU5TEE. BenefiGiary, at Beneficiary's optian; may from time to time rem��� Trustee and
<br /> app�int a successar trustee wxthaut any ather formality than the designati�n in writing. The suc�essar trust�e,
<br /> without can�eyance of the Praperty, shall succeed tv all the title, gawer and duties canferred up�n Trustee by
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrument and applica�le 1aw.
<br /> Z5. NUTICE. Unless otherw�se required by law, any notice shall be gi�en by deli�ering it or by mailing it by
<br /> first class mail t� the apprapriate party's address an page 1 of t.his Se�urity �nstrument, ar to any other
<br /> address designated in writing. Nntice to one �rustar wil� be deemed to be notice to all trustars. Trustor and
<br /> Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any notice of default, and a copy af any notice of sale �hereunder, be
<br /> mailed to each parry at the address for 5uch party set f�rth on page 1 �f this Security Instrument.
<br /> Z6. WAIVERS. Exc�pt to the extent prvhibited by law, TruStor wai�es all appraisement and hflmestead
<br /> exemption rights relating to t,he Prvperty.
<br /> Security Instrume�t-Consumsr-N� RE-DT-NE 2/1/2013
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystems�'M VMP-C165tNEf �13�2y.QU
<br /> Walters ICluwer�inancial 5e��ic�s�1994,�011 Page 5 of fi
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